Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence: Lesson Eleven

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Lesson Eleven
Social Relationship
- It is tend to be less intimate than sexual relationship
- Less self-disclosure is involved on some type of this relationship
- It also requires certain amount of loyalty towards one another
- Exposure to peer pressure normally happens on this type of relationship
- This is the point where our attachments from our family are shifted to our
Types of Social Interaction
◦ Exchange
◦ Competition
◦ Conflict
◦ Cooperation
◦ Accommodation
◦ Individuals and groups interact in order to receive the reward of
their actions
◦ The idea of Reciprocity is present (reciprocity means when we do
something, there is a possible reward)
◦ Rewards can be material or non-material
◦ Exchange Theory is one of the common theories used on this type
of social relationship
◦ Two or more people/group opposes each other in order to attain
their goals
◦ This type follows a rules of conduct
◦ This type often leads to conflict
◦ Deliberate attempt to control by force, oppose or harm the will of
other people
◦ Conflict has a few rules of conduct
◦ They mostly goal to defeat their rivals
◦ This occurs when two or more person/groups work together in
order to achieve common goals for the benefit of many people
◦ Can be used to other types of social interaction
◦ A state of balance between cooperation and conflict
◦ It can be divided to four types: Compromise (where both parties
give up), Truce (there is a halt of conflict), Mediation (when a third
party acts as a counsellor or mediator to both parties) and
Arbitration (when the third party makes a decision to bind other
Social Influence
- It helps us to build our own belief system that may affect the way we react
(attitude) and behave (behavior)
- It can be conducted through the use of power or by means of operant
Types of Influence
1. Compliance - a type of social influence where an individual does what someone
else wants them to do, following his or her request or suggestion. It is similar to
obedience, but there is no order – only a request.
2. Identification -  people are influenced by someone who is liked and respected,
such as a famous celebrity.
3. Internalization - people accept a belief or behavior and agree both publicly and
4. Conformity - type of social influence involving a change in behavior, belief, or
thinking to align with those of others or with normative standards. It is the most
common and pervasive form of social influence.
Types of Influence
5. Minority - Minority influence takes place when a majority is influenced to accept the
beliefs or behaviors of a minority. Minority influence can be affected by the sizes of
majority and minority groups, the level of consistency of the minority group, and
situational factors (such as the affluence or social importance of the minority).
6. Reactance - adoption of a view contrary to the view that a person is being pressured to
accept, perhaps due to a perceived threat to behavioral freedoms. It is also known as anti
7. Obedience - a form of social influence that derives from an authority figure
8. Persuasion – a process of guiding oneself or another toward the adoption of an
attitude by rational or symbolic means. It can occur though fallacies of appeal to
reason or appeal to emotion
Types of Influence
9. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to
become true due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. A prophecy
declared as truth (when it is actually false) may sufficiently influence people, either
through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-
false prophecy.
10. Psychological Manipulation - a type of social influence that aims to change the
behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics.
11. Propaganda – is an information that is not objective and is used primarily to
influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to
encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce
an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.
Types of Influence
12. Hard Power - is the use of military and economic means to influence the
behavior or interests of other political bodies. This form of political power is
often aggressive (coercion), and is most effective when imposed by one political
body upon another of lesser military and/or economic power.
13. Soft Power – it involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal
and attraction.
Skills and Tasks appropriate for Middle
and Late Adolescence
1. Adjustment to Sexual Maturation of One’s Body and Emotions
2. Development and Application of One’s abstract thinking skills
3. Development and Application of One’s new perspective on social and sexual
4. Development and Application of One’s of new coping skills in different
areas of development
5. Identification of meaningful moral standards, values and belief systems
Skills and Tasks appropriate for Middle
and Late Adolescence
6. Understanding and Expression of more complex emotional experiences
7. Forming friendships that are mutually that are mutually close and supportive
8. Establishment of key aspects of your identity
9. Meeting the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
10. Renegotiation of relationship with adults in terms of parenting roles
What is Leadership
◦ Leadership is our ability to inspire, influence and lead a certain
people or group of people in order to attain a common goal
◦ It is a process of encouraging and helping others to work
enthusiastically towards one objective
Leadership and Followership Theories
1. Trait Theory – Leadership are seen through personality traits
2. Behavioral Theory – Leadership is a learned behavior
3. Participative Theory – Everyone is involve on decision making of the group
4. Situational Theory – Leadership is situational
5. Transactional Theory – Good Negotiating skills are the most important
element of leadership
6. Transformational Theory – Being a Visionary means being a good leader
7. Leader – Member Axiom Theory – Leader’s effectiveness are measured
through his/her relationship towards his/her members
8. Authentic Leadership Theory – Leadership is determined by his/her followers
view on him/her
Three Basic Axioms of Leadership
1. Leadership is situational
2. Leadership is Non – Hierarchical
3. Leadership Must be Relational
Principles of Leadership
1. Self – Awareness
2. Ingenuity
3. Love
4. Heroism
Vital Ingredients for a Successful
1. Authenticity
2. Significance
3. Excitement
4. Community
◦Based on your own experience, give at least
two situational examples for each type of
Social Interaction

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