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Personal Vision

The two most important da
ys in your life are the day 
you are born and the 
      day you find out why        


Mark Twain
Personal Vision
A personal vision statement is a mission statement of what you want to accomplish in your
life, both personally and professionally. 

This statement can be used as a guide when determining the career to pursue, making
important life decisions, planning how you'll accomplish goals, and realizing your life dreams. 

In a professional sense, a personal vision statement, also referred to as a career vision

statement or career mission statement, is a statement that identifies your long-term career
goals and your key strengths.
 A clear personal vision is an integration of your abilities, interests, personality, values,
goals, skills/experience, family of origin, and stage of adult development
Why is a personal vision statement

• Help you identify the aspirations that are most important to you
• Keep you on track toward reaching your professional goals
• Inspire and propel you to keep workings towards your long-term goals, even when
the going gets tough
• Give you a feeling of direction and commitment in your professional life
• Remind you of where you want to be when you get distracted
• Provide you with concrete and actionable steps that help you move forward with
your goals
• Guide you when making challenging decisions
What to include in your personal vision

Short- and long-term Principles and values Your passions The difference you
goals you want to stand for want to make
How to write a personal vision statement

1. Identify your strengths

2. Reflect on your values
3. Evaluate how your skills can solve real-world issues
4. Select your desired position within your field
5. Write out your mission statement
Strategic Planning
What is the ideal image of the desired end state?
What is the situation today? Are there gaps?
What action should be taken to close the gaps
What resources may be utilized to aceive success?
Personal Vision Example # 1

To be the person my children look to with pride when they say, “This is my
dad.” To be the one my children come to for love, comfort, and
understanding. To be the friend known as caring and always willing to listen
empathetically to their concerns.
To be a person not willing to win at the cost of another’s spirit. To be a
person who can feel pain and not want to hurt another. To be the person
who speaks for the one that cannot, to listen for the one that cannot hear,
see for the one without sight, and have the ability to say, “You did that, not
Personal Vision Example # 2

My personal vision is to have a life of meaning for myself and others. It is important to me
to live my life in a way that shows kindness, care, and concern for family and friends and
even strangers. Earn respect for myself based on a recognition of my accomplishments and
abilities, maintains a sense of appreciation of the beauty of nature, and a sense of humor.
I want to have a career/life that includes constant learning and improvement for myself,
but that also creates an atmosphere of pleasurable learning and improvement for others. I
want to work with and around people, and it is important to me that they like me; but it is
even more important to me that they feel that I have helped them in some way – not
necessarily that I do a specific good deed, but more that some kindness or thoughtfulness
or wisdom of mine has touched them.

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