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Land Grab

By Violai Saumalu
July 20, 2022
Why is land grabbing a concern for public policy?
 Main drawbacks to both local populations' existence and the
independence of developing countries.
 A quick, illegal, or violent acquisitions of
land and control of vast area of lands and
What is "land other natural resources. For instance,
agricultural land, water, minerals, forest etc.
grab"? For the purpose of making exploitation and
profit making for transnational and local
What does it literally imply?

 Simply put, this refers to

attempts by the
government or other
authorities to seize land
by force or fraud from
How does land grabbing affect society?

 Though is the use for public, our civilization should forbid

government from acquiring land. This belief is since it
will harm family economy, damage our human right,
increasing the risk of food shortage, and is especially
supported by the fact that Land grabbing is a hasty
economic phenomenon that began in 2008 and has
sparked significant investment and foreign money flows
in the global south.

Harm Family Economy

Damage Human Rights

Increasing the Risk of Food

Harming Family
 “Population and Economy” (Kyle
F. Davis 2014) demonstrates how
seizing more land has a detrimental
effect on families' economies. It
will make them more vulnerable to
poverty because they relied on the
farming, forestry, and production of
various vegetables and useful trees
that grew on people's land to
support their families and be
exchanged for wealth or attaining
Damage Human
 The Fourteenth Amendment Due
Process Clause” on
( indicate
“Congress determined to assert
more ways to maintain individual
rights after the Civil War to prevent
involvement by the states. The 14th
amendment, for example, forbids
states from robbing "any person of
life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law.
Increasing Risk of
Food Shortage
 The government is grabbing a
sizable chunk of the community's
fields, it will injure these people by
robbing them of their food, showing
that the poor rely on agriculture to
provide for them.
Why Land Grabbing Must Be Stopped?

 On the book “Land Use Policy” on (pg.143-150) reveals Land grabbing is a major
problem in temporary and thread economies.
 According to the “Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids
“double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination. It also requires that “due
process of law” be part of any proceeding that denies a citizen “life, liberty or property”
and requires the government to compensate citizens when it takes private property for
public use” (Cornell Law School).
 Investors claim that land grabs can help alleviate the world food crisis by tapping into a
country’s ‘unused’ agricultural potential, but such investments often do more harm than
good, disrupting traditional land use and leaving half a billion family farmers
vulnerable to exploitation” (
Land Grabbing Here in American Samoa

 According to the news

Malaeimi and Aasu, two
individuals whose
names were announced
on the radio as being
connected to the
claiming of 200 acres of
virgin bush in the hills
of Pago Pago and
Fagasa, have denied
any involvement in the
"land grab."

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Sam Shepard 

"Everyone wants a piece of land. It’s

the only sure investment. It can
never depreciate like a car or
washing machine. Land will double
its value in ten years. In less than
that. Land is going up every day."

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Thank You
and Have a
Nice Day

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