The Importance Wps Office 2

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Prepared by:
Charlene Mae V. Macatangay
Christian Jay M. Gonzales
Michael Angelo M. Gomez


As a human, Moral support is one of the important social functions that we

encounter everyday. Getting close with other people is one of the basic human
instinct that is natural to all. The family is the basic unit of our society, and they
must give their full attention to their kids.
According to the Ethymology Dictionary, moral is originally meant "pertaining to a character as
opposed to physical action". But, moral is often mistaken as it has the same meaning with

In Talipan National High School, some students are considered with poor academic performance,
so many of them are going to school to enhance their own skills. The classroom is where the
students communicate the most and through this communication students develop their social
ability (Hughes 2012).

The teachers must help the students to collect more academic knowledge and skills about school
works but also, the parents must help their children with their homeworks, because parental
support will also affects the children's academic performance and behavior.
This research is tend to aim the importance of having a moral support specifically in the
• To fix the behavior of the students from one to another.
• For the students to gain a higher performance with the help of their teachers and
• To promote the importance of having a moral support to the students of Talipan
National High School.
• To determine what will happen to the students if they receive moral support.

When you give moral support, you help encourage a person, family, or a group in whatever
crisis of unhealthy state of being they are in. When confidence is brighten, a sense of hope
returns and confidence increases. As the general sense of well-being restores solution and
progress become possible. Improving student's relationship with their teachers is very
important, positive and long-lasting involvement for both students relationship with their
teacher will not produce gains and achievement.

However, those students who have close positive relationship with their teachers will
accomplish higher level of achievement than those students with more problem in their
relationship. High quality of academic instruction by the teacher is designed to be
appropriate to student's educational levels. It also creates opportunity for thinking and
analysis to guide students and extends their previous knowledge.
The research studies revealed their various factors are responsible for scholastic failure
of students, such as low socio-economic, background, students understanding abilities,
school related factors, environment of the home, are the support given by the parents
ang other family members.(Khant & Malik, 1991. Fan, 2001: Gonzales-Pineda, et al;

Studies have shown, however that involvement of parents of middle and high school
students is equally important. In high school, for example, the parents encouragement
can influence whether a childs stays in school or drops out.

Similarity, a child may consider going to college more seriously when parents show
interest in the child's academic achievement and talk with the child about the benefits of
a college education.(G. Chen 2018).
Reading together at home greatly improves reading skills. Reading, in particular,
improves greatly when parents and children read together at home. Reading aloud with
the child contributes significantly to the child's reading ability. (G. Chen 2018).

Parental support is been defined as "parental behavior towards the childs such as
praising, encouraging and giving physical affection, which indicates the child that she or
he is accepted and loved". (Barnes, et al.,2000: 176).

In general, research has a consistently found that greater parental support predicts
better adolescent functioning and fewer adolescent problem behavior in a range of
domains, including alcohol misuse. ( Barnes , et al:1987, 1994, 2000, Barrera and Lie,
Feelings of social inclusion or exclusion are not only important for children's general
well-being and social-emotional development. Importantly, feelings of social inclusion
also make students benefit more from education. (Holz, 2004). For instance, previous
research has found that academic engagement of students of correlated with feelings of
relatedness with teachers and parents. (Skinner, et al., 2009).

Parental involvement leads to a better classroom behavior. Parental involvement not

only enhances academic performance, but it also has a positive influence on student's
attitude and behavior. A parents encouragement in a child toward school, classroom
conduct, self-esteem, absenteeism, and motivation. (G. Chen, 2018).

Parents should stay involved in their children's education from pre school through high
school. Parental involvement can make a positive difference at all age levels. Parental
involvement tends to be the greatest when young children gets older. (National Research
council, 2004; Pianta & Hamre, 2009; Wubbles & Brekelmans, 2005).
And evidence link teacher-provided emotional support to student's motivation and
engagement. ( Cooper, 2013; Eccles & Wang, 2014; Roorda, Koomen, Split, & Oort,
2001; Ryan & Patrick, 2000; Skinner, Furrer, Merchand, & Kinderman, 2008).

A comprehensive measure of emotionally-supportive teacher-student interactions this

investigation because we are interested in identifying mechanisms to explain consistent
findings relating teacher supply of emotional support to students self-reported
motivation and engagement. (Assor, Kaplan, & Roth, 2002; Cooper, 2013;Eccles &
Wang, 2014; Roorda, Koomen, Split, & Oort, 2001; Ryan & Patrick, 2000; Skinner,
Furrer, Merchand, & Kinderman, 2008).

Students on average 7751 with their teachers during their primary and lower secondary
education (Organization for Economic Co-operation Development, 2013). Previous
studies already showed teachers; emotional support is very important for students;
social functioning and academic engagements. (Farmer et al., 2011).

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