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Chapter 3-3

Critical Path Method (CPM)

Critical Path Method (CPM)

CPM is a network diagramming technique used to predict total

project duration based on critical path.
 A critical path for a project is the series of activities that
determines the earliest time by which the project can be
 The critical path is the longest path through the network
diagram and has the least amount of slack or float.
 Slack or float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed
without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish
Application Area of CPM

CPM is commonly used with all forms of projects, including

 construction,
 software development,
 research projects,
 product development, and
 engineering, etc.

Any project with interdependent activities can apply this method of

mathematical analysis.
Characteristics of CPM

CPM does not incorporate uncertainties in job times,

 It is mostly suitable for the jobs of repetitive in nature where the
activity time estimates can be predicted with considerable
certainty due to the existence of past experience.
Example: construction type projects

CPM assumes that activity time is proportional to the resources

allocated to it (within a certain limit).

The objective of using CPM is to determine Critical path that

results in minimum project duration while floats available with each
Activity Resource Estimating

Before estimating activity durations, you must have a good idea of

the quantity and type of resources that will be assigned to each
activity/working hours per day/working condition, etc.
Consider important issues in estimating resources:
 How difficult will it be to complete specific activities on this
 What is the organization’s history in doing similar activities?
 Are the required resources available?
People doing the work should help create estimates, and an expert
should review them.
CPM – Inputs and Outputs
 Activities from work breakdown structure
 Precedence relationships among activities
(what activities must be completed before other activities can
be started)
 One time estimate for each activity (how long does it take to
do the activity?)

 Project completion time
 Start and end times for each activity
 Critical path: activities that must be finished on time so that
the project will be completed on time
Critical Path Analysis – Simple Example 1

Consider the following project network. Find the critical path.

Critical Path Analysis – Simple Example 1

List of all possible sequences (chain/path) of activities (Enumeration

Critical Path Analysis – Simple Example 1
Critical Path Analysis – Simple Example 2
Critical Path Analysis – Structured Approach

Critical path calculations involve TWO passes

 Forward Pass (Early start schedule): each activity is
scheduled to start on its Earliest start (ES) date.

 Backward Pass (Late start schedule): each activity is

scheduled to start on Late Start (LS) date.
Critical path Analysis- Forward Pass

Start at the beginning of CPM network to determine the earliest

activity times.
 Earliest Start Time (ES)
 The earliest possible time at which the activity can
ES = maximum EF of immediate predecessors

 Earliest finish time (EF)

 The earliest possible time at which the activity can
EF= ES + t
Where, t = duration of the activity
Critical Path Analysis- Backward Pass
Determines latest activity times by starting at the end of CPM
network and moving back.

 Latest Start Time (LS)

 The latest time at which the activity can start without
causing the project to finish after its earliest finish time.

 LS= LF – t

 Latest finish time (LF)

 The latest time at which the activity can finish without
causing the project to finish after its earliest finish time.

 LF = minimum LS of immediate successors

Critical Path - Float/Slack

Float is the maximum amount of time that an activity can be

delayed before it becomes a critical activity, i.e., delays completion
of the project.
Float/Slack = LS – ES = LF – EF
Activities on the critical path have zero slack.
Non-critical activities have positive slack.
Slack could be:
 Free slack or free float is the amount of time an activity can be
delayed from its early start without delaying the early start of
any immediately following activities.
 Total slack or total float is the amount of time an activity can be
delayed from its early start without delaying the planned project
finish date.
Steps in CPM Analysis

Draw the CPM network

Analyze the paths through the network
Determine the float for each activity
 Compute the activity’s float
Float = LS - ES = LF - EF
Find the critical path, (that is, the sequence of activities and
events where there is no “slack” or Zero slack)
Find the project duration – the minimum project completion time.
Find activities starting and finishing time.
CPM Network example 1

f, 15

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6
i, 6

b, 8
d, 13 j, 12

c, 5
e, 9
CPM Network example 1

ES and EF Times f, 15

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6
0 6 i, 6

b, 8
0 8 d, 13 j, 12

0 5 c, 5
e, 9
CPM Network example 1

ES and EF Times f, 15
6 21
g, 17 h, 9
a, 6
6 23 i, 6
0 6

b, 8
0 8 d, 13 j, 12
8 21
0 5 c, 5
e, 9
5 14
CPM Network example 1

ES and EF Times f, 15
6 21
g, 17 h, 9
a, 6
6 23 i, 6 21 30
0 6

b, 8 23 29
0 8 d, 13 j, 12
8 21 21 33
0 5 c, 5
e, 9
5 14 Project’s EF = 33
CPM Network example 1
6 21
LS and LF Times f, 15

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6 0 6 21
21 6 23
21 i, 6 21 30
24 33
21 29
b, 8 27 33
0 8
21 j, 12
d, 13
8 21 21
21 33
21 21 33
c, 5
0 5 e, 9 5 14
21 21
CPM Network example 1
6 21
LS and LF Times f, 15 9 24

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6 0 6 21
21 6 23
21 i, 6 21 30
10 27 24 33
21 29
b, 8 27 33
0 8
21 j, 12
d, 13
8 21 21
21 33
21 21 33
c, 5 8 21
0 5 e, 9 5 14
21 21
12 21
CPM Network example 1
6 21
LS and LF Times f, 15 9 24

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6 0 6 21
21 6 23
21 i, 6 21 30
3 9 10 27 24 33
21 29
b, 8 27 33
0 8
21 j, 12
d, 13
0 8 21
8 21
21 21 33
c, 5 8 21 21 33
0 5 e, 9 5 14
21 21
7 12 12 21
CPM Network example 1
6 21
3 21
LS and LF Times f, 15 9 24

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6 0 6
3 21 6 23
4 21 i, 6 3 2121 30
3 9 10 27 24 33
21 29
b, 8 4 27 33
0 8
0 21 j, 12
d, 13
0 8
8 21
0 21 0 2121 33
c, 5 8 21 21 33
0 5 e, 9 5 14
7 21 21
7 12 7 12 21
CPM Network example 1

f, 15

g, 17 h, 9
a, 6
i, 6

b, 8
d, 13 j, 12

c, 5
e, 9
CPM Network example 2

te =7
te =12 2 5
te =13
te =4 te =11
4 te =8 7
te =7
te =11 6 te =10
te =10
CPM Network example 2

Legend: ES/EF

12/19 te =7
2 5
te =12
12/16 18/31 31/42
0/12 te =4
te =13 te =11
4 te =8 7
11/18 18/26 42/52
te =7
te =11 11/21 te =10
te =10
Example Flow Diagram with Critical Path


2 5
0|2|12|14 t2-4=4 t5-6=11
12|14|16|18 31|31|42|42
4 t4-6=8 7
18|34 |26|42
t1-3=11 11|11|18|18 t6-7=10
0|0|11|11 3 42|42|52|52
CPM - Exercise 1
Consider the following network diagram. Applying
CPM, find:
 the project period
 activities ES and EF, LS and LF
 float for each activity
 the critical path
CPM - Exercise 2

The following is the BDS of a minor redesign of a product and its

associated packaging. How long will it take to complete this project ?
CPM - Exercise 2

For clarity, this list is kept to a minimum by specifying only

immediate relationships, that is relationships involving activities
that "occur near to each other in time".

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