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Read and understand each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following statement is NOT associated to word management?
A. Management is a process of attaining organizational goals by working with /
through people.
B. Management means controlling a group of people or an organization to reach
certain goal.
C. Management is organizing and coordinating activities of a business in order to
achieve defined objectives.
D. Management is the action or business of promoting and selling products and

2. Below are the basic function of management EXCEPT ________ .

A. Controlling B. Planning C. Organizing D. Executing,

3. One of the managerial function is ____ , which involves systematically

incorporating resources to attain certain goal
A. Organizing B. Planning C. Controlling D. Influencing
4. Wendy Cruz manages two boutiques across Quezon City. Supervisors
from both branches update and report to her regularly for the progress of
their boutique. She meticulously monitors the performance of both teams
and acknowledge their accomplishments. What kind of managerial
function she has shown?

A. Organizing C. Controlling
B. Planning D. Influencing,

5. It is a category of management theory that focuses on the perceptions

of employees’ motivations
A. Quantitative Theory B. Classical Theories
C. Behavioral Theories, D. New Theories
Let us define
What do we manage?
Management is the process of working with and through
others to effectively achieve organizational objectives by
efficiently using limited resources in a changing
environment. (Kreitner.)

-Management is “the art of getting things done through

people.”- Mary Parker Folett
-Management is the process of reaching
organizational goals by working with and through
people and other organizational resources

The four major management functions that make

up the management process are

1. Planning

This is the first and foremost function that involves

deciding tasks that must be performed to attain
organizational goals. It includes outlining,
establishing targets, making policies and so on. This
activity is also concerned with the success of the
organization in the long run
2. Organizing

Organizing involves the act of identifying and

assigning the tasks and duties developed in the
planning stages to subordinates to create a process
and put plans into action. People within the
organization are given tasks to make outputs that
contribute to the goals of division and to the
company as a whole.
3. Influencing /Leading

Influencing is also known as leading, supervising,

motivating, or directing by guiding the activities of
organization members towards the fulfillment of
the goals. Usually, it helps to increase productivity
in human-oriented work situations, and it generates
higher levels of production.
4. Controlling

It involves establishing performance standards by making

sure that the performance of employees is as per the
plan. Controlling is both a managerial function and a
continuous process where the manager: (a) gathers
information that measures performance; (b) compares
present performance to pre-established performance
norms; and (c) determines the next action plan and
modifications for meeting the desired performance

quantitative and
new theories.
Classical Theories

1. Scientific Theory Ideas of early management by Frederick W. Taylor, Jill

Perth and Gantt was formed by the impact of natural methodology
and it emphasized rational thinking based on the scientific work to
improve individual efficiency.

2. Administrative Theory The administrative view proposed by Henri

Fayol and Max Weber highlighted the importance of operational
effectiveness on the whole organization to develop a general theory
explaining the good management features infrastructure.
Behavioral Theories

1. Hawthorne Experiment concentrated on the point of view of human

nature, importance of individual attitudes and behaviors, motivate
employees in improving productivity. It suggests that employees will
perform better when they feel nurtured.
2. Interpersonal Perspective This was proposed by Maslow and
McGregor (X&Y theory) that provided a basic foundation of the
behavioral view on human relations and was further derived from the
Hawthorne experimental results showing that the productivity of
employees is affected by the interaction and affective atmosphere of
the management that leads to better performance.
Quantitative Theory

Quantitative Theory originated during World War II. A

theory that resulted to orderly thinking by defining and
solving complex problem. The use of quantitative
measurement and computer modeling theory such as
analysis of complex business problems which gradually
become a branch of the management science and
operations management perspective.
New Theories
1. System Theory This emphasized that there is a gradual integration of a
new theory through a system point of view and the contingency
perspective which successfully meets the inconsistencies that
sprouted in the Classical and Behavioral Theories.

2. Contingency Theory In this perspective, industry focuses on how to

adapt the environmental change and believes that there is no
"universal approach" for the management to solve such circumstances
since all of management challenges depend on varying conditions. It
highlights that the current time would always be appropriate condition
for the management to handle specific and managerial variations.

How would you relate the image to the word “management”?

Study the picture below and tell what managerial function does it show. Explain.
Activity 2: Let’s do it

1. Controlling is one of the major functions of management. Cite an

example of your preferred future business that shows its process.
2. How are the managerial theories different from each other?
My own management

In your own opinion, what managerial functions should be

emphasized in your organization? Why?

If you will be a manager of your own company, which

management theories that were presented are you going to
adapt to run your business effectively? Explain
A. Read and understand each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The term manager refers to someone who __

A. owns a share in the organization C. is a member of a company
B. do plans, controls, leads and evaluates, D. divides employees in the company

2. Managers at ____ determine goals and create a strategy for the firm to achieve goals
A. same levels of the company C. top of the company
B. functional level of the company D. middle level of the company

3. It is a role of manager that involves directing or influencing others

A. liaison B. leader C. figurehead D. monitor

4. As head of Human Resource Department, Lucy is often required to participate in activities like
inauguration of new branches or department or delivering a speech hosted by top management. What
role is she likely playing?
A. liaison B. leader C. figurehead D. monitor

5. The following are all interpersonal skill of a manager EXCEPT

A. Leader B. spokesperson C. liaison D. figurehead
B. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong

________1. Conceptual skills such as logical reasoning, judgements, and analytical abilities are a
strong predictor of managerial effectiveness

________ 2. Technical skills involve specialized knowledge about procedures, process and equipment
and the related abilities of knowing when and how to use that knowledge

________ 3. A manager’s interpersonal skills includes empathy, persuasiveness and sensitivity

________ 4. A manager’s interpersonal and communication skills are essential to the process of
allocating and coordinating resources to accomplish the required tasks of an organization
1. The manager is ------

2. The skills of managers are --------

3. Managerial roles cover--------

 Aperson responsible for supervising
and motivating employees and for
directing the progress of an


Top management is responsible on the entire organization or at least one

of its larger sections. They develop goals, strategies, policies, and direct
the business

Middle management oversees major departments or divisions and their

specialized units. They monitor day to day results and make sure that
performances are in compliance with the organization’s standards

The first level of management supervises a small work group composed

of non-managerial workers.
Three Basic Managerial Skills

1. Technical Skills
2. Human Skills
3. Conceptual Skills.
Technical Skills

–skills of being able to carry out

tasks with proficiency. These skills
are specially important to
supervisory management
because they are the closest
to employees who produce
goods or services for the company
Human Skills /Interpersonal skills
-skills related to working with people
and bringing out the best in them.
These skills include the ability to
understand human behavior and to
communicate effectively with others.
Conceptual Skills
-skills of being able to see the organization as a whole. These skills allow
the managers to evaluate and scrutinize the situation and develop courses
of actions. It is necessary for the top management to have good
conceptual skills


Management Roles

Decisional roles- It involves using information and related with ways by

which managers cope with problems and grab organizational
opportunities (e.g. entrepreneur, disturbance, negotiator)

Informational roles- It involves processing information. It is related with

tasks of acquiring and conveying information (e.g. disseminator,
spokesperson, monitor)

Interpersonal roles- It involves providing information and ideas. It is

related with connections with several stakeholders regarding the mission
and direction of the company. (e.g. liaison, leader, figurehead)
Responsibilities of Managers

1. Hire great people

2. Show performance management
3. Promote team development
4. Set overall directions
5. Support team members
6. Produce unique quality outputs
7. Manage resources
8. Improve processes and quality
9. Encourage self-development
10. Communicate and disseminate information
1. Study the image below and describe what management
role it involves. Explain

2: Characterize the management skills into its category. Write HS for
Human Skills, TS for Technical Skills and CS for Conceptual Skills
______ 1. Programming
______ 2. Software proficiency
______ 3. Patience with other
______ 4. Active listening skills
______ 5. Contextualizing
______ 6. Identifying the problem occurred
______ 7. Data analysis
______ 8. Delegating responsibilities
______ 9. Communication with employee’s growth
_____ 10. Computer and digital literacy
TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong

1. Internal environment is the stage of organization’s external environment that

affects the firm in the long run
2. General environment is the level of organization’s external environment that has an
immediate impact on the firm
3. Operating environment are the factors that you will see within the organization
4. Political or legal element are the factors to be considered in general
environment of a firm
5. Economic element are related business cycles globally
6. A stakeholder is an element who are directly affected by the decisions made by
the organization
7. SWOT is an acronym of Strength, Weakness, Objectives, and Threats
8. PEST analysis is used only in internal environment factors of a business
9. Customer element are those individuals who buys goods and services from a firm.
10. Corporate culture consists values and beliefs of the members of the organizations
Environmental factors have always something to do with the performance
of each organization

Businesses are greatly influenced by the environment

Internal and external factors impact firms.

Therefore, managers must analyze the trade market and the environment
to foresee where the organization will be in future.
Three Stages of Business Environment

The business environment involves all of the internal and external factors
that affect the company as a whole including:

Supply and demand and
Business regulations.

It can be classified into three stages namely: general environment,

operating environment, and the internal environment

General environment is a phase of

organization’s external factors that affect
the organization eventually.


has something to do with

government policies, passage of
laws and politics, and regulatory
body and processes.

has something to do with

taxation issues, exchange rates,
inflations, stock market and other
phases of economy

has something to do with

demographic, war of talent,
generation of learners,
interest and values of public
has something to do with
development and maturity
of technology through new
ideas, concept and approach

Operating environment is a phase of organization’s external

factors that directly affect the business. It has a rapid effect
on the organization.


has something to do with

person or group who
purchase products or
service from a company

has something to do with

individuals or business who
provides goods, raw materials or
services to an entity needed for
their production

has something to do with

individuals or entity who
responds the rivals against
another in the same industry
Pressure Groups

has something to do with

environmental issue that affects
the business through their project,
demands, course, campaigns etc.

Internal environment is composed of factors

within the organization which impacts on
success and approach of a firm


describe what the organization

stands for and why it exists.

are principles that govern

how situations should be

is the hierarchical arrangement of

people and their responsibilities

are the people, facilities,

infrastructure at an
organization’s clearance.
Corporate culture

is the organization’s
personality. It consists
values, beliefs, attitudes and
standard that define
employee’s success
Local and International Environment

One of the reasons why businessmen expand their

businesses are to increase their profit and to reach
the growth of their firm in a period of time
1. Political and legal differences- national environment will
always be different from the other countries and it should be
noted that adjustment will occur.

2. Cultural differences is one of the difficult aspect especially if

your firm is not diversified

3. Economic differences such as exchange rates that varies

country from country to country

4. Religions, genders and other restrictions and etc.

Before entering into new ventures, manager needs to
analyze the positive and negative side of environment
so he can assess what are the necessary steps to be

PEST and SWOT are closely related approaches to

business analysis.

an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological,

is an analysis that helps leaders determine the impact of environmental

factors on the business

PEST focuses on external aspects that affects the firm

SWOT is an acronym of Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities, Threats.

SWOT analysis focuses on both internal and external

environment aspects of organization and best done after
PEST scrutiny
SWOT, when broken down simply means analyzing the:

•Strengths – The advantages you have over the competition concerning

this project.
•Weaknesses – The disadvantages you have internally compared with
your competitors.
•Opportunities – Current external trends which are waiting to be taken
advantage of.
•Threats – External movements which may cause a problem and have a
negative impact on your business.
Activity 1: Examine each element and identify what kind of business
environment they belong. Write G if it is related to general environment,
O if it is related to operating environment and I if it belongs to internal

______ 1. SEC business license compliance

______ 2. New application portal to be used in employees’ attendance
______ 3. New supplier from China for raw materials
______ 4. Annual gift giving and donations of company to its employees
______ 5. Newly established firm that offers the same goods and services
Activity 2:
Expanding business internationally is profitable yet risky. What are
the things you must consider first before going through? Write 5
advantages and 5 disadvantages that you might think in setting
business abroad. Advantages Disadvantages Activity

________________ __________________
________________ __________________
________________ __________________
________________ __________________
________________ __________________
Activity 3: SWOT:
Analyze the following features and use SWOT tool in classifying them. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided

A. Great company culture

B. business not adaptive to change
C. customer prospects abroad
D. Price fluctuation
E. Rising cost of raw materials
F. newly established competitor
G. high quality products
H. customer loyalties
I. Limited resources
J. Lack of funding

Week 4
TRUE or FALSE: Read and understand each statement write T if
the statement is correct and F if it is wrong

________1. One of the advantages of running a business as a sole

proprietorship is decision remains the responsibility of the owner
________2. Partnership is one of the forms of organization whereas two
or more people owns the firm
________3. Corporation is one of the forms of organization whereas
shareholders are present to establish the business.
________4. One of the disadvantages of running a corporation is having a
highly rated taxes to be paid
________5. Businesses are classified according to its primary activities
such as service, merchandising, and manufacturing
________6. Running a sole proprietorship business will
give you other’s complimentary skills
________7. It is not the business who generates wealth
for the economy.
________8. It is not an obligation of business
organization to deal with society and
________9. Making profit solely is the purpose of each
business organization
______ 10. Without businesses, one country can survive
and retain its wealth.
Before running a business an entrepreneur or
a manager considers how his business should
be structured.
Three basic forms of business organizations


Three basic forms of business organizations below.

– It is a form of business
organization owned by a
single person only and
usually an individual who
has a daily responsibility
for running his business.
Sole proprietorships are attractive to small investor and according to
research vast majority of small business start out with this form of
business organization.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
- Resources: Has a limited resource
- Formation: It's easy to and might have difficulties in raising
form, set up and dissolve initial funds
- Liability: Owner will be directly
- Decision making: Offers
responsible for any losses
complete control of the - Tax benefit: The owner is taxed not
owner the business
- Tax benefit: No - Continuity: Business exists only
requirement to file business during owner’s lifetime and will be
terminated upon demise, insanity
report or imprisonment
PARTNERSHIP – it is a form of business organization owned by two or
more people who shares business.
Partners should have mutual and legal agreement in sharing their money,
property, skills and resources that will be needing to operate their
business and the division of their profits as well.
Advantages: - Liability: joint and individual
- Less expenses: It's easy and liabilities. Partners are not
inexpensive because two or only liable to their actions but
more people will share the also for the decision made by
capital of the business other partner
- Commitment: There will be - Disagreement: disagreements
shared financial commitment in decision making might
among partners occur if partners will not
- Complimentary skills: there will consult each other before
be sharing and utilizing of skills, compromising
strength, resources of each - Less profit: two or more
partner people will share profit of the
– it is a form of business organization owned by
shareholders. Shareholders are investors who has put
money into business.

There is an election of board of directors like

president, vice president who will be responsible in
every different policies for the corporation.

There is also person appointed to monitor the day to

day operation of the corporation.

In this form of business organization, shareholders will

not be liable for the debts of the corporation and even
on the death of the shareholders, corporation still
continues because shares in the company is
- Separate legal personality: Shareholders of Disadvantages:
the corporation has a separate legal - Long time and more money spent in organizing:
personality therefore they will not be liable Unlike sole proprietorship, forming a
for the debts and negligence of the corporation takes a lot of time and money.
corporation. The amount invested by the
shareholder will be the only lost of the - Paper works: a lot of documentation requires in
shareholders forming a corporation. It requires annual
reports and other documents to be submitted
- Easy to raise funds: In corporation you can sell in regular time
shares therefore there’s an ease raising funds
- Higher Tax: In corporation, individual level and
- Continuity: Investors has a separate identity in the corporate itself are subject to higher taxes
corporation. This means that even in demise
of the shareholder, shares could be - More costly: A lot of meeting occurs in
transferred to another investor corporation, monthly, semi annual and annually
sessions that incur expenses. Corporation hires
- Credibility: A word corporation in the name of a legible consultants for their business that are
the business attracts more customers, highly-paid individuals.
partners and the community as well
Aside form the nature of ownership, business organization can
be classified according to its primary activities

(1) Service – a business that offers services in exchange of a fee

(2) Merchandising – a business that buys and sells product

whether it is raw or finished material with a certain mark up
to earn profit and

(3) Manufacturing – a business that buys raw materials and

transform it to a certain finished product and then sell to
consumers, wholesalers, distributor and other large scale

-Production of goods and services that satisfy the needs and demand of

-Corporate social responsibility

Activity 1:
Using the table below, designate the characteristics appropriate to specific
extent of each form of business organization. Put S if it Sole
proprietorship, P for Partnership and C for Corporation Extent Form of
business organization
1. Continuity
2. Unlimited liability
3. Disagreements
4. Higher taxes
5. Different Identity
6. Easiest to form
7. Complimentary skills
8. Shared profits
9. Transfer of ownership
10. Difficulty in raising capital
Activity 2: Write S if it refers to sole proprietorship, P for
partnership and C for Corporation.

____1. Which form of business is owned by different

stockholders who shares profit?
____2. Which form of business is owned and run by one person?
____3. Which form of business is owned by two or more
____4. Which form of business has a high credibility?
____5. Which form of business where one person hold the
entire operation as his personal property?
Critical Thinking: Based on your learnings, express what you have learn in
answering the below question

-Which form of business organization do you think is easy / hard to form?

Research to be submitted:

1. WW Rostow, Stages of Economic development (explain each)

2. What are the different sectors of economy (Give example each)
3. Explain per capita income

4. Next Tuesday, Oct 26, summative exam (online)

Quarter 2
TRUE or FALSE: Read and understand each statement. Write T if the statement is
correct and F if it is wrong
________1. Traditional theory of organization is the old way, while modern are the
contemporary or the new design theories.
________2. The simple organizational design is the same with functional design
since both are for business.
________3. The division organization controls different division but cannot provide
financial and legal support services.
________4. In a project design, employees work on their own convenience.
________5. There are advantages and disadvantages of each organizational design
There are a variety of legal types of organizations, including

non-governmental organizations, 
political organizations,
international organizations,
armed forces,
non-for-profit corporations,
cooperatives, and
educational institutions etc.
 Good organizational structure and design
helps improve communication,
increase productivity, and
inspire innovation.
It creates an environment where people can work effectively.

Most productivity and performance issues can be attributed to poor 

organizational design
There are two kinds of theories on organizational
design according to Robbins and Coulter.

1. Traditional is the usual and old way.

2. Modern is the contemporary

A traditional organizational structure follows a
system in which power flows upward through
the organization, and all employees follow a chain
of command. The traditional organizational chart
may look like a pyramid
Characteristics: Strength Weakness

Simple -Has few departments

-Has many subordinate directly reporting to the
-Decisions are fast
-Risk of excessive
dependence to a
manager? -Accountability is clear person.
-Has a centralized authority figure. -Not suitable for
-Formalization of work is few. growing companies.
-Used by companies that started as
Functional -Groups together similar specialties -Workers with the same -Managers have
e.g company that makes cars and other related specialties work together and limited knowledge of
products. easily manipulated by the other unit functions

Divisional made up of separate business divisions where the Good result is very important Activities and
main division acts as the supervisor to coordinate Managers are responsible for resources might be
and control the different divisions and provide what happens to their duplicated.
financial and legal assistance. products and services. Too costly and reduce
A modern organizational structure does not have a
hierarchical, top-down power arrangement. Also referred to
as a contemporary organizational structure, it removes the
departmental boundaries between employees and has
them work on projects together in pursuit of the business'
Characteristics: Advantages Disadvantages

Team Design The entire organization is made up of teams Empowerment of team Great pressure on
members teams to perform
Barriers will be
eliminated among
functional areas.

Matrix-Project Design An organization design were specialist from Specialist are involved in Tasks and personality
different departments work on projects that are the project conflict.
supervised by a project manager. As a result,
there is a double chain of command wherein
workers has two managers:
the functional area manager and their project

Boundary -less Design -No hierarchal levels that separate the Highly flexible and Problems in
employees. responsive communication
-No boundaries that separate the -organization
from the customers, suppliers, and stakeholders
Read and understand each statement. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following organization theories is flexible?

A. Simple C. Functional
B. Divisional D. Team design
1. Which is the best organization theories for the call centers?
A. Simple C. Functional
B. Divisional D. Team design
1. Which of the following is necessary for an organization’s success?
A. Teamwork C. absenteeism
B. Cooperation D. a and B
1. Ayala malls, Robinsons, SM supermarkets follow which organization theory?
A. Simple C. Functional
B. Divisional D. Team design
1. Car manufacturing industries follow which organization theory?
A. Simple C. Functional
B. Divisional D. Team design
1. Recruitment
2. Selection
3. Human Resources
4. Compensation
Staffing according to Dyck and Neubert (2012 )

is the Human Resources function of selecting, hiring

and retaining people with the necessary
qualifications to fill the positions of current and
future jobs in the organization.
Two main components of staffing:

1. Recruitment is the process of identifying and

attracting the people with the necessary

2. Selection is choosing who to hire

Steps in Staffing

1. Identifying job vacancies, job and work requirements

2. Checking internal environment of the organization for human


3. External recruiting

4. Selecting those with the essential qualifications for the job opening

5. Placing the selected applicant.

6. Promoting

7. Evaluating performance

8. Planning of employee’s career

9. Training of human resources

10. Compensating Human resources

External and Internal Forces affecting Present and Future
Needs for Human Resources

External Forces are the economic, technological, social,

political, and legal factors.

Internal Factors are the firm’s goal, technology, and the type
of work that need to be accomplished.
What is in?
Directions: Complete the sentences given below. Or you may cite examples
1. Recruitment ­-
Process of Recruiting, Selecting and
Training Employee

In any organization, why do we need to recruit?

What is the most important when we recruit new members in

our organization?

is to find qualified applicants to fill a job vacancy in an

organization. They must see to it that the recruit has the
knowledge and skills to achieve the goals of an organization.
2 Kinds of Recruitment

Internal recruitment is within the organization. This can be

done through promotions or transfer of employees who are
already a member of the organization.

e. g. Lily works as an accountant at T-Mobile. She is expert

on her work and a diligent employee. She was promoted as a
senior accountant.
Methods of External and Internal Recruitment:

1. Advertisements 2. Unsolicited applications

3. Internet recruiting 4. Employee Referrals

5. Executive search firm 6. Educational Institutions

7. Professional associations 8. Public and private

employment agencies
Advantages of External Recruitment

1. There’s a possibility to hire the best qualified applicant.

2. Applicants from outside have a better potentials because they really
want the job.
1. It is costly
2. Possibility of practicing bias referred by a
Advantages of Internal Recruitment

1. Less expenses

2. Selection is faster

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

1. Applicants to choose from is limited.

2. Favoritism and jealousy may arise.


Selection is choosing the best qualified applicant for a vacant


.Why is selection continuous?

There is a fast turnover resulting into vacancies.


1. Establishing the selection Criteria

2. Requesting the applicant to complete the application form

3. Screening by listing applicants who met the criteria

4. Screening interview to identify the best applicants

5. Interview by the supervisor /panel

6. Verification of documents

7. Physical and psychosocial examination

8. Hiring the applicant.

Employment Test

1. Intelligence test measures the applicant’s cognitive capability, speed

thinking and ability to solve problematic situation

2. Proficiency and Aptitude test measures the skills and potential for
learning other skills.

3. Personality test reveals the applicant personal character.

4. Vocational test shows the occupation best suited to an applicant.

Types of interview

1. Structured interview- applicant answers a set of prepared

questions- situational, job knowledge, simulation and worker
requirements section.

2. Unstructured interview- the interviewer may ask questions freely.

3. Panel Interview- three to five or maybe more will take turns in

asking questions. Usually, it is composed of the HR and other
executives including the CEO.
Training and Development

Training and development are very important to achieve organizations


How? Managers must see to it that their human resources have the
knowledge, skills and expertise. This can be done through training and
development by providing continuous learning and opportunities.
Conducting Training Needs Assessment

1. Designing the Training Program

2. Implementing the Training Program

3. Evaluating the training

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