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English for Banjarese Local Wisdom

Banjar Handicrafts

Lecturer : Dr. Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd.

Presentate by:
Ahmad Afif Muhammad Miftahul
Yusuf Ikhsan
(2110117110011) (2110117310023)
What is Banjar
Banjar handicrafts are handmade products that
made by Banjar local people from natural local
1. Lampit rotan
(rattan mat)

Lampit rotan, is a weaved rattan mat that’s

quite popular in Banjar. This mat is made in
Amuntai, South Kalimantan. It is made from
refined rattan that locking each other. It takes
between 3 days or a month to make one lampit
rotan. Lampit rotan is best suited for tropical
and hot places, as it has an ability to absorbs
cold air.

but cuan
Tas Purun, is made from purun, an
endemic plant from Banjar peat
ecosystem. Not only made for the
functional purposes, the production 2. Tas anyam purun
of purun bag also serve as attempts (weaved purun bag)
to cultivate peat ecosystem, and to
support local business.
Banjar is really famous for the
production of gemstone jewelleries.
This jewelleries has many colors and
shapes variations that’s aesthetically
pleasing. It is made from polished local
gemstones, such as diamond, Red
Borneo, Kalimantan amethyst,
Kalimantan jade, and many more.
3. Perhiasan batu permata
(gemstone jewellery)
Kopiah jangang, is a unique cap
from south kalimantan. It is made
from hand-weaved jangang roots.
However, before being weaved, the
roots had to be processed first.
There are a few pattern that usually
used by local people, such as wave,
lotus flower, and heart pattern. It is 4. Kopiah jangang (jangang
quite expensive because of the cap)
difficultness to weave jangang root.
Jangang plant itself is a wild plant
that usually found in deep forest of
local values

jangang tree
Tajau Kuin is a crock made from the
mixture of local cement and sand. It was
made in North Kuin, Banjarmasin. Not
5. Tajau Kuin only for holding water, Tajau Kuin could
also clarify brackish water (air payau),
and made the water colder.
thank you, any

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