Introduction To Form Builder

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Introduction To Form

Part A

Eyad Alshareef 1
 Application with a graphical user interface that
looks like a paper form
 Used to insert, update, delete and view
database data

Eyad Alshareef 2
Primary Form Uses
 Viewing/retrieving records
 Inserting/updating/deleting records
 Counting the number of records a query
will retrieve

Eyad Alshareef 3
Data Block Forms
 Form associated with a specific Oracle
database table (object)
 System automatically creates:
 Text fields associated with table fields
 Programs for inserting, modifying, deleting,
and viewing data records

Eyad Alshareef 4
Data Block Forms

 ORACLE 10g forms are displayed on web

browser as a web page.
 They are displayed in Forms Services
 The form specification is translated into
Java Applet.
 They are Dynamic Web Pages.
Eyad Alshareef 5
Displaying Forms in a Web
 Developer10g displays forms as Web pages
 In Web browser
 Form appears in Forms Services window within
browser window
 Forms Services application displays menus
and toolbar
 Provide general functions for all form applications

Eyad Alshareef 6
Architecture of the World Wide
 Web browsers (IE, Mozilla, Foxfire)
 Web servers
 Web page
 Static (always displays the same information )
 Dynamic (the content varies based on user inputs
or data retrieved from external resources )
 Forms Builder form
 Dynamic Web page
 Derives content from Oracle 10g database

Eyad Alshareef 7
How Forms Builder Displays a
Form in a Browser
 Java applet
 Self-contained Java program that runs in a web
browser generic java runtime environment
 OC4J Instance
 Translates compiled .fmx file into Java applet
 Downloads Java applet to Web browser

Eyad Alshareef 8
Using a Data Block Form
 Block
 Group of related form items
 Data block
 Corresponds to specific database table
 Contains objects that display values from table’s data
 Text items
 Form menu
 Contains selections to manipulate form
Eyad Alshareef 9
Using a form to view
table record

Eyad Alshareef 10
Form Modes
 Normal
 You can view records and sequentially step
through records
 Enter Query
 You can enter search parameters in form fields and
then retrieve the associated records
 To place the form in Enter Query mode, click the
Enter Query button

Eyad Alshareef 11
Forms Services Window
 Form menu contains selections that allow
you to manipulate the form
 Has a toolbar with buttons to insert, view,
modify, and delete records
 At bottom of the window are lines that
display information about form status

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Forms Services Window

Eyad Alshareef 13
Inserting New Records
 In Normal mode, click the Insert Record
button to insert a new blank record
 Type the data values in the form fields
 Click the Save button to save the values in
the database

Eyad Alshareef 14
Retrieving Records
 Click the Enter Query button to place
the form in Enter Query mode
 Type a search condition
 Click the Execute Query button to
retrieve selected records
 If you click , do not enter a search condition,
and then click , all table records will be

Eyad Alshareef 15
Form Search Types
 Exact search: only retrieves records that
exactly match the entered search condition
 Restricted search: retrieves records that fall
within a range of values

Eyad Alshareef 16
Restricted Search Operators
 _: wildcard replacing a single character
 %: wildcard replacing multiple characters
 >, <: greater than, less than
 >=, <=: greater than or equal to, less than or
equal to
 <> or !=: not equal to

Eyad Alshareef 17
Scrolling Through Retrieved
 To view the next record, click the Next Record
 To view the previous record, click the
Previous Record button

Eyad Alshareef 18
Updating and Deleting Records
 Retrieve the record to be updated or
 To update, change the data value and click
the Save button
 To delete, click the Remove Record button

Eyad Alshareef 19
Closing a Form and Committing
 To close a form:
 Click Exit button
 Click Action on the form menu and then click Exit

 Close browser window

 If unsaved changes exist, dialog box will

prompt to save changes

Eyad Alshareef 20
Creating Data Block

Eyad Alshareef 21
Start Oracle Form Builder

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Start OC4J Instance

Eyad Alshareef 23
Creating a new form
 Create a new module
 Create a data block
 Create a layout

Eyad Alshareef 24
Data Block Form File Types
 .fmb
 Form design file, used by form programmer
in Form Builder
 .fmx
 Form executable file, run by form users

Eyad Alshareef 25
Creating a Data Block Form
 When creating a form for a table,
Forms Builder automatically creates:
 Labels

 Text entry fields

 Insert, update and delete and select


Eyad Alshareef 26
The Object Navigator

Eyad Alshareef 27
The Object Navigator
 Displays Forms Builder objects and
underlying components
 As hierarchical tree
 Forms Builder toolbar displays buttons
 Form module
 Object node
 + indicates lower-level objects
 - indicates node expanded fully

Eyad Alshareef 28
Form Components
 Form module: form application
 Form window
 Title bar on top
 Horizontal and vertical scrollbars
 Can be resized, maximized, minimized

Eyad Alshareef 29
Form Components
 Canvas
 Surface that displays form items
 Block
 Object that contains form items
 Form items
 Command buttons, radio (option) buttons, text items
 Items in the same block can appear on different

Eyad Alshareef 30
Form Components
Name Canvas

Cash Block of items

Credit Card

Eyad Alshareef 31
Creating a New Data Block Form
 Create a new form module
 Create a new data block using:
 Data block wizard
 Manual process

 Using Data Block Wizard:

 Select table name
 Move editable fields from Available Columns list to
Database Items list
 Use Layout Wizard to create form layout

Eyad Alshareef 32
Layout Editor
 Use to customize form display

 Can add images and static text to

enhance form appearance

Eyad Alshareef 33
Layout Editor

Eyad Alshareef 34
Creating a Data Block Form
 Steps:
1. Create the data block using the Data Block
2. Create the form layout using the Layout

Eyad Alshareef 35
Data Block Wizard
 Welcome page
 Type page
 Select table or view on which to base the block
 Table page
 Select table associated with form
 Enforce Integrity Constraint Check Box
 Finish page
 Option to use the Layout Wizard to automate
creating the layout
Eyad Alshareef 36
Layout Wizard
 Canvas page
 Select the canvas where the block is displayed
 Data Block page
 Select the fields that are displayed on the layout
 Items page
 Specify the column labels, heights and widths
 Style page
 Specify to create a form- or tabular-style layout

Eyad Alshareef 37
Layout Styles
 Form style
 One record appears on the form at a time
 Tabular style
 Multiple records display on the form in a

Eyad Alshareef 38
Create a new form based on MODULE1
 Go to File/New/Form – a new module is added
to your object navigator window
 Click on MODULE2 and rename it into

Eyad Alshareef 39
Create a data block based on a table
 Right click on the STUDENT module and select Data
Block Wizard
 Click next on the Data Block Wizard welcome page

Eyad Alshareef 40
Creating a data block (cont’s)
 Select Table/view option
 Select a table by clicking on Browse button

Eyad Alshareef 41
Selecting a table (cont’d)
 When you click browse, you will be prompted to log
 Login into your usual account and select table
STUDENT from the displayed list

Eyad Alshareef 42
Select database items
 Move all the attributes into selected attributes
pane using arrow buttons

Eyad Alshareef 43
Name your data block

Eyad Alshareef 44
Select the “… then call the Layout
wizard” option

Eyad Alshareef 45
Creating a layout
 Layout wizard allows you to create a form layout
 Click next on the welcome page and select content
canvas type

Eyad Alshareef 46
Select items to be displayed
 Select items to be displayed
 Modify the labels (prompts) and widths of
corresponding text boxes if necessary

Eyad Alshareef 47
Select a layout
 Select form layout
 Name the frame
 Select the number of students to be displayed

Eyad Alshareef 48
Complete and view the form
 Complete and view the form design

Eyad Alshareef 49
Form Builder Wizards
Are Re-entrant
 You can select a block or layout, then re-enter it and
modify its properties using the Wizard
 A Wizard is in re-entrant mode when its pages appear
as tabs

Eyad Alshareef 50
Creating a Form to Display
Multiple Records
 Tabular layout
 Display multiple records on same form
 Select Tabular on Style page of Layout Wizard

Eyad Alshareef 51
Creating a Form to
Display Multiple Records
 Use tabular layout to edit multiple table records at the same time

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