Consumer Behavior: Session 16

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Consumer Behavior

Session 16
To Persuade

August 2022
Consumer Behaviour Study & Marketing Practise
Marketing Practise
Marketing Strategy – Brand Offer --
Segmenting, Targeting Products, Pack, Communication Strategy
& Price, & Plans
Positioning Distribution
If effective in Persuading
Deep understanding of Consumers

Target Consumers Target Consumer Impact

Need triggers, Favorable attitude & Image

Purchase & usage

Deep understanding of Consumer behaviour is critical to Market Share
crafting Persuasive & Effective Marketing
Shannon – Weaver ’s Model of
Sender – Encoder – Decoder – Receiver –
Informatio Messages Channel Messages Learning &
n Embedded Received Perception



Each stage is a hurdle to cross for effective communication

Extensively used AIDA Model
Interest: Action:
In Consideration set Purchase/
• Special offer, urgency,
• Relevant message • Purchase
• Unexpected content feeling of special
• Order
• Promise of reward or • Subscription
• Surprise • Communicating
satisfaction • Conversion of call or
unique benefits
sending message
• Attractive graphics or • Building unique
• Raising tense or through online
titles brand-image and
mystery contact form
must-to-have effect

Attention: Desire:
Salience & Purchase Intent /
Awareness Preference
Marketing Communication Contexts
Impersonal Vs Interpersonal One to One
One to Few
Vs One to many
Interpersonal Interpersonal
Formal Informal
Owned Media
Interpersonal Vs Interpersonal Paid content
F2F Virtual Earned Communication

Traditional or Broadcast Media (Mass Media)

New Media or Narrow Casting (Addressable Audience)
New Media Characteristics

• Intelligent engagement – not

Generation hard sell
Consumers • Relevant for me, When I need it
• Listen to me, involve me

individual relevant

Message & Medium are same with content marketing. Touch points
(message and medium integrated) impact on brand the critical factor
Communication Strategy Formulation – The steps
Step 1: What Tasks Step 4: How to Communicate Effectively
• Prioritized Marketing Tasks – Market Development • Creative strategy for embedding the message
vs Brand Switch; Awareness vs Trial vs Repurchase • For higher efficiency – attention getting,
vs Usage Occasions / Quantity memorability
• Related Communication Goals & Objectives • For enhancing effectiveness – by creating
favorable perceptions
Step 2: With Whom
• Sharp focused definition of target group Step 5: Where to Communicate
• On demographics, psychographics, media habits & • Channels of Communication
online behavior • Media Strategy

Step 3: What Specific Messages

• Message strategy : the specific messages to be
communicated, images to be cued - to accomplish
the objectives

OUR FOCUS NOW: Message & Creative Strategy

Foggs’s Behaviour Model For Persuasive Design:
Communication Execution
Pleasure vs. Pain ; Hope Vs . Fear ; Social
Motivation Acceptance vs. Rejection

Time ; Money ; Physical Effort; Thinking;

Ability Rebelling vs. conforming; Habits

Action urgency ; Risk reducing

Triggers facilitation ; Reinforcement of action or
payoffs cues
Message & Creative Strategy
* Starting Points
• Good understanding of the target consumer- personality, motivations and category
decision making and purchase behaviour
• The media channel and consumer engagement level
• Sharp focused definition of messages for accomplishing chosen
communication tasks
* Specific Elements
• Credibility
• Structure – Framing
• Communication Route
• Creative Elements – Story; Cast; Audio/Video; Image/Text for involving and engaging
the consumer
Communication Routes Elaboration
Likelihood Model (ELM)
Audience Processing Persuasion
factors approach outcome
motivation Deep processing Central route
and ability focused on the Lasting
to think quality Change
Persuasion about the
of the message (cognitive)

Superficial processing
Low focused on surface Peripheral route
or ability
features such as Temporary communication
to think
about the attractiveness or the Change ( emotive )
message number of arguments

Often a combination of both routes is used

Creative Effect Model

Creative idea Creative idea/

integrated with messages
Brand involve audience


Build brand/consumer
Measuring The Effect

“Integration” “Involvement”
Creative idea Creative idea/
integrated with messages
Brand involve audience

Of course
these two measures
are interrelated


Build brand/consumer
More like classical
Learnings From Studying 500+ Ads In India
* Brand communication embedded or integrated into the creative idea. Integrated
communication is much more effective than embedded (Wall & Window)

* Window in embedded communication - criticality, timing.

* Creative wall - relevance and role.
* Complexities vs simplicities
• Story vs situations.
• Single vs many creative elements.
• Consumer climax vs. creators ending.
• Multiple vs. single benefit.
• Generic vs specific support.
* Voice vs visuals.
• Importance of audio
• “Communicating music” often does not communicate.
* There are no real rules cast in stone
Points to ponder

•Source credibility of the message is important (at times

it is obnoxious)
•Information provider and his/her personality play
important role
•Content has remained ‘key’ still today!
• Difference between Editorials Vs. Advertorials
• Various appeals to be taken into consideration as far as
nature of product is concerned.
Chapter 13: Learnings Summary
* Deep understanding of Consumer Behaviour is critical to crafting
persuasive and
effective marketing communication.
* For effective communication there are hurdles to be crossed at
each stage of the
model. communication: From Source to encoding to channel to decoding by
* Traditional or. is still extensively used. However, new digital media
* The AIDA
that ’s interactive, (Awareness,
anytime Interest,
and anywhere is Desire, Action) is the most used
growing. communication
* Communication Strategy Formulation involves addressing: What tasks, With whom,
What specific messages, how to communicate it effectively, where/in which
media. of message strategy are: Credibility, Framing, Route (Central or
* Elements
* For a communication to be efficient and effective, the creative execution should
involve the audience and have the core messages embedded in the

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