ENG - 101 Presentation (5th July, 2022)

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Exams are barrier to

real education. How

far do you agree?
Presented by

Group number: 05

Group members:

● Sadia Khatun(33)
● Fatema Akter Mitu(34)
● Miftahul Jannat Jessica(35)
● Atifa Ananna(37)
● Afsara Sara(38)

Course Name: ENG101

Department of Statistics,
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
What is exam?

Exams are important part of education. The reason they are helpful is that
they are a good gauge ofwhat a student is remaining. It is a conventional
system to test knowledge and intelligence which is being practiced in nearly
all schools/collges/ universities. One may like it or not but they have to take
exams every year.Education is naturally about much more than exams.
Exam Anxiety

Most of the students fail and stress while getting an exam. exam
anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or
panic before or during an exam. For this they are unable to do
their best. There are two types of anxiety.

1)Low anxiety 2) High anxiety

Low anxiety: Students who experience low anxiety feel a little bit
nervous about upcoming exams but still able to focus their
attention on study or the question they are asked during the
High anxiety: Students who experience high anxiety feel
immediate anxiety reaction when exposed to the feared test
situation. High anxiety can tip some into a sense of panic, “I just
really can't do this!”
Reasons Behind Anxiety
● Negative past experiences of exams
● Lack of adequate preparation, or knowledge of exam-taking
techniques or study methods
● Unhelpful thinking about the exam situation
● Excessive pressure to achieve and/or perfectionism
● Strong fear of failure
● Poor self-care, including insufficient sleep, unhealthy eating, lack of
exercise or relaxation
● Fear of scoring poorly in your tests or exams
● A fear of absence of control
● Fear of letting down others (guardians, educators)
● Giving too much importance and value to single tests and assignments
● Set a very high bar for his/her self
● Using grades as an impression of self esteem
● Having no confidence or negative self talk

Fear usually leads to stress, thus developing anxiety and depression in students. This ultimately
results in performing poorly in exams.
Common Myths of Exams

In debates about exams the same myths are often brought up

again and again.

● Myth 1: Exams measure only memory not intellect this

emphasizes on the recall of isolated facts not for deeper
understanding.It is the misuse of the format

● Myth 2: Everything can be found on Google anyway means

we no longer need knowledge in our brain when we have
phones in our pocket. critical thinking, analysis, pre
existing knowledge and wide breadth of knowledge can't
be obtained simply by Googling.

● Myth 3: Exams don't enhance learning, they just promote

learning in several ways for limited time. The process of
actively retrieving and applying the to- be- tested materials
multiple times, strengthen knowledge just like regular
exercise helps muscle grow stronger.
Substitute of Exams:

● Research skills: A research proposal or report.

Communication skills: A presentation task.
● Depth of knowledge: A more focused
investigation on a specific topic.
● Particular learning skills: An essay,class
debate or simillar assessment.

But arguing that exams cannot do everything is not the same as arguing they can do

Nearly all school and University courses, there are multiple goals. Therefore a balanced
assessment programme is critical.
What Can We Do?

● Being careful about the fact that knowledge and skills being properly assessed
● Must be aware of the unintended consequences that emerge in specific testing
● Best possible way to strengthen knowledge will be the process of actively retrieving and
applying material multiple times during study.
● Forming own technics or considering how one topic is relate to another is better than
possibly scanning/memorising notes.
Technics are form of deep encoding where a student is required to-

1)Actively negotiate meaning and

2)To make decisions about what question goes with what kind of topics.

The goal of exams is to enable students to demonstrate what they know and can do.The
solution is not to abandon exams,but to change how poorly designed exam process is made
and questions are written
Engstrom's activity
e should focus on the question by
scussing the relationship between exam
nd Educational process in
specific context. The concept of
stitutionally mediated practice is very
ide. Trejor Engstrom’s ACTIVITY
HEORY and both individual-social
ansformation is the best! It seems to be
n approach to analyze the exam, learning
nd teaching to constitute an effective
ducational background

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