Module 6.2

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Module 6.

Food Security
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Explain food security as a way to eradicate poverty and hunger;

2. Categorize the issues and challenges of food security and their
3. Synthesize the concept of food security as part of sustainable
Discuss what
is the picture
all about.
a vital resource of humans, regardless of race,
nationality, religious affiliation, economic status, or
educational attainment.
It is a basic necessity for survival
Food Security
the “physical and economic access, at all times, to
sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for people to meet
their dietary needs and food preferences for an active
and healthy life” (Swaminathan, 2003).
It is a worldwide issue which must be given
considerable attention.
International Trade
- is viewed as a solution to potentially dampen the
blows on food security in nations. While relatively
poor countries can benefit from international trade
by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter
will be pressured to increase food production
What is Reform?
Reform consists of changes and improvements to a
law, social system, or institution. It is an instance of
such a change or improvement.

Economic and agricultural reforms have proven

viable in addressing food security issues..
What are the factors that cripples and weakens food security both
on domestic and international level?
Armed Conflict Hunger
• Internal strife has crippled food • Leads to increased shortage of
production and supplies in some food.
countries (Israel, Turkey, and Syria).
• Armed groups target to prevent, seize,
• Lack of food was one of the
and/or destroy food aid that is intended factors that ignited the French
for government armed forces. Revolution of 1789.
• Farmers are driven away from their land
and production has been halted because
of conflict.
Importance of Food:
Food plays an integral role in maintaining a healthy
functioning, and even peaceful domestic and international

Therefore, food security must be one of the priorities of any

government in the world.
To achieve sustainable
development, what do you
think is the importance of food
Do you think that the Philippines is
secured enough when it comes to its
food supplies especially now that we are
facing this crisis, COVID19?
be all!

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