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I take after my father

Lesson 4
Acquaintance 知り合い Mother in law 義理の母
Colleague 同僚 Neighbor 近所の人
Cousin いとこ Nephew 甥
Father’s side 父方 Niece 姪
Friend 友達 Teammate チームメイ

Family or not family?

Family Not family

Family Friend

Fathers side
Mother in law
Nephew Neighbor

Niece Teammate
Easy-going 気楽な / のんき
Generous 心大きい
Hard-working 勤勉
Patient 忍耐強い
Selfish 自己チュー / わがまま
Serious まじめ
Talkative おしゃべり / 饒舌家
Warm-hearted 心温まる / 優しい

A. A person who doesn’t worry or get angry about things ❏ Easy going
easily ❏ Generous
B. Someone who doesn’t think about other people ❏ Hard working
C. A person who likes to talk a lot ❏ Patient
D. Someone who is always caring and kind ❏ Selfish
E. A person who can wait a long time without getting ❏ Serious
angry ❏ Talkative
F. Someone who puts a lot of effort into work or studies ❏ Warm-hearted
G. A person who doesn’t usually joke or smile.
H. Someone who likes to give or share things with people.

A. A person who doesn’t worry or get angry about things easily (Easy going)
B. Someone who doesn’t think about other people (selfish)
C. A person who likes to talk a lot (talkative)
D. Someone who is always caring and kind (warm-hearted)
E. A person who can wait a long time without getting angry (patient)
F. Someone who puts a lot of effort into work or studies (hard-working)
G. A person who doesn’t usually joke or smile. (serious)
H. Someone who likes to give or share things with people.(generous)
Which adjective describes

Mother Serious and selfish

Sister Easy-going and talkative

Father Warm-hearted and generous

Brother Serious and patient


Mother Serious and selfish

Sister Easy-going and talkative

Father Warm-hearted and generous

Brother Serious and patient

Match the questions and responses
Who do you take after? Yes I get on with him very well

Do you get along with your sister? I supposed she takes after my
father. He’s serious, too.

Who does she take after? Well no, I don’t really like her.

Do you like your brother? I think I take after my mother. We’re

both really easy-going and talkative.
Match the questions and responses
Who do you take after? Yes I get on with him very well

Do you get along with your sister? I supposed she takes after my
father. He’s serious, too.

Who does she take after? Well no, I don’t really like her.

Do you like your brother? I think I take after my mother. We’re

both really easy-going and talkative.
Who does Naomi like, her
brother or sister?
Get on with/ get along with- と仲良くします・合わ

Take after ようです / 似てる

Match the words

Get on with/ get along with To be similar to someone

To have a good
Take after relationship with
Match the words

Get on with/ get along with To be similar to someone

To have a good
Take after relationship with
Underline the correct option

A. Christina and I like all the same things. That's why I get on with / take after her so
B. We got along with / didn't get along with each other when we were kids. We fought
every day.
C. Do you get on with / take after your colleagues at work?
D. Damon doesn't get along with / takes after his mother. They're both really easy-going
and patient.
E. He's very selfish, that's why he gets along with / doesn't get along with his
F. My daughter gets along with / takes after her father. She looks just like him.
G. His brother is so different from him, but they get on with / take after each other so
Underline the correct option

A. Christina and I like all the same things. That's why I get on with / take after her so
B. We got along with / didn't get along with each other when we were kids. We fought
every day.
C. Do you get on with / take after your colleagues at work?
D. Damon doesn't get along with / takes after his mother. They're both really easy-going
and patient.
E. He's very selfish, that's why he gets along with / doesn't get along with his
F. My daughter gets along with / takes after her father. She looks just like him.
G. His brother is so different from him, but they get on with / take after each other so

Easy going Selfish

Generous Serious
Hard-working Talkative
Patient Warm-hearted

Easy going 4 Selfish 2

Generous 3 Serious 3
Hard-working 3 Talkative 3
Patient 2 Warm-hearted 3
Time to talk

1.How do you get on with on your mothers side?

2.Which person in your family do you take
3.Do you get on with your neighbors?
4.Did you get on with all of your high school

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