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Lesson 2 : Composition of a Community
Duties and Responsibilities of the Different
Each picture shows a community. Are they all the same? Why
do you think so?
Different Institutions in a Community

● There are different institutions in our

community. An institution consists of
a group of people who have come
together for a common purpose.
● These institutions are a part of the
social order of the society, and they
govern the behavior and expectations
of individuals.
● The major institutions consist of
family, school, market, religion, and
● The family is the basic unit of society.

● A child is born with a family. If no family

exists, a child is likely to suffer greatly or may
encounter difficulties in order to survive.
● A family varies in size. It could be small, that
is composed of the parents with one or two
children only. A family could also be big. It
can be composed of the parents, brothers,
sisters, and even grandparents and other
● The adults and older children in the family
look after and teach the younger ones. They
also take care of the sick or elderly family

● Families do all kinds of things with

one another. They eat, play, talk,
and do chores together.
● Even though family members may
not always get along, they are loyal
to one another and stick by each
● Children usually stay with their
family until they are grown-ups.
● A school is a place for learning
about yourself, other people, and
different things. When you start to
go to school, you become a part of
a group that is much bigger than
your family.
● You meet people who may be like
your family members or who may
be different from them.
● A school has its own rules to help
everyone get along.
● The government has three
branches: executive, legislative,
and judiciary.
● The executive branch carries out
the laws.
● The legislative branch makes the
● The judiciary branch evaluates the
Health Care Institutions

● These institutions take

care of the health and
welfare of the people in
the community.

● Examples are adult

daycares, clinics, and
Market Institutions

● Market institutions cover

the industry that buys
and sells goods.

● Examples are banks,

groceries, malls,
pharmacies, sari-sari
stores, and convenience
stores which are found in
a community.
Religious Organizations
● These are groups of people that have similar
beliefs in the existence of God or other gods.
● Some examples are mosques and churches.

● The Mosque is a house of prayer in Islam.

Masjid (Mescit) is a word that means “place
for prostration” and was used by the early
Muslims as a house of worship, even for other
● Today, the Arabic “masjid” and the English
“mosque” are used exclusively for religious
houses in Islam.
● Prostration primarily means the act of falling
on the face, but usually applied to kneeling or
bowing in reverence and worship.
Religious Organizations

● The Church is another

institution that constitutes a
community. It is a place
where people gather to do
religious activities.
● In the Philippines, different
churches exist like Iglesia Ni
Cristo, the Roman Catholic
Church, the Evangelical
Church, etc.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Different

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