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e t o

l c om

01 Introducing Reading Skills

02 Introducing Grammatical Skills
03 Introducing Speaking Skills
In this unit, various reading skills will
be introduced.


REFERENTS Comparison & Contrast
Cause & Effect
Read the paragraph and the sentences that follow.

Camphor is a very useful chemical. It is generally used for making mo-

tion picture films, celluloid, and medicines. The camphor tree grows
mainly in Japan, China, and Formosa, but some places in the United States
also are home to the camphor. The camphor tree grows tall and has white
flowers and green leaves.
The chemical is removed from the branches by steaming. It is almost
transparent. The chemical so obtained is then drained and pressed to
remove oil and water. The chemical itself remains in the form of whitish
crystals, which are then treated until they are in liquid form. Although it has
medicinal qualities, it can be extremely poisonous if taken in large doses.

No. 1-5 No. 6-10 No. 11-15

01 The topic of the passage above is the
characteristics of camphor.
That camphor can be a health hazard if taken
02 in large quantities is stated in lines 8-9.

03 Camphor is removed from the tree as a liquid.

Fewer camphor trees exist in the United States

than in other countries.

05 Camphor can probably be dangerous.

06 Camphor is not used in medicine.

The chemical is removed by placing the

07 branches in a cold container.
According to the passage, besides medicine,
08 camphor is commonly used for film for movies.

09 The word “whitish” in line 7 is closest in

meaning to liquid.
10 The word “doses” in line 8 is closest in
meaning to amounts. TEXT
11 The word ‘it” in line 5 refers to nothing.

The word “which” in line 7 refers to whitish

12 crystal.
The part of speech of the word “useful” in
13 line 1 is noun.

14 The part of speech of the word “medicinal”

in line 8 is adjective.
15 The word “but” in line 2 is used to
add information. TEXT
In this unit, some grammatical items
will be given.
Yes/No Question TENSES
WH Question ? Past, Present, Future

Passive Voice Modal Auxiliary


Noun, Adjective, Preposition
Adverb Clauses
Camphor is a very useful chemi-
Read again cal. It is generally used for making
motion picture films, celluloid, and
the passage medicines. The camphor tree grows 1. What tense is
mainly in Japan, China, and For- used in p.1&2?
and answer mosa, but some places in the
United States also are home to the
2. Is there any
the questions! camphor.
The camphor tree grows tall and passive sen-
has white flowers and green leaves.
The chemical is removed from tence in p. 2?
the branches by steaming. It is al-
most transparent. The chemical so
obtained is then drained and
3. Are the italic
pressed sub-clauses
to remove oil and water. The chem- called “noun
ical itself remains in the form of
whitish crystals, which are then clauses”?
treated until they are in liquid form.
Although it has medicinal qualities,
it can be extremely poisonous if
taken in
large doses.
The followings are the steps to introduce yourself in class.

Stand up when Smile when you Give your name first Offer details, like
it's your turn. speak and speak and share why you hobbies / interests
with confidence are taking the class you have.
The followings are some expressions you
can use when introducing yourself:

Name / Nickname
Hi/hello, my name’s Christina Tobing,
but you can call me Chrissy.

2 4
Origin Address
Now I live on ……….
I come from….
(name of street)
I am originally from ….

3 5
Study Age
My major is …… I am ……… years old.
Asking for and Answering Basic Information

a) Do you come from Medan?

b) Are you from Solo?
c) Will you enjoy studying in this
YES/NO university?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I do.
No, I’m Yes, I will.
No, I don
’t. n o t.
Asking for and Answering Basic Information

a) What’s your name?

WH b) Where do you live?
QUESTION c) When did you come to Bogor?
d) What’s your phone number?
Thanking and Responding
How to say thank you and how to respond

 You’re entirely wel-

 I’m so grateful for …
 Thanks a lot for …
 Don’t mention it.
 I really can’t thank you enough.
 No worries.
 That was nice of you. Thank you.
 It was my pleasure.
 Thanks a million.
 Sure!
Expressing thanks for failed attempt:

Thank you for trying I appreciate your I’m sorry it didn’t

help anyway. work out.
Thank you very
much for your effort Thanks, anyway. Perhaps you’ll have
better luck next time

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