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1. The nominal level of measurement classifies data into mutually exclusive categories in which
no order or ranking can be imposed on the data. This is a scale of measurement that is used for
identification purposes. It is the weakest level of data measurement among the four. 

2. The ordinal level of measurement classifies data into categories that can be ranked; however,
precise differences between the ranks do not exist. Ordinal Scale involves the ranking or
ordering of the attributes depending on the variable being scaled.

3. The interval level of measurement ranks data, and precise differences between units of
measure do exist; however, there is no meaningful zero. This is a scale in which the levels are
ordered and each numerically equal distances on the scale have equal interval difference. If it is
an extension of the ordinal scale, with the main difference being the existence of equal

4. The ratio level of measurement possesses all the characteristics of interval measurement, and
there exists a true zero. In addition, true ratios exist when the same variable is measured on two
different members of the population. Ratio Scale is the peak level of data measurement.
1. Dichotomous scale
A dichotomous scale is a two-point scale which presents options that are absolutely opposite each
other. This type of response scale does not give the respondent an opportunity to be neutral on his
answer in a question.

Yes … No
True … False
Agree … Disagree
2. Category scale
The category scale uses multiple items to elicit a single response, as per the following example.
This also uses the nominal scale.

Where in London do you reside?

– East London
– South London
– West London
– North London
3.Likert Scale
The Likert scale is designed to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with statements on
a five-point scale.

This job is interesting.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disgree Strongly disagree
4. Fixed or constant sum scale

The respondents are here asked to distribute a given number of points across various items as per
the example below. This is more in the nature of an ordinal scale.

Examples: In choosing a toilet soap, indicate the importance you attach to each of the following five
aspects by allotting points for each to total 100 in all.

Fragrance —
Color —
Shape —
Size —
Texture of lather —
Total points 100
5. Stapel Scale

Stapel Scale is a unipolar rating scale designed to measure the respondent’s attitude towards the
object or event.

Example: How do you like the food?

Food Quality
– Content validity: Does the measure adequately measure the concept?

– Face validity: Do “experts” validate that the instrument measures what its name suggests it

– Concurrent validity: Does the measure differentiate in a manner that helps to predict a criterion
variable currently?

– Predictive validity: Does the measure differentiate individuals in a manner that helps
predict a future criterion?

– Construct validity: Does the instrument tap the concept as theorized?

– Convergent validity: Do two instruments measuring the concept correlate highly?

Reliability means that the results obtained are consistent. 
Validity is the degree to which the researcher actually measures what he or she is trying to
The reliability of a measure indicates the extent to which it is without bias and hence ensures
consistent measurement across time and across the various items in the instrument. In other words,
the reliability of a measure is an indication of the stability and consistency with which the
instrument measures the concept and helps to assess the “goodness” of a measure.
a. Test–retest reliability

The reliability coefficient obtained by repetition of the same measure on a second occasion is called
the test–retest reliability. That is, when a questionnaire containing some items that are supposed to
measure a concept is administered to a set of respondents, now and again to the same respondents,
say several weeks to six months later, then the correlation between the scores obtained at the two
different times from one and the same set of respondents is called the test–retest coefficient. The
higher it is, the better the test– retest reliability and, consequently, the stability of the measure across

b. Inter-item consistency reliability

The inter-item consistency reliability is a test of the consistency of respondents’ answers to all the
items in a measure. To the degree that items are independent measures of the same concept, they
will be correlated with one another.

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