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Prabhashini Wijewantha
Department of Human Resource Management
Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies
University of Kelaniya.

Current Trends in Human

Resource Development
Session Outline
• Introduction

• What is Strategy?

• Strategic Business Planning (SBP)

• What is Strategic Human Resource Development?

• Relationship between SBP,HRP and SHRD

• Organizational Approaches to T&D 2

• The American Society for T&D’s study of what HRD
Practitioners do, identified “strategist” as one of the 15
roles of HRD practitioners.
• Acting in this role, practitioners develop long-range
plans for what the training and development structure,
organization, direction, policies, programs, services, and
practices will be in order to accomplish the training and
development mission.

Introduction Contd....
• HRD Practitioner’s main responsibility as a “ strategist” is
to manage the HRD section strategically rather than to
lead efforts to formulate and implement a unified plan to
guide the direction of learning in an organization.
• Departmental planning is important but not as
organizational planning for learning.
• HRD Strategy should be related to what the organization
should do to encourage planned learning that supports the
business and HR plans.

Introduction Contd....
• HRD practitioners are rarely included in top level
discussions about business plans though HRD is one area
that mostly support the achievement of business plans.
• HRD practitioners are often cut off from the strategic
decision making and are left to set their own direction.
• There should be a proper alignment between
organization’s Corporate Strategy, HRM Strategy and
HRD function to successfully incorporate the functional
benefits for the organizational strategy achievement.
What is Strategy?
• The direction and scope of an organization over the long
term: which achieves advantage for the organization
through its configuration of resources within a
challenging environment to meet needs of markets and
to fulfill stakeholder expectations.
( Gerry Johnson & Scholes, Exploring Corporate
Strategy, 2003)

• Strategy refers to the long term future orientation of

the organization in simple.
What is Strategic Business
• SBP involves choosing how an organization will
compete in the markets in which it operates.

SBP Model
• Clarify purpose
• Select goals and objectives
• Identify present strengths and weaknesses
• Analyze future threats and opportunities
• Compare organizational strengths and weaknesses to
environmental opportunities and threats.
• Decide on the long term strategy of the organization
• Strategy Implementation
• Strategy Evaluation
Strategic Human Resource
Development (SHRD)
• The process of changing an organization, stakeholders outside
it, groups inside it and people employed by it, through planned
learning, so that they possess the knowledge and skills needed
in the future.
(Rothwell & Kazanas)
• Introducing, eliminating, modifying, directing and guiding
processes in such a way that all individuals and teams are
equipped with the skills, knowledge and competences they
require to undertake current and future tasks required by the
Relationship between SBP, HR
Planning and SHRD
• SHRD focuses on the HRD effort defined as coordinated
learning activities undertaken by HRD practitioners,
operating managers and employees to support business and
HR plans.
• The result of SHRD is an organizational strategy for HRD.
• Organizational Strategy for HRD is a comprehensive
coordinated plan for major learning initiatives by which a
firm’s mangers intend to meet business and staffing
objectives through organized learning.

Organizational Approaches to
Training and Development of HR
• Piece Meal Training Courses
- Training functions and programmes are not linked to the overall
Corporate Strategy of the firm.
- The amount of training provided to employees is low and is not
sufficiently integrated.
• T&D Strategy
- Organization has a T&D Strategy derived from the Corporate
- However the strategy is not implemented properly.
• SHRD Approach

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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