CH 18 Saving, Investment, and The Financial System 9e

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Saving, Investment, and the
18 Financial System
Interactive PowerPoint Slides by:
V. Andreea Chiritescu
Eastern Illinois University
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• What are the main types of financial
institutions in the U.S. economy, and what is
their function?
• What are the three kinds of saving?
• What’s the difference between saving and
• How does the financial system coordinate
saving and investment?
• How do government policies affect saving,
investment, and the interest rate?
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Financial Institutions
• Financial system
– Group of institutions in the economy
– That help match the saving of one person
with the investment of another
• Financial institutions
– Institutions through which savers can
directly provide funds to borrowers
1. Financial markets
2. Financial intermediaries
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Financial Markets
• Financial markets
– Financial institutions through which savers
can directly provide funds to borrowers
• The bond market:
– A bond is a certificate of indebtedness
• The stock market:
– A stock is a claim to partial ownership in a

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The Bond Market
• Bond is an IOU that specifies:
– Principal: the amount borrowed
– Date of maturity: the time at which the loan will
be repaid
– Rate of interest that the borrower will pay
periodically until the loan matures.
– Bond buyer is a lender: can hold the bond until
maturity, or he can sell the bond at an earlier
date to someone else
• Debt finance: sale of bonds to raise money

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Four Characteristics of Bonds – 1
• Term: length of time until the bond matures
– Short terms or long terms
• Long term bonds: riskier, higher interest
– Never matures: perpetuity
• Credit risk: probability of borrower default
– High probability of default: higher interest
– Junk bonds (issued by financially shaky
corporations) pay very high interest rates

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Four Characteristics of Bonds – 2
• Tax treatment: way the tax laws treat the
interest earned on the bond
– Interest on most bonds is taxable income
– Municipal bonds (issued by state and local
governments): no tax, lower interest rates
• Does it offer inflation protection?
– Nominal terms: specific number of dollars
– Indexed to a measure of inflation: when prices
rise, the payments rise proportionately (lower
interest rates)

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The Stock Market – 1
• A share of stock: ownership in a firm
– Therefore is a claim to some of the profits that
the firm makes
– Carry greater risk but offer potentially higher
• Equity finance: sale of stock to raise money
• Stock exchange
– Trading stock shares stockholders
– The business (that issued the stock) receives
no money
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The Stock Market – 2
• Prices of shares on stock exchanges
– Determined by the supply of and demand for the
stock in these companies.
• The demand for a stock
– Reflects people’s perception of the corporation’s
future profitability
• A stock index: an average of a group of
stock prices
– Dow Jones Industrial Average
– Standard & Poor’s 500 Index
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Financial Intermediaries – 1
• Financial intermediaries
– Institutions through which savers can
indirectly provide funds to borrowers
– Banks
– Mutual funds

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• Primary role for banks:
– Take in deposits from savers (small interest rate)
– Use these deposits to make loans to borrowers
(charge a higher interest rate)
• Secondary role of banks:
– Facilitate purchases of goods and services
• Checks and debit cards to access deposits
• Medium of exchange
• Store of value

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Mutual Funds
• Mutual funds:
– Sell shares to the public and use the proceeds to
buy portfolios of stocks and bonds
• Advantages:
– Allow people with small amounts of money to
diversify their holdings (less risk)
– Give ordinary people access to the skills of
professional money managers
• Financial economists, skeptical: hard to “beat
the market”

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Some Important Identities – 1
• Gross domestic product (GDP, Y)
• Total income = Total expenditure
Y = C + I + G + NX
• Y = gross domestic product, GDP
• C = consumption
• I = investment
• G = government purchases
• NX = net exports

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Some Important Identities – 2
• Assume closed economy: NX = 0
Y = C + I + G, so I = Y – C - G
• National saving (saving), S = Y – C - G
• Total income in the economy that remains
after paying for consumption and
government purchases
• By definition: S = Y – C – G
• It follows: Saving (S) = Investment (I) for
a closed economy
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Some Important Identities – 3
• Define T = taxes minus transfer payments
S = Y – C – G can be rewritten as:
S = (Y – T – C) + (T – G)
• Private saving = Y – T – C
– Income that households have left after paying for
taxes and consumption
• Public saving = T – G
– Tax revenue that the government has left after
paying for its spending
National saving (S) = Private saving + Public saving
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Budget Surplus or Deficit
• Budget surplus: T – G > 0
– Excess of tax revenue over government
spending = public saving (T-G)
• Budget deficit: T – G < 0
– Shortfall of tax revenue from government
spending = – (public saving) = G – T

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The Meaning of Saving and Investment – 1
• Private saving
– Income remaining after households pay
their taxes and pay for consumption.
– Examples of what households do with
• Buy corporate bonds or equities
• Purchase a certificate of deposit at the bank
• Buy shares of a mutual fund
• Let accumulate in saving or checking
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The Meaning of Saving and Investment – 2
• Investment
– Is the purchase of new capital
– Examples of investment:
• General Motors spends $250 million to build
a new factory in Ohio.
• You buy $5,000 worth of computer equipment
for your business.
• Your parents spend $300,000 to have a new
house built.
Investment is NOT the purchase of stocks and bonds!

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The Market for Loanable Funds – 1
• Loanable funds market
– A supply–demand model of the financial
– Helps us understand:
• How the financial system coordinates
saving & investment.
• How government policies and other factors
affect saving, investment, the interest rate.

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The Market for Loanable Funds – 2
• Assume: only one financial market
– All savers deposit their saving in this
– All borrowers take out loans from this
– There is one interest rate, which is both
the return to saving and the cost of

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The Supply of Loanable Funds
• Saving is the source of the supply of
loanable funds:
– Households with extra income can loan it out
and earn interest.
– Public saving
• If positive, adds to national saving and the
supply of loanable funds.
• If negative, it reduces national saving and the
supply of loanable funds.

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The slope of the supply curve
An increase in the
interest rate makes
Rate Supply
saving more
attractive, which
increases the
quantity of loanable
funds supplied.


60 80 Loanable Funds
($ billions)

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The Demand for Loanable Funds
• Investment is the source of the demand
for loanable funds:
– Firms borrow the funds they need to pay
for new equipment, factories, etc.
– Households borrow the funds they need to
purchase new houses.

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The slope of the demand curve
A fall in the interest rate
reduces the cost of
Rate borrowing, which
increases the quantity
of loanable funds


50 80 Loanable Funds
($ billions)

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Equilibrium on the market for loanable funds
Interest The interest rate
Rate adjusts to equate
supply and demand.
The equilibrium
quantity of loanable
5% funds = equilibrium I
= equilibrium S.


60 Loanable Funds ($

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Reaching Equilibrium
• If interest rate < equilibrium:
– QS < QD, so shortage of loanable funds
• Encourage lenders to raise the interest rate
• Encourage saving (increase QS)
• Discourage borrowing for investment
(decreasing QD)
• If interest rate > equilibrium
– Surplus of loanable funds
– Decrease interest rate
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Policy 1: Saving incentives
Interest • Tax incentives for
saving increase the
S1 S2 supply of loanable
• …which reduces the
5% equilibrium interest
4% rate
• and increases the
D1 equilibrium quantity
of loanable funds
60 70 • greater S and I
Loanable Funds
($ billions)
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Policy 2: Investment incentives
Interest • An investment tax
credit increases the
S1 demand for loanable
6% • …which raises the
5% equilibrium interest
D2 • and increases the
D1 equilibrium quantity
of loanable funds
60 70 • greater S and I
Loanable Funds
($ billions)
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Policy 3: Government Budget Deficits and Surpluses

• Budget deficit G > T

– Excess of government spending over tax
• Government debt
– Accumulation of past government borrowing
• Budget surplus, T > G
– Excess of tax revenue over government
– Repay some of the government debt.
• Balanced budget: G = T
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Policy 3: Lessons
• Budget deficits
– Reduce national saving
– Decrease the supply of loanable funds
– Interest rate rises and investment falls
• Budget surplus
– Increase national saving
– Increase the supply of loanable funds
– Reduce the interest rate, and stimulates

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U.S. Government debt as a percentage of GDP,

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The financial crisis of 2008–2009
A financial crisis led to a deep recession in the U.S. and
around the world. A few unemployment rates:
9 Canada










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Elements of Financial Crises – 1
1. Large decline in some asset prices
– Housing prices fell 30% (2008-2009).
2. Widespread insolvencies at financial institutions
– Banks and other institutions failed when many
homeowners stopped paying their mortgages.
3. Decline in confidence in financial institutions
– Customers with uninsured deposits began
pulling their funds out of financial institutions

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Elements of Financial Crises – 2
4. Credit crunch
– Borrowers unable to get loans because troubled
lenders not confident in borrowers’ credit-
5. Economic downturn
– Failing financial institutions and a fall in
investment caused GDP to fall and
unemployment to rise.
6. Vicious circle
– The downturn reduced profits and asset values,
which worsened the crisis.
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• The U.S. financial system - many types of financial
institutions: the bond market, the stock market,
banks, and mutual funds. They direct the resources
of households that want to save into the hands of
households and firms that want to borrow.
• National income accounting identities reveal some
important relationships among macroeconomic
variables. For a closed economy, national saving
must equal investment. Financial institutions:
matching one person’s saving with another
person’s investment.

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• The interest rate is determined by the supply and
demand for loanable funds. The supply of loanable
funds: from households that want to save. The
demand for loanable funds: from households and
firms that want to borrow for investment.
• National saving = private saving + public saving.
• A government budget deficit is negative public
saving. Reduces national saving and the supply of
loanable funds available to finance investment.
• Government budget deficit crowds out investment:
reduces the growth of productivity and GDP.
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You have the following information: GDP = $19

trillion, C = $13 trillion, G = $2.5 trillion, and
Budget deficit = $1.2 trillion.
A. Find public saving, net taxes, private saving,
national saving, and investment.
B. Government cuts taxes by $300 billion. Find
new budget deficit and answers to A. if:
a) Consumers save the entire tax cut
b) Consumers save 1/3 and spend the other
2/3 of the tax cut


Assume the government starts with a balanced budget and

then, because of an increase in government spending (and/or
decrease in taxes), starts running a budget deficit. Use the
loanable funds model to analyze the effects of a government
budget deficit:
A. Draw the diagram showing the changes in equilibrium.
What happens to the equilibrium values of the interest
rate and investment?
B. Analyze the effects of a budget surplus.

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