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For example:
1. Consider this…
2. Listen to me…
3. You can take this advice…
4. Make up your mind !
5. Let me give you some fatherly advice…
6. You should see the two sides of the coin
7. You should learn from the lesson
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang termasuk didalam give the advice,
antara lain:
In my advice, you should follow the additional course after class in
(Saran saya, Anda harus mengikuti kursus tambahan setelah kelas di
It is better to you to see the doctor and ask about your problem
(Hal ini lebih baik untuk Anda ke dokter dan bertanya tentang masalah
You should train your skill
(Anda harus melatih keterampilan Anda)
If I were you, I would choose to enter English majoring in University of
(Jika aku jadi kau, aku akan memilih untuk masuk jurusan bahasa Inggris
di Universitas indonesia)
What about going to the beach in the end of December?
(Bagaimana dengan pergi ke pantai di akhir Desember?)
Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

Do you have any suggestion for me? You'd better....

Will you give me some suggestion,

You could (might)....
Shall I come back later I suggest that you....
Any idea? I recommend that you
Where do you think I can get
You really should....
something nice?

Can you tell me what happened? I strongly advise you to....

My advice is to be careful in doing

Please tell me what should I do?
business with them.
Accepting Suggestion Rejecting Suggestion

That's a good/nice/wonderful idea. I don't think so.

Yeah, sure. I tried that, but it didn't work.

Thank you. I'll try that. Thanks, but that won't help because....

Why didn't I think of that? I don't want to do that because....

I think you're right. That's a good idea, but....

That's sounds good. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Sure. I'll do that. I think it can't solve my problem.

Advice to children
N: Now..You need to listen to you mother I’m sure you’ll be alright
P: I want to see my friends
N: You should be patient You will see them sooner if you listen to your mum
P: I miss them
N: I know…I guess they miss you too But you need to stay.. You can’t rush… Or..
you break your leg again
P: How long will I use these crutches?
N: It wouldn’t be long if you listen to my advice
P: Can I play with my ball again?
N: Sure. So…promise me?
P: (non verbal)
N: Good bye
Shinta: My throat has been hurting for a couple days. What should I
do? (Sudah dua hari ini tenggorokanku sakit. Apa yang harus aku
Adam: In my experience, drinking honey mixed in warm tea works
really well to cure the sore throat. You should try it. (Berdasarkan
pengalamanku, minum madu yang dicampurkan ke dalam teh
hangat sangat ampuh untuk menyembuhkan sakit tenggorokan.
Kamu harus mencobanya)
Shinta: Is that so? I’ll give it a try then. Thanks, Adam. (Benarkah? Aku
akan mencobnya kalau begitu. Terima kasih, Adam)
Adam: You’re welcome. (Sama-sama)
Novi: I had a fight with my boyfriend. Now, he’s ignoring me.  What ought I
to do? (Aku bertengkar dengan pacarku. Sekarang ia mengabaikanku. Apa
yang harus aku lakukan?)
Okta: Have you tried talking to him? (Sudahkah kamu coba berbicara
Novi: Yes, I have, but he ignored me. (Ya, sudah, tetapi dia mengabaikanku)
Okta: In that case, you ought to give him time and space. He probably is not
ready yet and needs to be alone to calm himself down. (Dalam hal ini,
kamu harus memberikannya waktu dan ruang. Dia mungkin belum siap
dan ingin menyendiri untuk menenangkan dirinya)
Novi: But what if he ignores me forever? (Tetapi bagaimana jika dia
mengabaikanku selamanya?)
Okta: He won’t. I can tell that he loves you so much. I believe he will talk to
you first when he’s ready. (Tidak akan. Aku perhatikan dia benar-benar
mencintaimu. Aku yakin dia akan berbicara padamu terlebih dahulu ketika
dia sudah siap)
Novi: I hope so. (Aku harap begitu)
Rejecting is used to reject that you do not agree.
For example:
1. No way
2. Not a chance!
3. Forget it
4. Thanks, but no thanks
5. I’d really rather not do it
6. We would like to inform you with regret that the position
has been filled.
7. I don’t particularly like seafood
Reject the helps
N: Good morning Mrs. Anita You’re going home today, aren’t
P: You’re right. I can’t wait
N: I can imagine
P: Yuli… I want you to have this (to show something that is very
N: Oh..thanks Mrs. Anita, but no thanks
P: Why not ? You’ve been taking good care of me I think you
deserve it
N: I don’t think I can accept that I’m very sorry
P: I see…well…
N: Thanks anyway…
P: Can you keep my flowers?
No, thanks (Tidak, Terima kasih)
A: Good morning, I want to have a cup of coffee and two
apple pies (Selamat pagi, saya ingin memesan secangkir
kopi dan dua potong pie apel)
B: Sure, do you want some milk in your coffee? (Baik,
apakah Anda menginginkan susu dalam kopi Anda?)
A: No, thanks (Tidak, terima kasih)
No, nothing (Tidak, tidak ada)
A: Could you help me wash the dishes? I need to pick up a
friend at the airport (Bisakah kamu membantu aku
mencuci piring? Aku harus menjemput seorang teman di
B: Sure. Is there anything else I can help you with?
(Baiklah. Ada yang lain yang bisa kubantu?)
A: No, nothing. Thank you so much (Tidak, tidak ada.
Terima kasih banyak)
I’m okay (Aku tidak apa-apa/Aku baik-baik saja)
A: I’m not feeling so well lately. I keep having headache
(Aku merasa kurang sehat akhir-akhir ini. Aku sering
sakit kepala)
B: Do you want me to take you to see a doctor? (Apakah
kamu ingin ku antar untuk mendatangi dokter?)
A: I’m okay, I just need extra rest (Aku tidak apa-aoa, aku
hanya butuh banyak istirahat)
I’m sorry, I … (Maaf, saya …)
A: Have you had your lunch? (Sudahkah kamu makan
B: I haven’t. (Belum)
A: Would you like a beef burger? I bought one from the
cafeteria (Apakah kamu mau burger sapi? Aku membeli
satu dari kantin)
B: I’m sorry, I don’t eat meats (Maaf, aku tidak makan
Don’t worry, I can do it myself (Jangan khawatir, saya
bisa kerjakan sendiri)
A: What is that you’re cleaning? (Apa itu yang sedang
kamu bersihkan?)
B: I accidently broke a plate (Aku tidak sengaja
memecahkan piring)
A: Do you need a hand? (Apakah kamu butuh bantuan?)
B: Don’t worry, I can do it myself (Jangan khawatir, aku
bisa melakukannya sendiri)
Thank you for your offer. But I’m sorry, I can’t accept that (Terima
kasih atas tawaran Anda. Tapi maaf, saya tidak bisa
A: What’s wrong with your phone? My messages weren’t sent (Ada apa
dengan ponselmu? Pesanku tidak terkirim)
B: Actually it’s broken, I haven’t got a new one (Sedang rusak, aku
belum beli yang baru)
A: Do you want to use my other phone? (Apakah kamu mau
menggunakan ponselku yang satunya dulu?)
B: Thanks for the offer, though. But sorry, I can’t accept that (Terima
kasih atas tawarannya. Tapi maaf, aku tidak bisa menerimanya)

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