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The Real Reason You Feel

Too Busy(and what to do about it)

08/06/2022 1
Time is a lack and a source of
pressure in our society.

That’s because our world valorizes

work, business and
This increases creation and action,
but there are also downsides.
A good organization requires long-term
strategic thinking, according to researches
on senior leaders.
SUCCESS These ones state also that they have no
time to think about these strategies.

How is that possible?

For instance, 62 meetings per month are 2 or 3 meeting per day but it seems to be too much for
leaders. Meanwhile, a study shows that 28% of their time is used to answer to emails.

Moreover there’s the tendency to work at cross-purpose, because workers think they will be less busy
in this way.

In reality, our choices make us busy.

An other example is given by the research conducted by Silvia Bellezza and her colleagues who show
that business is actually a form of status.

So saying « I am so crazy busy » should be translated in « I am so in demand », that is a more

socially-accepted version.

Human minds do not like to deal with
conditions of uncertainty.
We are given with challenges and we cannot
know how to do with.

Talking about existential questions and

matters is worse, because we might not
actually really want to deal with, so
becoming busy is a strategy not to think
about it.

03/09/20XX 5
An answer removes uncertainty

Business is used as a way to numb
ourselves out.

There are things we sometimes do not

want to face, for this reason we tend to
get trapped in the pattern of business and
Work is better than overwork.

crack Business could look as success and

triumph, but it looks more like loneliness,
frustration, having a life not really in our
full control.

So we need to ask ourselves: how was life



Let’s make a change: beat back business once

and for all.


To make this change, we have to:

1) know what is actually behind some of the

business that is filling our days;

2) get honest about what is motivating us to

make a different choice.

To sum up…

These days, everyone feels pressed for time.

Dorie Clark reveals the hidden reasons behind why

we're all so busy and presents a new way to look at
the choices we make, and how to create more
space in our lives to think.

Real freedom is about creating the space so that we

can breathe and think.
It is about how and with whom we want to be
spending our time.

When I used to be so busy, I tended to hurry up to
do everything as fast as possible, accumulating
stress without considering my mental health. I was
drowning slowly.

Since I discovered this new way to look at choices, I

learnt a new way of living:
I try to split off my study and work commitments in
My Viewpoint a proper way, reiterating that I do not have to rush to
finish them earlier than planned.
So, I just take my time.

Doing that, I put myself first.

In addition, I can also focus on what and who is
around me. Now, finally, I feel less stressful and



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