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Tomar Desh Amar Desh Bangladesh (your country, my country,

Bangladesh, Bangladesh), Tumi ke Ami Ke, Bangalee Bangalee (Who are
you, who am I, we are Bangalee), were chanted frequently.
Jago Jago Bangalee Jago(Bangalees, rise up), Tomar Amar Thikana
Padma Meghna Jamuna (Padma, Meghna, Jamuna are our address),
Tomar Amar Thikana Khet Khamar Karkhana (Field, farms and mills are
our address), Joy Janata (Victory to the people)
Keu Khabe to Keu Khabe Na Ta Hobe Na Ta Hobe Na (Some will eat while
others will go hungry -- this won't be accepted)
Mass Upsurge of 1969
( ঊনসত্তরের গণঅভ্যুত্থান )

Presented By: Presented To:

Nafiees Ahamed Dr. Anichha Parvin Jolly
ID: 2021-2-10-066 Professor, Department of history
Department of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
East West University Adjunct Faculty, Department of Sociologiy,
East West University
Topics Going To be Covered

• Introduction
• The main history
• Periodic discussion
• Consequences and Impact

 1969 mass upsurge has a important role in the Liberation War

 Democratic political movement
 Government and its armed force vs people of East Pakistan
 1966 six point movement
 1968 Agartala conspiracy case
 1969 Mass upsurge
 People from all classes joins the movement
The main history behind 1969 mass upsurge
 Basically started in 1968
 For Agartala conspiracy case
 Immediate dismissal of the Agartala case and the release of all prisoners
 Many large-scale protests occurred between the protestors and the government's
military forces
 Blockade of governor's house in 6 December 1968

Announcement of Maulana Bhasani

First Period of 1969 Mass Upsurge
(4 January-19 January)

 On January 4, 1969 establishment of Student Action Committee

 Announced their 11-point program
 Based on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 1966 Six Point program
 on 8 January 1969, Democratic Action Committee (DAC)
 By eight political parties, including Awami League and NAP
 To reestablish democracy
Second Period of 1969 Mass Upsurge
(20 January-22 February):

o Amanullah Asaduzzaman’s death in 1969, 20 January

o when police opened fire on the parade
o sparked a countrywide uprising
o Sergeant Zahurul Haq assassinasion at the Kurmitola Cantonment jail
o uprising reached its peak
o Dr. Mohammad Shamsuzzoha, a proctor of Rajshahi University, was
stabbed to death with a bayonet on February 18

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