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Yoga – to join (Sanskrit)

•Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition.

•It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action;

•21 June as "International Day of Yoga”.

•Yoga also brings harmony in all walks of life and thus, is known
for disease prevention, health promotion and management of
many lifestyle-related disorders.

•The aim of Yoga practice(sādhana) is to overcome all kinds of

sufferings that lead to a sense of freedom in every walk of life
with holistic health, happiness and harmony.
The Fundamentals of Yoga
Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, emotion
and energy.
This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga:

1. Karma Yoga where we utilize the body;

2. Jnāna Yoga where we utilize the mind;
3. Bhakti Yoga where we utilize the emotion and
4. Kriya Yoga where we utilise the energy.

Every individual is a unique combination of these four

factors. Only a guru (teacher) can advocate the
appropriate combination of the four

Arises when strong conflict arises within oneself or between two or group of
Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in life, work
Conflicts leads to confusion and misery.
Stress can have a big impact on your body, in ways that are felt by just you,
and in way that the world can see.
One of the more visible potential by-products of stress is weight gain--many
people find themselves to be "emotional eaters" who react to stress by reaching
for something--often the wrong thing--to eat.
Stress can also create a loss of appetite, which can be a problem as well.
Causes of stresses

•Unfulfilled desires and expectations

•Guilt feelings and reaction to failures cause stress in person
•Work situations, repetitive work, tight dead lines and poor welfare
facilities also cause stress
•Personal problems in family
•Critical life changes, both pleasant and unpleasant taking place
•Mostly when someone feel stress, because lack of understanding,
question of if something happens, how I am going face?
Types of Stress
1. Acute Stress
2. Episodic Stress
3. Chronic Stress

Methods to Reduce Stress

Understanding the nature of Existence

Passive Awareness
Indulging constructive hobbies

Yoga is an ancient discipline designed to bring balance and

health to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
dimensions of the individual. 
A growing body of research evidence supports the belief that
certain yoga techniques may improve physical and mental
health through down-regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).

The HPA axis and SNS are triggered as a response to a physical

or psychological demand (stressor), leading to a cascade of
physiologic, behavioral, and psychological effects.
Yogic science includes yogasanas (postures), pranayama
(breathing practices), dhyana (meditation), and relaxation
techniques which benefit human beings at every level.

Various studies which examined the effects of mindfulness-

based stress reduction (MBSR) on health-related quality of life

Yoga significantly decreases heart rate and systolic and

diastolic blood pressure.

Studies suggest that yoga reverses the negative impact of stress

on the immune system by increasing levels of immunoglobulin
A as well as natural killer cells.

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