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Introduction to multicultural

diversity in the workplace for

the tourism professionals


 The breadth and width of the tourism industry and impact can be felt
significantly not only within the tourism but in the many industries that
support tourism as well. It impacts providers of products and services
that are needed by tourists, employees, within the workplace, and
customers, all the whom may come from various locations, locally and
internationally, and with different backgrounds.
 The tourism industry contributes 7% of the worlds total gross domestic
product or GDP. In the Philippines, the industry contributes 12% of the
country GDP which translate to Php2.2 trillion that fuels the Philippine
economy based on 2018 statistic.
 Many tourism related establishment in the Philippines employ a
multicultural diverse local and international workforce due to intrinsic
characteristic that requires expertise at various levels and functions.
 According to department of Environment and Natural Resources in 2016
there are now 7, 641 identified island in the Philippines.

 Culturerefers to the socially constructed and learned

ways of the behaving and believing that identify individual
and distinct social group. It is shared practice of a group of
 Cultureshapes a persons identity and influences the way
how he/she thinks, behaves, and forms his/her values






 These creation ,the physical, objects or visual, can be

held, viewed, and reflect a society development at a
particular period. These pieces of art use human creative
skills that express or apply imagination and may typically
take a visual form that can be held or touched, such as a
painting or a sculpture.
 As a tourism professionals, there may be a need to become
familiar with the different art pieces in the community as
these can be a part of the tourism knowledge that
customers expect from the tourism enterprise.
 Humans are social beings from birth. The circle of community grows the
immediate, extended family, neighbors, and friends and other community.
Beliefs are reflected in the attitudes and behavior that are exhibited by the
person as they interact with the other people. Values are based on ethics,
principles, beliefs, standard, and qualities that a person or a group of people
may hold in high regard. These values guide how a person will live, make
decisions, and nurture and keep relationships.
 Tourism professionals are expected to provide products and services as
required by their enterprise. They should understand and aware of
differences in personal values, beliefs, and attitudes of both colleagues and
clients in a group settings and are prepared to adapt to the professional
values of the tourism profession. Values can influence many of the judgments
that are made and the support given to colleagues and customer.
 Refers to the various forms of natural or man-made physical
landscapes affected by human activities and how people arrange
the physical space around them. It includes buildings, roads fields,
cities, and various land and water forms.
 The geography of where their colleagues and customers come from
may have an impact on the relationships that they will have in the
workplace or in the provision of certain product and service that
customer may require. Certain activities like climbing a tree,
trekking up a mountain, swimming, planting trees, or being familiar
with the products of particular area may be easier to do some.
These are some examples on how a certain geographic source may
affect a tourism professional.
 This how culture is communicated to colleagues and customers. Transmission of
culture from one generation to another or from one member to other members of a
group of people in a society is also done using language- either written, spoken or a
combination of both.
 Tourism professionals to be able to use English, written and spoken, as it is used by
the greatest number of people. The workplace and customers will be local or
international, and there will always be an occasion to communicate with them. It
is a good opportunity fro tourism professionals to learn another languages besides
English, as being proficient in another foreign language can be an advantage in term
of qualifications and/or can get increase the salary of the tourism professional.
 Laws in a nation re developed by lawmakers based on the acceptable
practices of the members of the country the concept of right in wrong
and fairness and injustice draw from cultural in a particular area that
may be gradually accepted as a practice in a bigger area.
 As a professional, one must be aware of laws and politics that apply in
the country where their work is undertaken especially in the delivery
of products and services to colleagues and customers. In many
instances, it is better to be apolitical, especially in issues that may be
contrary to the individuals belief, as it may create animosity among
colleagues and customer. Tourism service can be compromised if
there is political flavor expressed by anyone in the tourism
 is a very strong source of cultural influence in many countries like in the Philippines. It has permeated every facet of
daily living, including the way people venerate, eat, dress, sleep, and work.
The Philippines is one of the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asia Nation (ASEAN). ASEAN Community was

implemented, which had three pillars, with the inclusion of the population from the ASEAN MEMBER STATE (AMS), the religion
distribution has changed.
Muslim are about 42% (mostly Sunni, Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Buddhist are about 18% ( coming from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, and Vietnam.

Christians are about 17%, mostly from the Philippines.

As a tourism professional, should be considered as a “must know” competency. This will allow the professional to treat their

colleagues and customers correctly, considering that religion plays a major role in the Philippines setting.

 5
With the advent use of technology, many of the work by
tourism professional in various tourism enterprise have
been replaced by some system that have made the work
faster and more current.
As a tourism professionals, even with technology present
in the workplace, the hospitality and service attitude
has to be the priority mindset for colleagues and
customer should take precedence over anything else in
the workplace.
 The development of tourism in one part of the system
creates a multitude of ecological changes capable of
disrupting the boarder and highly embedded
sociocultural system.
 There may be a need in the tourism profession to
recalibrate social organization so that the authenticity
of the cultural exchange is not jeopardized in favor of
pleasing the customer.

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