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Mental Health and Well-

Being in the Middle and

Late Adolescence
Lesson Eight
Concept of Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental Health
• Includes Emotional, Psychological and Social Well-being
• It affects how we think, feel and act as we cope up in life
• Helps us to determine how we handle stress, how we relate with others
and make decisions in life
WHO’s Concept of Mental Health

A. Subjective Well-being
- Defined as one’s personal thoughts and feelings about others overall
state of being
- Denotes positive and healthy interpretation of one’s Self Concept
B. Perceived Self-Efficacy
- One’s perception of value and worth as well as effectiveness of one’s
ability to perform specific activity
C. Autonomy
- Deals with one’s capacity to separate one’s identity from other
significant persons
- Capacity for self-direction and having a clear definition of role identity
- Defines how a person interacts with other people and the environment
D. Competence
- It is one’s perception to their ability to do certain task very well
- Resiliency and adaptiveness are one of the major parts of competence
- Responsibility is one of the main factor of Competence
E. Intergenerational Independence
- Refers to our relationship between different generations but may be
living separately as independent and autonomous individual
F. Self – Actualization
- It is accomplished through fulfillment of other needs
- Ability to accept reality and has compassion to help
- Always open to changes and has a strong need for privacy and solitude
Witmer and Sweeney’s Five Life Task Model of
Mental Health

1. Spirituality
2. Work and Leisure
3. Friendship
4. Love
5. Self-Direction

• A quality or state of being in good health especially as

an actively sought goal
Wheel of Wellness

• It illustrates a wellness model with seven dimensions: emotional,

intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, and spiritual.
• All of the dimensions are interconnected and important to a well-
rounded and balanced lifestyle.
Wheel of Wellness

1. Sense of Worth
2. Sense of Control
3. Realistic Beliefs
4. Emotional Awareness and Coping
5. Problem Solving and Creativity
6. Sense of Humor
Wheel of Wellness

7. Nutrition
8. Physical Exercise
9. Self-Care
10. Stress Management
11. Gender Identity
12. Cultural Identity
Five Popular Steps to Improve your Mental Health
and Well-Being

1. Connect
2. Be Active
3. Keep Learning
4. Give to Others
5. Take Notice

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