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And Material Density

1st Law of Thermodynamics
◦Energy is conserved. There is no loss in energy
when heat is transferred.
◦Second Law of Thermodynamics – Energy
tends to disperse. Heat transfers from a hot
object to a cold object.
Heat Transfer
◦Heat is the form of energy that flows between
two samples of matter due to their difference in
Thermal equilibrium is reached when two
What is thermal
equilibrium? or more objects in contact with one
another reach the same temperature.
◦ Density is an intrinsic (unique) property of matter.
All pure matter has a specific density. **Since the
How is matter is composed of the same atoms.
density an
intrinsic ◦ Ex: any size or shape of gold will have Density =
property? 19.3 g/mL
◦ Density = mass = g/mL or g/cm3
How do you
density? ◦ Density measures how much substance there is in a
certain amount of space.

◦ Ex: Low Density= marshmallow, balloon, feather

◦ Ex: High Density=block of cement, dumbbells
Densities of different states of matter

◦ Solid state of a substance is the densest.

◦ Then the liquid state of that same
substance is less dense.
◦ Finally, the gaseous state of the same
substance is least dense.

How does density differ in solids?

◦ Density in solids depend on
the mass of the atoms and
how tightly packed they are
(depend on types of chemical
What is conduction?
◦Conduction is the transfer of heat between
substances that are in direct contact with each
other. The better the conductor, the more rapidly
heat will be transferred.
Heat Conduction Rate

◦ The rate of the heat conduction between two substances are based on

◦ Type of material (conductors or insulators)
◦ Densities and thickness of substance
◦ Difference in temperature of the substances

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