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professions Their Scopes


Experience Salary

Qualifications Asked Definite Skills

The profession to be discussed today is :


An Astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial

Body such as Black holes,Moons,Planets,Comets
Galaxy,Nebulae and so on.As well as Gamma Ray
Burst and cosmic microwave background radiation
An astronomer researches the world beyond Earth.
Their Scopes
Generally,The Astronomers or The Astrophysicists have their
scope of work in the National,Government or Space Agencies
Pt.Some of the renowned space agencies of the world are:
4.POCKOMOC and many more.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) is

the United States Government agency responsible for the civilian
space programme as well as Aeronautics and aerospace research.

The European Space Agency(ESA) is an inter governmental

organization dedicated to the exploration of space with 22
member states.
1.Observe and study of matter and energy in the universe
2.Study,conduct and observe researches on sun,moon,stars,galaxy and planets.
3.Document the finding of observations conducted on sun ,moon,stars and planets.
4.Conduct research and solve problems in space flights navigational systems.
5.Co-ordinate and Collaborate with other scientists,physicists and engineers on satellite
6.Develop instruments and techniques useful in astronomical studies.
7.Collect and gather huge knowledge and data from observatories and satellites.
8.Sift,Assesses,evaluate and document gathered astronomical data.
9.Speak and communicate theastronomical finding at seminars,conferences and meetings.
10.Provide guest lectures on astronomy in colleges and universities.
Basic qualifications
1.Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in
engineering , physical sciences or Mathematics .Quality of
academic preparations is important.
2.Degree must be followed by at least 3 years of related ,
progressively responsible , professional experience.
3.Ability to pass the NASA long-durations space flight
physical tests.
4.Distant and visual acuity must be 20/20,each eye.
5.Blood pressure should not exceed more than 140/90 in a
sitting position.
6.Standing height should be between 62-75 inches.
Structure of Salary
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has revealed that in May 2009 the average astronomers
Was bringing home nothing but under $102,740 which rounded upt o $49.40 per hour .
The median salary of Astronomer was revealed to be $104,720 which was rounded as
$50.53 per hour.

Those who are considered as a middle class American astronomers managed to bring
between $65,710 and $13640 in 2009.
Important names in the field of Astronomy

Galilleo Galilie Nicolaus Copernicus

1564-1642 1473-1543
Names In Mordern Astronomy

Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking

1930-2012 1942-present
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