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By: Sheila Solomon & Samuel Dacpano

last step of mining operations is Closure and Rehabilitation of the Mines. After the mines operating life, the people concerned start the Closure Operations. After that is the Rehabilitation.

process of a closure of a mine starts at the permitting stage (submitting of Permits) and continues throughout the mines operating life. Closure involves Plant Resale or Relocation, Demolition, and Preparing for managing longterm Acid Rock Drainage.

It is the outflow of acidic water from mining operations including waste rock, tailings, and exposed surfaces in open pits and underground workings.


of dissolution of sulfides (mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite under oxidizing conditions in air and water. This oxidation releases H+ ions and lowers the surrounding pH to acidic levels. Acidic drainage will subsequently leach additional metal ions from the adjacent rocks and deposit them. Mining operations lacking sufficient neutralizing carbonate materials are at greatest risk of environmental degradation and usually require engineering intervention to minimize the problem.

It is the process of replacing the site with equal or better land condition than prior to mining, which normally involves: 1. Filling and Grading 2. Pit/Mine Stabilization 3. Tailings Impoundment Reclamation, and 4. Acid Rock Mitigation.

is crucial to blend slopes/grades into natural level areas. 1. Backfill excavations and fill to required subgrade elevations using specified fill materials. 2. Place fill materials in layers not exceeding a specified loose thickness. 3. Compact each layer of fill to minimum percentages of Standard Proctor Density specified.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Avoid or minimize the disturbance and/or excavation of the acid producing rock. Disposal of the material above the water table. Surface and groundwater management to divert water from acid producing rock Blending or alkaline addition to maintain the pH at near-neutral levels; Identifying potential borrow sites for cover material;

Identifying potential borrow sites for the isolation or temporary storage of potential acid producing material; 7. Using low permeability and impermeable barriers to limit infiltration into the potentially acid producing rock from rainwater or groundwater; 8. Preparation of a logistics plan including sources for alkaline material and locations for the stockpiling of such material; 9. Identification of monitoring methods and locations to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation; and 10. Contingency plans should initial mitigation require modification.

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