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Problem S ol vi ng T h e at er

e n c y: P ro b le m S o l v i n g
Psychosocial C o m p et
5 t o 8 l ea rn e rs
Groups of
d e d : P a p e r a n d P en ci l s
Mater i al s N ee

Write a story about the

Decide a problem
problem and a possible
you want to solution to the problem. The stories will be used
address. (Problem As with any story, it in the role plays later.
you see in the should have: characters,
school or in your plot, setting,
conflict/problem, and
Synthesis Questions and Points:
• How did your group work together to create
your story?
• How was your experience of finding a
solution to a problem?
• How did role playing the solution make you
• How did it feel working with your
groupmates? Psychosocial Competency: Problem Solving
Synthesis Questions and Points:

• What did you appreciate about your

groupmates throughout this activity?
• How did you feel hearing the comments and
solutions from other groups?
• Did you discover anything about your
groupmates or classmates? What are they?
Psychosocial Competency: Problem Solving
sc ri bb le dr a w i ng s t or y l i ne

t en c y: S e l f-c o n fi d e n ce
Psychosoci a l C o m p e
o f 5 t o 6 l ea rn e r s
d : P a pe r or O i l Pa st el s
Material s N e ede

1.Take one pastel or crayon and scribble randomly

on the paper until I tell you to stop. This will take
2 minutes or so.
2. Find an image in your drawing and color it in.
3. Reflect about the meaning of image for you.

4. Share your drawings in the group.

5. After everyone has shared, work together and
create a story that can be told through your
drawings. Give your story a title.
6. Prepare and practice telling the story in a line or
7. Each group performs their story: the learners
stand next to each other in a line, facing the
audience, and each learner holds his/her drawing so
it is visible to the audience.
8. They tell the story one by one, going down the
line, with each learner speaking his/her part of the
story while holding the drawing that represents that
Synthesis Questions and Points:
• In this activity, we began by making random
scribbles on our papers. Then, using our
imagination, we looked for an image in our
drawings. We were asked to reflect about the
meaning of the images we found, and share it with
the group. Afterwards, we worked collaboratively
to come up with a cohesive story. What was this
whole experience like for you?
Psychosocial Competency: Self-confidence
Synthesis Questions and Points:

• What did you like about the activity? What was

challenging about it?
• What was it like to connect your story line with
your classmate's story line?
• How did it feel working with your classmates? Did
you discover anything new about them?

Psychosocial Competency: Self-confidence

Synthesis Questions and Points:

• Share your experience of both listening and

performing. What was it like listening to your
classmates? What was it like telling your story
• What did you learn about yourself today?

Psychosocial Competency: Self-confidence

Synthesis Questions and Points:

• For those who were shy about performing, let them know
you affirm them for their courage and that practice will
help them be more comfortable with the process makes
perfect. For those who were confident during the
performance, congratulate them for doing well; remind
them they can continue to learn. In the end let them know
it’s most important that everyone had fun being in the
“imaginary theater!”
Psychosocial Competency: Self-confidence

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