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College of computing and informatics


Foundation of Information Science

Virtual Reality

Instructor Tilahun Shifraw (Ass Prof) 

Perpared by: Demelash seifu

May, 2021
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Presentations outline

 Definition of Virtual Reality

 Uses of Virtual Reality
 Types of Virtual Reality
 Advantages and disadvantages of Virtual Reality
Definition of Virtual Reality

The computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image

or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or
physical way by a person using special electronic equipment,
such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with
sensors.(Kiki McMillan, Cascade Game Foundry, Redmond,
Washington, USA)
Definition of Virtual Reality
 VR allows the user to step inside an experience, to be immersed
in and interact with a 3D world that can either simulate or differ
completely from the real world.

Virtual reality is a fully digital, computer-generated, three-

dimensional experiential environment.
Where is Virtual Reality used?

• . 1. VR in Military
The military uses it for flight simulations, battlefield simulations,
medic training, vehicle simulation and virtual boot camp, among
other things.
VR is a completely immersive, visual and sound-based
experience, which can safely replicate dangerous training
situations to prepare and train soldiers, without putting them at
risk until they are ready for combat.
Where is Virtual Reality used?

• . 1. VR in Military
It can also be used to teach soldiers some softer skills, including
communication with local civilians or international counterparts
when out in the field.
Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for soldiers who
have returned from combat and need help adjusting to normal life
situations; this is known as Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
A key benefit for using virtual reality technology in the military
is the reduction in costs for training.
Where is Virtual Reality used?

• 2. VR in Sport

VR is revolutionising the sports industry for players, coaches and viewers.

 Virtual reality can be used by coaches and players to train more efficiently
across a range of sports, as they are able to watch and experience certain
situations repeatedly and can improve each time.
Essentially, it’s used as a training aid to help measure athletic performance and
analyse technique.
Some say it can also be used to improve athletes' cognitive abilities when
injured, as it allows them to experience gameplay scenarios virtually.
Where is Virtual Reality used?
• 3. VR in Mental Health

VR technology has become a primary method for treating post-traumatic

 Using VR exposure therapy, a person enters a re-enactment of a traumatic
event in an attempt to come to terms with the event and heal. Likewise, it has
also been used to treat anxiety, phobias and depression

Virtual reality technology can provide a safe environment for patients to come
into contact with things they fear, whilst remaining in a controlled and safe
Where is Virtual Reality used?

4. VR in Medical Training

Due to its interactive nature, medical and dental students have

begun using VR to practice surgeries and procedures, allowing
for a consequence free learning environment; the risk of inflicting
harm or making a mistake while practicing on real patients is
 Virtual patients are used to allow students to develop skills
which can later be applied in the real world
Where is Virtual Reality used?

•5. VR in Education

schools with virtual reality also adopted in 

education for teaching and learning situations. Students are able
to interact with each other and within a three-dimensional
Virtual reality can be particularly beneficial for students with
special needs, such as autism. Research has found that VR can be
a motivating platform to safely practice social skills for children,
including those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Types of VR


Non-immersive virtual experiences are often overlooked as a virtual
reality category because it’s already so commonly used in everyday life.
This technology provides a computer-generated environment, but allows
the user to stay aware of and keep control of their physical environment.
Non-immersive virtual reality systems rely on a computer or video game
console, display, and input devices like keyboards, mice, and controller.
A video game is a great example of a non-immersive VR experience. (
immersion virtual reality vr)
Types of VR
Types of VR
•Semi-immersive virtual experiences provide users with a partially virtual environment.
• It will still give users the perception of being in a different reality when they focus on the
digital image, but also allows users to remain connected to their physical surroundings.
•Semi-immersive technology provides realism through 3D graphics, a term known as vertical
reality depth. More detailed graphics result in a more immersive feeling.
• This category of VR is used often for educational or training purposes and relies on high-
resolution displays, powerful computers, projectors or hard simulators that partially replicate
design and functionality of functional real-world mechanisms. (immersion virtual reality vr)
Types of VR
Types of VR

•Fully-immersive simulations give users the most realistic simulation experience, complete
with sight and sound.
• To experience and interact with fully-immersive virtual reality, the user needs the proper
VR glasses or a head mount display (HMD).
•VR headsets provide high-resolution content with a wide field of view. The display typically
splits between the user’s eyes, creating a stereoscopic 3D effect, and combines with input
tracking to establish an immersive, believable experience.
• This type of VR has been commonly adapted for gaming and other entertainment purposes,
but usage in other sectors, namely education, is increasing now as well. (immersion
virtual reality vr)
Types of VR
Advantages of Virtual Reality (VR)

•Create an interactive environment

•Increase work capabilities
•helps you to create a realistic world so that the user can explore the world.
•In the education field makes education easier and more comfortable.
•Virtual reality allows users to experiment with an artificial environment.
DISadvantages of Virtual Reality (VR)

• Users addict to the virtual world

• The escapism is commonplace among those that use VR environments,
and people start living in the virtual world instead of dealing with real-
world issues.
• Training with a VR environment never has the same result as training and
working in the real world. This means if somebody done well with
simulated tasks in a VR environment, there is still no guarantee that a
person doing well in the real world.

1. Elliot H, Joey L. Virtual reality in education: a tool for learning in the

experience age (International Journal of Innovation in Education)
2. Oliveira et al. (1996) Architecture of Virtual Reality Systems
3.  Mario A. A. Gutiérrez Ph.D., Frédéric Vexo Ph.D. Stepping into Virtual
4. Nadia M, Thalmann D. (1994) Artificial Life and Virtual Reality.

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