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Subject: Elective 3 Fish Health Management
Course Description: Identification, prevention, control of
disease causing organisms and other factors and treatment
of affected commercially important farmed fish
Credit units: 5 units
Prerequisite: Ichthyology, General Microbiology,
Schedule: 12:30-1:30 MW - lecture/ 3:00 – 5:00 MWF
Consultation Hours: Tuesday 8:00-9:00 am ( Wet
1.On Attendance
Attendance will be checked regularly. It is the policy of the
teacher that attendance is broadly defined as both physical
and mental attendance.
The rating of attendance shall be based on the number of
absences incurred. A perfect attendance shall be equivalent to
100. For every absent incurred a demerit of 8 points shall be
deducted from 100 and thereafter. And for every late or
tardiness incurred a demerit of 4 will be also deducted. The
total rating shall be the result of the combined application of
demerits to absences and tardiness (refer to table).

No. of Absences Demerit No of Times Tardy Demerit

0 0 0 0

1 8 1 4

2 16 2 8

3 24 3 12

4 32 4 16
Students who incur absences of more than
20% of the total no. of class or laboratory
periods during the school year or term shall
be given a failing grade and given no credit
for the subject.
Furthermore, excuse slips duly signed by
proper authorities shall be required of students
who were absent from class, cutting class or
absent from required school activities and
habitually tardy
1. Classroom Behavior
A. A student wearing clothes unbecoming of a student or behaving in an improper manner inside the
classroom shall be dealt with accordingly.
B. A student should at all times be attentive. He should stand when reciting and addressing the teacher.
Complaints or clarifications should be asked courteously.
C. Students should be in their classroom on time. They should stand when the teacher/instructor enters
the room and remain standing until asked to sit down. Visitors should be accorded the same
D. Students who are to occupy the classroom should wait outside quietly until the students from the
other class have vacated the room. They should not leave the room at the end of the period unless
dismissed by the teacher.
E. Cellphones should be switched off while inside the room.
F. Students violating the required behaviour inside the classroom shall be sent to the guidance office
for proper actions. A misbehaving student may be sent out of the class by instructor and shall be
considered absent. Corresponding complaint may be reported to the OSS Director.
G. All students are expected to do their part in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the
classroom by disposing litters and trash in the proper places. They shall likewise avoid
writings/drawings on chairs, walls, doors, ceilings, etc. Before leaving the classroom, ensure that
chairs are properly arranged and that all writings on the board have been erased.
A. Guidelines in examination:
a. requirements must be first complied with;
b. cheating of any kind during examination is prohibited and punishable under the student
c. strict silence is required during examination. However, students are allowed to ask from the
examination proctor for clarification on ambiguous matters without disturbing the class;
d. unless expressly permitted, the use or possession of notes and calculators are strictly
e. copying and/or allowing somebody to copy one’s answer is a grave offense;
f. no students shall be allowed to leave the examination room after the test has started.
Permission to leave may be granted only for personal necessities. Precautionary measures
must be taken to maintain the integrity of the examination; and
g. violation of the above section is a sufficient cause to give the student a failing grade for the
examination aside from other penalties
B. Students are free to ask copies of presentation and film to facilitate better learning.
C. As part of ensuring inclusivity in the classroom, any form of discrimination during the class is
prohibited and discourage. Students with special need and or condition shall inform the instructor or
authorize personnel to make learning conditions favourable to all.
1.Course Requirements:
A.General requirements: major examinations, laboratory
activities, quizzes, attendance, recitation,
assignments, and project
B.Grading system:
a.In order for any student to pass the subject, he/she
must obtain a grade of 3.0 or 75% and/0r above.
The failing grade is 5.00. Grades from 74% and
below shall not earn any credit.
Performance is based on the following
Class Standing  
Attendance 5%
Quizzes 5%
Recitation 5%
Assignment 5%
Periodical Examinations 30%
Project/s 25%
Laboratory 25%
TOTAL 100%
a.Students rating shall conform to the following system:
Equivalent Rating: 1 – 99/100, 1.1 – 98, 1.2 – 97,
1.25 – 96, 1.3 – 95, 1.4 – 94, 1.5 – 93, 1.6 – 92,
1.7 – 91, 1.75 – 90, 1.8 – 89, 1.9 – 88 2.0 – 87, 2.1
– 86, 2.2 – 85, 2.25 – 84, 2.3 – 83, 2.4 – 82, 2.5 –
81, 2.6 – 80, 2.7 – 79, 2.75 – 78, 2.8 – 76, 2.9 –
76, 3.0 – 75, 4.0 – Conditional (For mid-term only)
and 5.0 – Failed
A.Compilation of laboratory activity/output
C.Projects: submission of miniature of fish diseases.

Aquaculture is one of the fastest food-producing sectors in
the Philippines. Its spectacular growth has been
accompanied by a move to intensification with the
inevitable consequence of serious losses through
parasites and diseases.
Disease outbreaks are increasingly recognized as a
significant constraint to aquaculture production and trade
that are likely to impact both economic and socio-
development of the country.
Diseases and mortalities of farmed species are
reported periodically and new pathogens being
Reported causes include sub-optimal
temperatures, poor water quality and poor
quality of feeds are encountered that induce
production of parasites, diseases with high
What Is Fish Health Management?
 Fish health management is a term used in
aquaculture to describe management practices
which are designed to prevent fish disease. Once
fish get sick it can be difficult to salvage them.

 Successful fish health management begins with

prevention of disease rather than treatment.
What Is Fish Health Management?
 Prevention of fish disease is accomplished through
good water quality management, nutrition, and
sanitation. Without this foundation it is impossible
to prevent outbreaks of opportunistic diseases. The
fish is constantly bathed in potential pathogens,
including bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Even use of
sterilization technology (i.e., ultraviolet sterilizers,
ozonation) does not eliminate all potential
pathogens from the environment.
What Is Fish Health Management?
Daily observation of fish behavior and feeding
activity allows early detection of problems
when they do occur so that a diagnosis can be
made before the majority of the population
becomes sick.
If treatment is indicated, it will be most
successful if it is implemented early in the
course of the disease while the fish are still in
good shape.

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