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ဂျပန်စာအမျ ိုးအစား

Romaji eg: konnichiwa

Hiragana ひらがな
Katakana カタカナ
Kanji 漢字
Hiragana(အလုံ း(46))
A(အ) I(အိ) U(အု ) E(အဲ) O(အို့)

a(အ) あ い う え お
K(ခ) か (ka) き (ki) く (ku) け (ke) こ (ko)
S(စ) さ (sa) し (*)shi す (su) せ (se) そ (so)
T(တ) た (ta) ち (*)chi つ (*)tsu て (te) と (to)
N(န) な (na) に (ni) ぬ (nu) ね (ne) の (no)
H(ဟ) は (ha) ひ (hi) ふ (*)(fu) へ (he) ほ (ho)
M(မ) ま (ma) み (mi) む (mu) め (me) も (mo)
Y(ရ) や (ya) ゆ (yu) よ (yo)
R(လ) ら (ra) り (ri) る (ru) れ (re) ろ (ro)

W(ဝ) わ (wa) を (wo)

く  is a one stroke symbol,
remember to start from the top.
し  is also written as 1 stroke
starting from the top.
そ  can be written as one stroke or
Start つ from the top left.
て is written as 1 continuous stroke.
の , is written as 1 stroke starting in the
ひ  is written as 1 stroke starting
from the top   left.
へ  is written as 1 stroke starting
from the bottom left.
る  is written as 1 stroke starting
from the top left.
ろ is written as 1 stroke.
1. あ 17. ち
19. す 7. て
3. く
11. な 20. そ

8. せ 12. の
2. し
22. え 23. か

14. ふ
13. と 9. へ
16. つ
4. こ
5. い
21. お
24. き
10. み 6. ぬ
18. う

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