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Plant life cycle or growing

cycle of plants

Submitted By : Ansh Malik

Subject : Environmental Science
Plant life cycle or growing cycle

 The plants are the important components of this living ecosystem. Their life
cycle starts with the falling of
 seeds on the ground, dispersed by some pollinating agents.
 The 6 stages of the plant life cycle
 Seed stage
 Germination
 Growth
 Flowering stage
 Pollination (Reproductive stage)
 Fruit stage (Seed dispersal stage)
Seed stage

 This is the first stage of the life cycle in plants.

 The seed contains the miniature plant inside it in the form of
an embryo.
 In angiosperms, the cotyledons are also found, which provide
nourishment to the growing embryo inside the seed.
 The seed gets dispersed by various agents to distant soil where
the development occurs.
 Cotyledons emerge as the first leaf after the germination of the
 The seed coat is the additional coverage that protects against
the harsh conditions of the environment.

 As the seed falls on the ground, the seed needs a

suitable temperature and moisture to start
the germination process.
 After the seeds are planted in the soil, under suitable
conditions, the seed starts absorbing moisture and
water, resulting in the swelling of the seed.
 This swelling leads to the rupture of the seed coat, and
the hypocotyl emerges out of the seed to transform
into the stem.
 This proliferation of a little stem-like structure from
the seed is called germination.
 In monocots, the seed coat does not rupture and is
fixed in one place.
 The hypocotyl originates from one specific point in
Growth stage

 In order to sustain the various developmental changes in its body,

the plant produces food.
 This food is produced by the process of photosynthesis and is
essential to the growth life cycle.
 The process of photosynthesis occurs by adding up carbon dioxide
and water to form glucose and release oxygen.
 The chloroplasts in the leaf cells help in the process by trapping the
sunlight. This light energy is used for the hydrolysis of water.
 The sugars which are produced by photosynthesis get stored in the
roots and stem.
 The plant’s root system develops further and anchors the soil firmly
to give the proper support to the plant.
 The meristem tissue in the leaf divides and proliferates into new
 After a while, the adult plant gives out the flowers on the stem,
which marks the next stage in the life cycle of plants.
Pollination stage
 Pollination is a stage where the plants release pollen
grains to reach the female part of the flowers.
 Some of the flowers may contain only the male or the
female parts and not both.
 In such a case, the pollen is carried away from one flower
to another with the help of the pollinating agents.
 This results in the pollen distribution onto the female
part’s stigma.
 The pollinating agents are mainly: the wind, water, birds,
or some insects like honeybees.
 These pollinators play an essential role in producing new
species of plants.
 Even when the flower is bisexual, the plant benefits from
the other flower’s pollen.
Seed dispersal stage

 Seed dispersal stage

 Seed dispersal is the final stage of the plant’s
life cycle.
 The seeds separate from the parent plant and
are spread in the atmosphere by wind, animals,
or the water current.
 The seeds get dispersed to distant positions
where they eventually start the plant’s life
cycle in new soil.

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