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Philosophy as a science is also a systematized

body of knowledge but unlike other

sciences which employs observation and
experimentation to prove their theories,
philosophy uses reason to arrive at a certain
knowledge or truth. At the onset
Greek philosophers gave us a hint on how to
use our intellect to understand realities
around us. The tools
that they frequently utilized are the following:
1. Philosophical Questions.

Philosophy was born because of ignorance. If one is

ignorant, he asks questions and if he keeps on
questioning the more knowledge he acquires. Once a
person stops questioning, he cease to become a
philosopher. In our daily struggles, one needs to ask
questions simple, serious and deep questions that we
have to grapple with. A philosopher is like a child who
has an inquisitive mind who never stops asking
questions and finding answers.
The Socratic Method, also known as method
of elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic
debate, is a form of cooperative
argumentative dialogue between
individuals, based on asking and answering
questions to stimulate critical thinking and
to draw out ideas and underlying
Dialectics is a term used to describe a
method of philosophical argument that
involves some sort of contradictory process
between opposing sides. As a dialectical
method, it is a discourse between two or
more people holding different points of view
about a subject but wishing to establish the
truth through reasoned arguments
2. Logical Reasoning

In philosophy reasoning is the process of

thinking about something in a logical way in
order to form a conclusion or judgement.
Philosophy is about answering questions.
Reasoning is the method we use in doing
philosophy. All branches of philosophy employ
reasoning in explaining their arguments.
2. Logical Reasoning

In philosophy reasoning is the process of

thinking about something in a logical way in
order to form a conclusion or judgement.
Philosophy is about answering questions.
Reasoning is the method we use in doing
philosophy. All branches of philosophy employ
reasoning in explaining their arguments.
Reasoning however is the
domain of one branch of philosophy which is Epistemology.
One type of logical
reasoning is the deductive reasoning:

Premise 1: All human beings are mortal
Premise 2: But the President of the Philippines is a human being
Conclusion: Therefore, the President of the Philippines is mortal.

Premise 1: All human beings are mortal

Premise 2: But the President of the
Philippines is a human being
Conclusion: Therefore, the President of the
Philippines is mortal.
Inductive Reasoning - begins with a particular to
universal argument.

Premise: Student A, B, C, D, E, F….. are
wearing School ID.
Conclusion: Therefore, All students are
wearing ID

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