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•Have you read short stories?
• What is your favorite short story?
•Can relate briefly on is it all about?
•Are you familiar with the elements of it?
•What are the elements of a short story? Can
you name them?
Below are words that can be found in the story.
Identify the meaning of the italicized words by
writing the letter on your answer sheet/notebook.

• 1. The red oxide at its back had come off at several

places and long lines of translucent glass cut across its
a. reflect b. glowing c. dirty d. indifferent
• 2. Sir Mohan sank into a large cane chair to drink and
• a. reflect b. talk c. think d. sleep
3. He is a vizier and a barrister and meets so many
officers and Englishmen in the trains—and I am only a
native woman.
a. Teacher b. tutor c. lawyer d. politician
• 4. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan
Lal’s sangfroid.
• a. personality b. attitude c. charisma d. self-
• 5. Lady Lal rested her chin on her hands and sat
gazing idly at the jostling crowd on the platform.
• a. pushing b. shouting c. talking
• d. laughing
• 6. Lady Lal stopped by a hawker’s stall to
replenish her silver betel leaf case, and then
joined the coolie.
• a. refill b. fill c. cut d. crumple
• 1. Who are the characters of the story?
• 2. Where was Mohan Lal found for the first time in the story?
• 3. How was the mirror in the waiting room?
• 4. I have finished with it.‖ What does ―it‖ refer?
• 5. Why did Lachmi’s relative not come to her husband’s house?
Literary Elements of a Short Story
• The plot tells what happens in the story. It relates the
chain of events through different stages revealed in the
story arc: exposition or the beginning where the
conflict is introduced; rising action or the actions
leading to the climax, pivotal or turning point of the
story; denouement or falling action and ending or
•Going back to the literary model, Karma,
what is the plot of the story? Can you
give the plot of the story? Plot:
• Character refers to the person in a work of fiction and
his characteristics. He/she could be a protagonist or the
opposing character to the main character.
Characterization gives the reader details about the
characters involved, which include physical appearance,
way of thinking, feeling, actions, and reactions to events.
Moreover, characters, to be effective, should resemble
real-life persona who can be complex, dynamic, or stereo
• Furthermore, a foil is written in contrast to the main character. How
will you describe the characters in the story? Can you tell the
appearance, way of thinking, feeling, etc. of the characters in our
story? Characters:
• Sir Mohan Lal
• Lachmi/LadyMohan______________________________________
• Theme is the central idea of a literary work that can be
termed as implied morals, insights, or values. It is not
intended to preach or teach but it is something
extracted from other literary elements and techniques
like the structure, plot, characters, style of narration,
patterns, and symbols. In short, theme is the
underlying truths and realities of life consciously and
unconsciously created by the author and realized by
the readers.
•What is the theme of the story? Can
you tell it? Theme:
• Setting pertains to the place, time, mood, atmosphere,
weather, and social conditions of a story. Authors use
sounds and visual images to describe the setting. The
setting helps bring out the mood or backdrop or sets
forth the conflict in the story. Setting could be dynamic
or static. A dynamic setting refers to a varied story
―world‖ or milieu which includes varied cultural,
historical, geographical surrounding or society.
• Static setting is the opposite, because it presents
a stationary, still or solitary backdrop of the story.
The literary model is an example of a static
setting since the backdrop is only in a train. Can
you tell the setting of the story? 9 Setting:
• Conflict means the complication in a story.
The plot is created through the conflict. As
such, the bloodline of an effective plot is an
outstanding conflict. The complications
could be in a form of struggle, disagreement,
war, verbal tussles, etc. However, conflict
can be (a) man vs. man, (b) man vs. nature,
• where a character involves man against the forces of
nature and the universe; (c) man vs. society, where
conventions or culture challenges man and (d) man
vs. himself, or an internal happening within a
• What is the conflict in the story? Conflict:
• Point of view takes the angle from where the story
is narrated. It is the angle from which the readers
view people, events, and details of the story. An
objected point of view is an angle where the writer
narrates what happens without detailing too much
about the character’s feelings and thinking. Point
of view can be in first person such as I, me, mine,
we, us, ours.
• Second person point of view rarely happens in a
story because it treats the reader as the
protagonist/main character of the story and uses
the pronoun you for participants. On the other
hand, the narrator in the third person point of
view is not a participant of the story but reveals
the feelings and line of thinking of the characters.
• It typically uses the pronouns he, she, it, they, the, his, her,
its, etc. The third person point of view is the outside voice
of the story. The omniscient point of view narrates
everything about the characters but a limited point of view
gives the angle of a story on a limited character.
What is the point of view in the story? How is it told? Point
of view:
• Tone is an element of the story that evokes
varied feelings derived from the voice or
inflections of a character. Tone can include
word choice, grammatical structure, diction, or
imagery. It can also be determined through the
author’s attitude toward the subject, literary
devices used, and musicality of language.
•What is the tone of the story?
•At this time, I want you create your own
story based on your own experience.
Cite examples on the elements on your
story. Write your example in your yellow
• Characters
• Settings
• Plot Conflict Point of View
• Theme
•1. From the examples of what you have written
above based on your own experience, develop
that into a short story.
Identify the statement in each number. Write your answer on your activity yellow paper.
• 1. They are the features of any spoken or written literature distinguished by literary techniques.
• 2. Refers to the central idea of a literary work that can be termed as implied morals, insights, or
• 3. Pertains to the place, time, mood, atmosphere, weather and social conditions of the story.
• 4. Tells what happens in the story.
• 5. Refers to the person in a work of fiction and his characteristics.
• 6. Refers to the complication in the story.
• 7. Takes the angle from where the story is narrated.
• 8. Refers to a varied story ―world‖ or milieu which includes varied cultural, historical,
geographical surrounding or society.
• 9. Refers to the stationary, still or solitary backdrop of the story.
• 10. Is an element of the story that evokes varied feelings derived from the
•Make short but catchy hashtag about the
lesson. Consider your personal reflections,
reactions, and learning

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