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 The integration of reading and writing strategies helps students to

make the leap from knowing to understanding
 reading and Writing publishes high-quality scientific articles
pertaining to the processes, acquisition, and loss of reading and
writing skills.
 The journal fully represents the necessarily interdisciplinary nature
of research in the field, focusing on the interaction among various
disciplines, such as linguistics, information processing,
neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, speech and hearing science
and education.
Coverage in Reading and
 models of reading, writing and spelling at all
age levels
 relation to reading and writing; computer
literacy; cross-cultural studies
 developmental and acquired disorders of
reading and writing
 It publishes research articles, critical reviews,
theoretical papers, and case studies.
 one of the most highly cited journals in Education and Educational
Research and Educational Psychology.
 Publishes high-quality scientific articles pertaining to the processes,
acquisition, and loss of reading and writing skills
 Fully represents the necessarily interdisciplinary nature of research
in the field by focusing on the interaction among various disciplines
 Contains research articles, critical reviews, theoretical papers, and
case studies

 1. Narration  6. Classification/Division
 2. Description  7. Comparison/Contrast
 3. Example  8. Cause/Effect
 4. Definition  9. Problem/Solution
 5. Process Analysis
 The purpose of narration is to tell a story or
relate an event. Narration is an especially
useful tool for sequencing or putting details and
information into some kind of logical order,
usually chronological. Literature uses narration
heavily, but it also can be useful in non-fiction,
academic writing for strong impact.
 To be effective, a narrative should:
 (1) have a clear focus or main point,
 (2) present events in a chronological or time
 (3) have a well-developed plot,
 (4) use sensory details, and
 (5) use effective sentence structures.
Narrative writing can be fiction
or non fiction
 Fiction Narratives tells a story about imagined people, events,
and ideas. Examples are; realistic fiction which portrays
invented characters and events in everyday situations. Fantasy
stories, Historical fiction, Myths, Legends, and, Science Fiction
which tells about imaginary events that involve science or
 Nonfiction Narratives are any kind of text that tells a story about
real people, events, and ideas. Nonfiction narratives can be;
Autobiography, a personal narrative about true stories in a
person’s life, Biography, a narrative account of a person’s life
written by someone else, diary and journal entry, blogs,
eyewitness accounts, and reflective essays.
 The purpose of description is to
recreate, invent, or visually present a
person, place, event, or action so that
the reader can picture that which is
being described. It is heavily based on
sensory details: sight, sound, smell, feel,
How to be an effective descriptive
writers ?

 a descriptive writing should have: (1) a vivid sensory details which appeals
to one or more of the five senses, (2) a clear, consistent organization, (3)
links between sensory details and the feelings or thoughts they inspire,
and, (4) a main impression to which each detail adds.
 It can be : 1. Descriptions of people or places – portrays the physical
appearances of a person or place and show readers why the subjects is
important or special.
 2. Remembrances – capture a memorable experience in the writer’s life;
they may describe a specific moment or a longer period of time.
 3. Observations – describe an event that the writer has personally
 4. Vignettes – capture a single moment in the writer’s life, painting a
picture with words.
– it is a short work in which the writer
presents the case for or against a particular
position. Words used might persuade a friend
to let you borrow his bike. It might encourage
family friend to watch a particular TV Show.
When you use words to influence the actions
and opinions of others, you are using
 It’scommon to see examples used in all kinds of
situations—an idea can be considered too general
or abstract until we see it in
action. Exemplification extends this idea even
further: it carries one or more examples into
great detail, in order to show the details of a
complex problem in a way that’s easy for readers
to understand.
 Exemplification – one important way of
making your writing reader-friendly is to
supply your work with good examples. This is
why it is used with the other types of writing,
just be reminded that the examples you use
are interesting and very much related to the
topic but should not distract readers from the
main idea.
4. Definition
 Definition
moves beyond a dictionary definition to
deeply examine a word or concept as we actually
use and understand it.
 thisis to clarify the definition of a topic and to
make it distinct from other related concepts and
ideas. The definition given in a dictionary can be
your guide at the start, but what should be
highlighted is your definition of the term based on
your understanding, experience, and/or
 Analyzing a process can also be thought
of as “how-to” instruction. Technical
writing includes a lot of process
analysis, for instance. Academic writing
can incorporate process analysis to
show how an existing problem came to
be, or how it might be solved, by
following a clear series of steps.

 Classification takes one large concept, and

divides it into individual pieces. A nice result
from this type of writing is that it helps the
reader to understand a complex topic by
focusing on its smaller parts. This is
particularly useful when an author has a unique
way of dividing the concepts, to provide new
insight into the ways it could be viewed.

 Comparison focuses on similarities between

things, and contrast focuses on their differences.
We innately make comparisons all the time, and
they appear in many kinds of writings. The goal of
comparison and contrast in academic essays is
generally to show that one item is superior to
another, based on a set of evaluations included as
part of the writing.
8. Cause/Effect

 If narration offers a sequence of events,

cause/effect essays offer an explanation
about why that sequence matters.
Cause/effect writing is particularly
powerful when the author can provide a
cause/effect relationship that the reader
wasn’t expecting, and as a result see the
situation in a new light.
 his type of academic writing has two equally
important tasks: clearly identifying a problem,
and then providing a logical, practical solution
for that problem. establishing that a particular
situation is a problem can sometimes be a
challenge–many readers might assume that a
given situation is “just the way it is,” for
Activity 1.
 1. As a teenager who is threatened by the danger
of the COVID-19 Pandemic, how can the Patterns
of Paragraph Development help you in coping with
the stress brought about by this? How can it be a
way to help those who are also in need of
assistance (physically, emotionally, and or
Main Idea Pattern of Supporting Details
Ex: Romeo and Juliet Ex: Romeo & Juliet Ex: Romeo and Juliet both died at the end of the story
The main idea of Romeo and Juliet is Pattern of Development is Narrative Writing -
about PASSION and LOVE

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4

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