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By Rajeev Roushan CI/C&W/IRIMEE

Failure due to formation. formation.

The formation is affected by following factors:  Sudden subsidence of embankment  Base failure  Ballast puncturing due to heavy rains etc.  Muddiness The -inadequate care taken in maintaining the formation may cause derailments as failure of formation results in disturbance of track geometry

Failure of formation

Failure of ballast

It absorbs noise, shocks, vibrations and distributes the load transmitted by the wheels over the formation. controls the lateral and longitudinal movement of track. It keeps the track in position and at required level. If sufficient quantity of ballast is not available, track may get distorted andor buckled. and


Cushion Ballast 300 mm. Shoulder ballast 400 mm in F/ Plated track & SWR , 350 mm on straight and inside of curve of LWR and 500 mm on outside of curve of LWR.

Failure of sleepers

It must be laid at right angle to the rail. When the sleepers are damaged to an extent that they cannot hold the gauge, the rails get tilted in both the seats, the gauge get widened and both the wheels drop inside the track.

Traffic Density GMT/yr > 20 10-20

Broad-gauge Routes and their Rail Weights A 60kg 60kg B 60kg 60kg 52kg 90UTS C 60kg 60kg 52kg 90UTS D Spl 60kg 60kg 52kg 90UTS 52kg 90UTS or 60kg SH D 60kg 60kg 52kg 90UTS 52kg 90UTS or 60kg SH E Spl 60kg 60kg 52kg 90UTS 52kg 90UTS or 60kg SH E 60kg 52kg 90UTS 52kg 90UTS 52kg 90UTS or 60kg SH




52kg 90UTS

52kg 90UTS

52kg 90UTS

Loop Lines

52kg SH

52kg SH

52kg SH

52kg SH

52kg SH

52kg SH

52kg SH

'SH' = Second-hand

Broad-gauge Routes and their Sleeper Densities

Traffic Density GMT/yr A B C D Spl D E Spl E

> 20
















< 10








Loop Lines








Failures of rails


The wear on rails play a vital role in increasing the mounting tendency of wheel on the rail table. The excessive wear may even result in rail fracture which may cause Derailment. Types of rail wear (i) Vertical wear (ii) Lateral wear (iii) Angular wear

Rail Wear

Vertical wear

Rail section Limit 60 kg 13mm 52kg 8mm 90R 5mm It vertical wear is excessive , a deep flange may ride over fish plate/distance block/ check block and may damage the track components. Measure the rail height at the centre of rail.

Lateral wear

Category of track Limit A&B 8mm C&D 10mm Straight A&B 6mm C &D 8mm It should be measured 13mm below the top surface of the rail. Excessive lateral wear increases the play between the wheel set and track which would contribute to increased oscillations and greater angularity of flange during run. Section Curves

Angular wear


The maximum angular wear permitted as 250 on all tracks. If angular wear is excessive, the rail presents an inclined plane to the wheel on which the flange may slide upwards. Other defects 1.Battering 2.Hogging 3. Scabbing 4. Wheel burn 5.Rail fracture

Gauge Variation

Causes of gauge distortion (1) Worn out fastenings due to which track could not hold the correct gauge. (2) damaged sleepers and unserviceable sleepers due to which fastening become loose. (3)fastening not properly secured and becoming loose due to high speed variations. (4)missing fastenings i.e. keys, spikes, pandrpl clip.

Effect of slack gauge Due to slack gauge, play between flange and running edge of the rail increases , which increases lateral oscillations, hunting, excessive flange forces due to which the wheel may drop. Effect of tight gauge tight gauge increases strain on track fastenings and creates a tendency for the wheel to lift on run. Due to this, flange starts grinding against the rail edge, it causes high flange forces to occur and the flange ultimately mounts over the rail.

Permissible gauge tolerances


On straight -3mm(tight) +6mm(slack) On Curve more than 400m Radius -3mm(tight) +15mm(slack) On Curve less than 400m Radius Nil (tight) +20mm (slack) Gauge is measured by Level cum gauge. Gauge is measured 14 mm below the rail top table.

Cross level defects

The relative difference in the height of left and right rail at a given point on the track is known as cross level (on straight track).

During maintenance

During service

Cross Level difference

Variation not more than 4 mm

Var. not more than 8 mm.

Twist on 3 metre base

Var. not more than 2 mm/metre

Var. not more than 3 mm/metre


It may be defined as algebraic difference of cross level per meter. The effect of twist may cause uneven loading of wheels and this condition is prone to Derailment. Derailment. Twist for straight and curves Variation not more than2mm/meter & 3mm/meter over than2mm/meter 3meter base during maintenance & during service respectively.

Permissible standards for twist


Track category Twist in mm A 0 to 5 ( up to 1.39mm/m) B 5 to 7.5 (1.39 -2.08 mm/m) C 7.5 to 10 (2.08 -2.78 mm/m) D above 10 (above 2.78 mm/m) Above Twist calculation should be measured on 3.6 m base.


Track alignment and Unevenness defect Due to this defects, the springs start oscillating and continue to off load the left and right wheels alternatively even after the irregularity is crossed. If the natural frequency of the vehicle happens to coincide with the exciting frequency, the oscillation can develop dangerous proportions causing derailment.

Tolerances for Alignment & Alignment Unevenness

Track category A B C D


Alignment (7.2 m chord) 0 to 3 mm 3 to 5 mm above 5 mm

Unevenness (3.6 m chord) 0 to 6 mm 6 to 10 mm 10 to15 mm above 15 mm



Effect of Creep There are several serious effects of creep, the most serious is Buckling of the track. Harmful effects are (1)The sleepers move out of square and position. (2)The gauge and alignment of the track gets distorted. (3)Rail joints at the starting points of the creep get opened out of their permissible limit. The stresses develop in the fish plates and bolts. This may cause break the fish bolts and rail ends gets battered badly. Due to creep, rail joints get jammed. (4)Points and crossings get disturbed. (5)The expansion gaps become either too big or too short. Permissible limit of creep is 150mm.

Buckling of track


Rail track is liable to get distorted particularly during hot weather when compressive forces in track exceed lateral or longitudinal resistance of track. Causes of buckling (1) Inadequate resistance to track due to deficiencies of ballast. (2)Ineffective or missing fastenings. (3)Failure to lubricate SEJs in time. (4)Execessive creep, jammed joints in the track.


Vulnerable locations where track is prone to buckling (1) Approaches of level crossing, bridges and yards etc. (2)Junction point of fish plated , SWR and LWR track. (3)Location with deficient ballast section particularly on the shoulders.


Derailment on curves

Adverse factors on a curve (1)Execessive angular wear on the outer rail. (2) Excessive flattening of head on the inner rail. (3) Fracture and failure of rails. (4) Gauge widening and track distortion. (5) Vehicle entering a curve at speeds higher than maximum permissible speed may cause distortion of track or lead to mounting of wheel over the outer rail.

Effect of less super elevation Due to less super elevation, there is a possibility of outer rail getting worn out as it will have to bear more strain due to tendency of wheels to move away from the center of the curve under the influence of centrifugal forces. Effect of more super elevation (1) Inner rail will have to bear maximum strain and there is every possibility of this rail giving way due to excessive strain and cause gauge widening. (2)Due to excessive super elevation, there is every possibility of slow moving goods trains getting derailed.



Maximum super elevation prescribed Track group Max. cant in mm A,B,C 165 D,E 140 Cant deficiency for normal speed up to 100kmph 75mm & for high speed 100mm speed Length of transition curve = 0.008Ca* Vm =0.008 Cd* Vm = 0.72 Ca Ca=actual cant provided, Vm=maximum , permissible speed, Cd =Cant deficiency


Measurement of versine The versines on curves are measured using 20m chords with stations at 10m intervals. For Turn-out versines to be measured every 1.5 Turnmetres with overlapping chord of 6 meters (IRPWM Para. 401). Tolerances of versine For curve more than 600m radius A &B 20mm C&D 25mm For curve less than 600m radius Values of actual versines not vary 20% of theoretical versines subject to a maximum of 55mm.

Derailment on Points and Crossing

Cause (1) Derailment occurs on Pts & Xing at switches (points) which either gape initially or open slightly under the passing wheels. Gaping points are caused by (i) bent tongue rail and by wrongly adjusted heel bolts (ii) Any obstruction like a piece of stone will also result in the switches not setting home.

(2) Very loose heel bolts and badly packed sleepers under the heel chairs will permit the of switches to lift under passing wheels. This will also prone to derailment (3) The head of switch is 5 mm lower than the stock rail at a distance of 450 mm from the toe. Its thickness at this section is 10 mm. Therefore if the stock rail is worn out by 5 mm and the side wear is permitted to proceed too far, the crushing of the switch head and resulting flow of metal will prevent the proper setting of the switch.

(4) Sharp flange is dangerous at Pts & Xing as it mounts the rail at points and nose and heel of switch rails and Xing.

(5) The wheel flange will hit the edge of the nose normally at the tip of the flange if the gauge is tight by 10 mm or the clearance of the check rail is 47 + 10 = 57 mm. In this case wheel will certainly mount the nose.

(6) High wing rail of a crossing may cause a derailment in the trailing direction. In trailing direction, the function of wing rail is to progressively relieve the load on the Vee of the crossing. The gradual transfer of the load starts at a point X provided the wing rail permits the wheel tread to bear on it. It Xing is worn and the wing rail is new, the tyre may get wedged between the two wing rails and force them apart as the axle moves forward. This will cause derailment.

Derailment on points & crossings



Inspection on Pts.& Xing (1) condition of ballast and drainage. (2) condition of tongue rails and stock rails. (3) condition of fittings of tongue and stock rails. (4)Gauge and cross level at switch assembly It should be correct at all locations. (a) At stock joint (b) 150mm behind the toe of switch (c) At mid switch for straight and for turn out side. (d) At heel of switch for straight and for turn out side.


(5) Clearance between stock and tongue rails at heel of switch or Heel divergence 1 in 16 or 1in12 1 in 8.5 133mm 136mm (6) Throw of switch 95 to 115mm. (7) Conditions of Xing and tongue rail Check (a) maximum vertical wear on point and wing rail is 10mm. (b) Xing reconditioning should be done when wear is 6mm. (c) maximum vertical wear permitted on tongue rail is 6mm. (d) lateral wear permitted is 8mm for 90R,52kg rail.


(8) Gauge and cross level of Xing assembly (a)1m ahead of nose on nose on straight and on turn out. (b)150mm behind ANC on straight and on turn out. (c) 1m behind ANC on straight and on turn out. All the above measurement should be correct. (9) Check rail clearance 44 (min) to 48mm (max) (10)Cross level on straight and turn out should be correct

(11) Lead curvature The curvature should be checked either by offset method or by versine method It should be correct and uniform. (12) Sleepers It should be well packed, squaring, and spacing of sleepers should be proper.


The wear of tongue rail shall not exceed the following limits. Vertical wear 8 mm for 60 kg - 5 mm for 52 kg and 90 R Lateral wear 8 mm for 60 kg - 6 mm for 52 kg and 90 R

Examination of Track

Normally measurements will be take at stations three metres apart for a distance of 45 metres on either side of 0 station. They may be taken for column Gauge & cross level (3,4,5) may in addition be a taken individual sleepers for a length of 9 metres in the rear of 0 station. They may be taken for a distance of 90 metres in rear where the cause of derailment is not obvious.

Tools which must be available in ART for taking above measurements


For Track (1) Gauge and level (2) Stepped feeler gauge set (3) Fish chord or nylon wire 10m. (4) Steel scale 30cm. (5) straight edge 1.5m (6) Measuring tape 20m length

Measuring Equipments


Straight edge & Sprit level To check the alignment and cross level. Gauge cum Level - To Check the gauge and cross level. Mallet or wooden hammer To check the packing of the sleepers . CanneCanne- a- boule - A modern equipment to assess the voids under the sleepers. T-square To check square ness of sleepers. Stepped feeler gauge To measure the wear or the clearances.

Maintenance Tools


Sleeper Tong To carry the sleepers. Rail Tong To lift and carry the rails. Beater - To pack the ballast under the sleepers Crow bar To correct the track alignment and to lift the track for surfacing; Also to take out dog spikes for which clawed crow bars are used. used. Jim crow - To bend the rails or break the rails Spiking hammer To drive the spikes. Keying hammer To drive the keys.

Maintenance tools


Spanner To tighten the bolts. Wire claw or ballast rake To draw or pull out the ballast while doing screening, packing etc. Phowrah To cut the earth or to pull out ballast. Auger To bore the holes in wooden sleepers. Box spanner For driving home rail screws or plate screws in the hole. Wire basket For screening the ballast.

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