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Masters in Environment and Disaster Management (MEDM) Professional Program

Department of Geography and Environment

Faculty of Life and Earth Science,
Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Course Title : Introduction to Earth, Population and

Course Code : MEDM 5101

Submitted to : Dr. Mallik Akram Hossain

Professor, Dept. of Geography and Environment
Submitted by: Md. Mafejul Islam Apurbo Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Admission ID : W22023 (3rd Batch)
Contact info : +880 173 336337361
Carrying Capacity:

Carrying capacity can be defined as a species’ average population size in a particular

habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like

adequate food, shelter, water, and mates. If these needs are not met, the population

will decrease until the resource rebounds.

Factors of Carrying Capacity

 Population: This relates to the number of plants or animal species occupying

a place.
 The natural recourses; food availability and water supplies are vital to the
survival of any population.
 The waste they generate and subsequently dispose of by means of natural
swage systems (Soil, Sea, Atmosphere)
 The technologies they apply to exploit the habitat.
 The species in-built resilience for systematic or sporadic threats to the
Effect of Exceeding Carrying Capacity
If the carrying capacity of a populations species is exceeded, the following
repercussions may occur:
 Population: This relates to the number of plants or animal species occupying
a place.
 The natural recourses; food availability and water supplies are vital to the
survival of any population.
 The waste they generate and subsequently dispose of by means of natural
swage systems (Soil, Sea, Atmosphere)
 The technologies they apply to exploit the habitat.
 The species in-built resilience for systematic or sporadic threats to the
Carrying Capacity Graph
The picture below shows an example of a carrying
capacity graph (Figure 1). Here, the carrying capacity
(symbol: K) for a biological species is marked by the
red dotted horizontal line to describe the number of
organisms that the environment can support
sustainably for a given time.
Notice that it coincides with the stable
equilibrium, which refers to the population size
that has reached a steady state as it aligns with the
carrying capacity.

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