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The windmills project

I.Fiori L.Giordano S.Hild E.Marchetti(*) G.Mayer F.Paoletti

(* )

Dept. of Earth Science U. of Firenze

In this talk : Motivations of the project Measurements on GEO600 windmills Data analysis (preliminary results): characteristics of seismic signal investigation of effects on GEO600

I Fiori 2nd ILIAS Annual Meeting Palma de Mallorca October 24-

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

The windmills project

o wind power plants (4 turbines 2.3MW + 9 turbines 2.0MW ) are going to be on (<1yr) a few (3-6) kilometers from VIRGO, and we are concerned abo e effects that the seismic disturbance may cause on the interferometer. A similar wind power plant (8 turbines) is located at 1.5 km from GEO600 GEO600 and VIRGO sites have similar soil characteristics: soft soil of lime and sands sediments. The Windmills Project aims to: measure the characteristics of the seismic signal produced by the GEO windmills (i.e. RMS and frequency content, attenuation with distance) 2) investigate possible effects on GEO600 3) use the information to extrapolate to the VIRGO case and evaluate potentially dangerous effects to our interferometer. Literature:
R.Schofield, Seismic Measurements at the Stateline Wind Project LIGO T020104-00-Z 2

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

The GEO600 windmills

3 3



3 2 2 2 1 1

Wind Project Schliekum I and II:

1. Nordex S77 (2 windmills, 1.5MW each) 2. Enron Wind 1.5 and 1.5s (1+2 windmills) KERSTIN 3. Nordex N90 (3 windmills: 2.3MW each)

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

The VIRGO windmills

Impianto Eolico Pontedera by ASA: GE Wind Energy 2.3 (4 windmills, 2.3MW ea Wind project Il Faldo by Windwaerts: Enercon E-82 (9 windmills, 2.0MW each)

5.5 km

2.9 km

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

The windmills
All turbines have in common: 3 blades steel tower on concrete foundation Feedback control of blades pitch angle: keeps rotor speed constant (T 5 6 s) for wind speeds btw 3 25 km/h remotely stopped if wind speed < 2 Power Height Diameter
or > 30 km/h
2.3 weight of head MW 100 m 85 m 85 m 100 m 90 m 70.5 m 65 m 94 m

GEO / VIRGO Nordex N90

1.5 MW Nordex S77 (rotor+blades+generator) 1.5 MW EnronWind 1.5s EnronWind 1.5 1.5 MW GE Wind Energy 2.3 MW

85 m 100ton 77 m

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Measurements on GEO windmills

Single measurements:
Characterize seismic signal of each windmill (i.e. RMS and
resonance freq.)

Two geophones (1-axes velocimeters, orthogonally oriented) Sercel L-4 (1 Hz) Recordings at each windmill Coincidence measurements:(geophones placed horizontally onto windmill platform) Characterize seismic wave-field between the windmills and GEO Two portable seismic stations (Dept. Astronomy U. Firenze) : Tri-axial low frequency (0.1-100 Hz) velocimeters (Lennartz 3D/5 sec) A/D converter (50Hz sampling) + hard disk + GPS receiver One kept in fixed position (LUTZ platform), the second one moved to s locations between 20 m to 3 km from the windmills GEO600 environmental channels:
Streckeisen STS2 seismometers (>10mHz) one in each building (for correlation GEO600 anemometer (wind speed) 6

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (I)

Seismic spectra of single (geophone measurements) windmills:
Quite similar for same type windmills

but significantly different for windmills of different type (change position in frequency of spectral peaks)

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (II)

RMS 2 - 30 m
measured at windmill basement

Spectral amplitude scales with wind speed:

Amplitude of the 0.3 Hz structural resonance does not change significantly, and persists when the windmill is off
Windmill OFF wind speed = 0 km/h

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (III)

Nordex S77 (Daniela)

Blades resonances :

Rotor frequency 0.16 Hz (T = 5s) 3rd harmonic of rotor freq. (blade pass frequency) 6th 9th 12th 15th . generator frequency 18


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (IV)

Structural resonances :
Windmill (Isabelle) is stopped

The first two modes of windmill structure (*) :

0.29 Hz

2.3 Hz

Inverted pendulum mode Nordex N90 Nordex S77 Enron Wind 1.5s Enron Wind 1.5

Tower 1st flexural mode

0.29 Hz 0.37 Hz 0.29 Hz 0.29 Hz

1.9 Hz 2.5 Hz 2.2 Hz 2.3 Hz


(*) P. Schaumann, M. Seidel: Einschwingverhalten von Windenergieanlagen Berechnungen und Messungen Hannover, 2000

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (V)

w w in d (< 5 k m / h ) 9 8 7 R IF s t a t io n : J u ly 2 7 , 0 0 : 0 0 --> 0 2 : 0 0 lo c a l t im e 20

ime evolution of frequency peaks :

Sweeps RIF station: July of15:00 --> 17:00 local time (gusts 25, wind ?)
18 16 14

Smooth running
Frequency [Hz] frequency [Hz]

Frequency [Hz]

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(wind 5km/h) feedback on blades pitch angle is at work

12 10 8 6 4 2 0


(wind 0 km/h)







0 7000



3000 time [s]



Time [s]

Time [s]


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Characteristics of windmills seismic signal (VI)

(?) to adjust for a different wind direction

nsients : intense bursts (1-5 min) produced when windmill heads are


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Coincidence measurements
Measurements layout :

* * * * * * * * * * *

REF station B1 dist 731m B2 dist 1266 m B3 dist 1723 m C1 dist 628 m C2 dist 2961 m D1 dist 25 m D2 dist 5151 m A1 dist 1131 m A2 dist 298 m A3 dist 657 m


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Coincidence measurements
Aquisition times: July 25th to 29th, 2005
Seismic RMS of REF station at windmill Lutz:

Gray rectangles = time periods (11) while the second station was simultaneously 15 ecording at various locations (between 25m to 5km) from REF.

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Correlation with wind speed

Energy of windmill seismic signal scales with wind Scaling is uniform speed for frequencies 1 - 15 Hz (not shown here)

Can use REF to normalize data recorded at differen wind conditions


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Coherence pattern


D1-REF = 25 m



* A2-REF = 300 m



A1-REF = 1125 m

seismic wave field (1-10 Hz) by windmill Lutz does reach GEO, but coherence is gnal is strongly attenuated by the soil below the background environmental nois 17 estructive interference of un-coherent signals from the other windmills

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Horizontal and vertical components

near GEO central building

Signal from the windmills is richer in horizontal components (typical of surface waves)

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Spectral attenuation
Seismic spectra at increasing distance from REF windmill:
REF station D1 = 25 m A2 = 300 m A3 = 650 m A1 = 1125 m B3 = 1723 m


TO DO: correct for wind speed derive attenuation law Microseism? Windmills structural resonance? Everything below 3 Hz is attenuated below environmental noise floor within 300 m from the windmills Higher frequencies detectable 1-2 Km far, but strongly attenuated

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Microseism at GEO600
Measured propagation times of 0.3 Hz signal between GEO terminal buildings : Direction = 45 5 N Velocity = 500-900 m/s (depends on TCC - TFE: + 0.7 s signal reaches TFE firstday) TCC - TFN: + 0.2 s signal reaches TFN first Stable wave-field (amplitude TFE - TFN: 0.5 s signal reaches TFE first and freq.) ( band-pass 0.1-1 Hz ) Unchanged if windmills are OFF

Typical characteristics of microse (frequency, velocity, stationariety)

Not from GEO windmills


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Effects of windmills on GEO600 ?

ANALYSIS is in PROGRESS: results shown here are very preliminary.

oherence of dark fringe signal with STS2 seismometers inside GEO buildings:

Mirrors angular error signals display a similar coherence pattern Windmills are a good candidate source of the 1-10 Hz seismic noise

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Coherence pattern : REF, GEO buildings

Coherence between REF station and seismometers inside GEO buildings:


REF TCC = 1100 m REF TFN = 1250 m REF TFE = 1700 m


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Propagation times
Delay times between the signal recorded at windmill LUTZ (REF) and at GEO buildings: Signal is band-pass filtered 6-7 Hz


REF-TCC (1270 m) T=5.0 s V=255 m/s REF-TCC (1130 m) T=4.5 s V=250 m/s REF-TFE (1720 m) T=5.7 s V= 300 m/s

Direction: Windmills GEO Velocity: 250-300 m/s (surface Raighley waves in areated soil)


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Windmills ON vs OFF
Select two close time periods: (1) ALL windmills running, wind speed = 5 km/h

o GEO seismometers (eventually the dark fringe) sense ny change when windmills are ON or OFF?
(2) ALL windmills stopped, wind speed 0 km/h Both during NIGHT TIME (minimum anthropic noise !)



I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Windmills ON vs OFF
(1) ALL windmills running, wind speed = 5 km/h (2) ALL windmills stopped, wind speed 0 km/h RMS increases (1 -10 Hz ) between 0 and 3 times

Spectral peaks disappers during windmills OFF time A small effect: during daytime can be partially masked by anthropic noise (human activities, veichles )

but potentially harmful if it excites mech. resonan of mirror suspensions


I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

ndmills ON vs. windmills OFF: coherence pattern is unchanged !

Dark fringe vs. seismometer North 1) ALL windmills running ( wind = 5 km/h) building :
2) ALL windmills stopped ( wind 0 km/h)

What happens to dark fringe?

Suggests that coherent seismic noise originate from a persistent source which is not related to windmills.

Hypotheses : shaking of buildings by wind (?) persistent sources inside buildin (electro-mechanic devices ?) Analysis work is ongoing

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Conclusions (I)
Seismic signal by windmills is strongly attenuated by the soil. The low frequecy component (< 1 Hz) is attenuated below microseimic noise within few hundred meters from the windmills, and it is not detected at GEO.

The 1-10 Hz component, mainly horizontal, does reach the GEO buildings. North and Central buildings, approx.1200 m from the windmills, are the most affe he size of the effect is small, of the same order of the anthropic day time noise. he low speed (250-300 m/s) and strong attenuation with distance uggests that propagation occurs partially through air.

GEO600 output and alignment control signals reveal a coherence with seismic no n the 1-10 Hz frequencies, which however seems not related to windmills analysis work is still in progress). What we do expect for VIRGO windmills?

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Seismic noise budget : GEO600 vs

VIRGO: daytime, and typical sea activity GEO600: daytime, and wind 15 km/h

eismic noise inside GEO and VIRGO central buildings at DAYTIME :

Microseism (0.1-1 Hz)

1 10 Hz:

VIRGO: anthropic seismic noise (local traffic, bridge oscillations) with RMS day-night variation of x10 GEO: seismic noise from windmills plus anthropic noise component not well defined yet Typical VIRGO environmental seismic noise floor (0.1-10 Hz) is well above the GEO one 28

I Fiori - 2nd ILIAS annual meeting - October 24-25, 2005

Conclusions (II)

eliminary studies suggest that VIRGO windmills should not cause a signi crease of the seismic noise floor at VIRGO

UT: windmills seismic resonances are potentially dangerous if coincide w chanical resonances of our superattenuators, a careful evaluation is nee

ork in progress: velop a model to use for more accurate predictions which possibly accou (i) soil attenuation with distance from the windmill, (ii) power and numb turbines, (iii) wind conditions.


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