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Grade 7
Doly Septyanto Sitorus, S.Pd
Focus learn
The main focus of today’s learning is that student
can recognize and describe any objects in the
classroom well. In this presentation, we can see and
learn what the objects in classroom.
Taye and Liz ESL Class
1. Without adjective

2. With adjective
It’s a big orange book
2. With adjective
It’s a yellow notebook
Taye and Liz ESL Class
2. With adjective
It’s a small bookshelf
2. With adjective
It’s a big chalkboard
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Taye and Liz ESL Class
Example dialog
Aliyah: Good morning sir, may you help me?
(Selamat pagi, apakah kamu dapat membantuku?)

Security: Good morning, what can I do for you, Aliyah?

(Selamat pagi, apa yang bisa saya bantu, Aliyah?)

Aliyah: I am finding my book here

( Aku sedang mencari buku ku disini)

Security: Where did you put it?

(Dimanakah anda meletakkannya?)

Aliyah: On the table

(Diatas meja)

Security: How does it look like?

(Bagaimana keadaan nya?)

Aliyah: The book is yellow colour.

(Bukunya berwarna kuning)

Security: Ok, we save it in the information centre . I will take it first

(Oke, kami menyimpan di pusat informasi, aku akan mengambilnya dahulu)
Tugas Keterampilan
1.Buatlah sebuah dialog sederhana yang mendeskripsikan tentang
benda-benda yang ada pada ruang kelas (tulis di buku tulis)
2.Untuk tugas keterampilan, buatlah rekaman suara atau voice
note yang menyebutkan tentang benda-benda di ruang kelas (10-
15 kosakata) dan tugas keterampilan kirimkan ke Google
Classroom kalian masing-masing

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