Impact of Covid - 19 On Education in India

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Impact of covid – 19 on
education in India .
No one would have guessed that a virus-like Covid-19 would com
and without differentiating, it will alter the lifestyle of people. Du
to Covid-19, many changes came to our world and It took some
time for everyone to adopt the new normal. The Covid-19 impac
was everywhere, which resulted in the closure of Schools and oth
educational institutions.
• Initially, most • Though schools Were closed,
governments had decided students Were attending their
to temporarily close the classes through various
schools to reduce the education initiatives like
impact of Covid-19. Later online classrooms, radio
it was reopened for a few programs. And alThough it
grades, which increased was a good thing happening,
the number of infection on the other end, there were
rates and then The Many students who didn’t
schools were closed again. own the resources to attend
the online classes Who
suffered a lot. Lots of
students were struggling to
Even obtain the gadgets
required for online classes.
• Teachers who Were all experts in • Educated
Blackboard, Chalk, books, and parents were
classroom teaching were really new to supporting their
this digital teaching, but they were children
adopting the new methods and throughout the
handling it like a pro to aid the pandemic.
students in that position.

• But on the negative • But we require to understand

side, there were many that there Were some
teachers who Were Untutored parents And their
looking for alternative feeling of helplessness to
jobs to support their support their children in their
families. education.
The outbreak of covid has taught us that change is
inevitable. It has worked as a catalyst for education
institutions to grow and opt for platforms with
technologies, which had not been used before the world
Health Organization (WHO) declared it as a

Technology paved the way , for education , thus

helping the students and teachers to connect
virtually through Mediums of online classroom,
webinars, digital examinations and so on , but the
sad truth is that it is not accessible to all students
Highlights of the survey :
A web based survey 1) The potential Consequences of the covid 19
pandemic On the life of students was investigated.
was conducted online 2) Students of different age groups and Their time spent
To students through on daily activities was Analyzed.
the medium of google 3) The mental status of students of different age groups
was analyzed.
Online platforms, 4) The study also suggested that public authorities
from july 13 to july Should take all necessary measures to enhance the
learning experience by mitigating the negative
17 , 2022 . impacts caused due to the outbreak of covid 19.
5) A wide gap was seen between government policies
and the actual situation.
The shown diagram
visually demonstrates :
1. Likert analysis of
online classes For
the sample and for
different age
2. Medium for the
online classes.
3. Learning medium
used by different
age categories.
In India around 250 million students were affected Due to school closures at the onset of lockdown
Induced by covid 19. The pandemic posed several challenges in the public and private schools which
Included an expected rise in dropouts, Learning losses and digital divide. The pandemic Also called
into question the Readiness of the system , including teachers to adress such a crisis and
sustainability of private schools . However covid 19 came with its own set of pros and cons as it also
acted as catalyst for digital adoption In school education.

With schools and educational

institutions openings it is important
to Build a careful startergy to
smoothen the transitioning Of
children back to school after more
than 20 plus months of home - based
learning. This transition has to
consider the learning losses over the
previous years and build a Resilient
system which can withstand future
Nep 2020 and subsequent government initiatives such
as National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) 1) Curtailing dropouts
and National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading and during and post
Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN BHARAT) were pandemic.
expected to provide a blueprint for this transformation. 2) Decline in learning
The paper is a culmination of CII school summit 2021 outcomes and well –
Which brought together policy makers, industry heads being.
and service providers Together on the platform to
deliberate on the road to Recovery for schools and 3) Integration of digital
colleges post the pandemic . It analysis the Imapct of based learning.
the pandemic across Five themes and maps various 4) The Role and capacity of
initiatives Undertaken by government and civil society teachers and
organizations To Adress the challenges : Sustainability of private
Covid 19 has impacted immensely to the education sector of india. Though it had created a lot of
challenges, Many opportunities were also evolved. Although, india is not fully equipped to make
education reach all the corners Of the nation via digital platforms but the universities And
government of india were relentlessly Trying to come up with solutions to resolve the problem. A few
disadvantages and advantages of the covid 19 pandemic on india education system are as follows :

• Education Activities hampered and impact on employment.
• Move towards blended learning. • Unprepared teachers/students for online education.
• Risein use of learning management systems. • Reduce In Global employment opportunities and decline in global
• Enhance the use of soft copy of learning material. education.
• The Gap between the rich and the poor being enhanced due to lack of
• Impovement in collaborative work and rise in online meetings. access to The digital world.
• EnhancEd digital literacy and improvement In the use of electronic media for sharing • Loss of nutrition due to school and college closures.
information. • Increased responsibility of parents to educate their wards.
• World wide exposure, bettertime management and open and distant Learning (Odl).

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