Behind The Mask of Masculinity

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Behind the Mask

of Masculinity

WGS 260
What is Hegemonic/Hegemony
• You’ll see this word and you’ll hear me use it a lot
• Hegemony is dominance over another
• Hegemonic is rule in a social or political context
• Hegemonic Masculinity- is the practice teaching a certain form of masculinity in order to
legitimize men’s dominant position in society and justifies the subordination of others (i.e. women)
• In this system – boys need to learn how to be proper men, and follow the traditional male roles in order to
continue the system of patriarchy
• More on this next week
CH. 1 “Behind the Mask of Masculinity”
• What is the “Boy Code”?
• What is the “Gender Straightjacket”?
• What roles do shame and the trauma of separation play in the mask that
boys wear?
• What is the “Heroic Half”?
• Why is there a gender gap in academic performance?
3 Myths of Boys
• Myth #1: Boys will be boys: Nature and testosterone win out over
• Myth #2: Boys should be boys
• Myth #3: Boys are Toxic – the Anti-Boy
Myth #1: Boys will be boys
• This myth is saying that boys are prisoners of biology, that their
behavior is predetermined, an inherent part of their nature
• Risk taking behavior
• Insensitivity
• Related to negative behavior – “boys will be boys” is never said when a boy
does something kind – how might that effect boys?
Truth #1: A boy’s behavior is shaped more by
loved ones (environment) than nature
• Testosterone may contribute to a boy’s activity level- but not behavior -
NOT related to violence
• When boys are lovingly nurtured, they in turn, nurture and show
empathy to others
• Watch this video on epigenetics
Myth #2: Boys Should be Boys
• Boys MUST fulfill the stereotypes
• Boy Code – boys should be tough, demand respect, and NEVER act
like a girl
• Boys are quickly shamed for failing at any of these
Truth #2: There are many ways to be a boy –
diversity of masculinity
• Boy Code based on stereotype in US culture – not a real definition of
• Manhood is defined very differently in other cultures, countries, eras

• When boys are free from shame and judgement they enjoy participating in a
full range of playful, expressive, and creative activities
• Parents will never spoil a boy by showing him affection and by providing
him the freedom to follow his own path
Myth #3: Boys are Toxic- the Anti-Boy
• Belief that there is something inherently dangerous about boys
• Belief that boys are psychologically unaware, emotionally unsocialized
• Makes people believe that boys are full-fledged aggressors at a young
Truth #3: Boys are Empathetic
• When fostered, boys are very empathetic (ability to share your feelings)
• Studies show that boys who are raised in a nurturing household
(especially one where the father is emotionally nurturing) not only have
empathy, but also have a more positive attitude towards girls

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