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Prepared by:
Teacher Evelyn Asuncion
1. Explain heat as the energy transferred between substances that are
at different temperatures.

2. Relate heat and temperature change on the macroscopic level to

particle motion on the microscopic level.

3. Apply the principle of energy conservation to calculate changes in

potential, kinetic, and internal energy.
Temperature (T)measures the average Kinetic
Energy of the molecules in an object.

Heat(Q) is the energy transferred between

objects because of a difference in their

Internal Energy (U) or thermal energy is the sum

of the energies of the molecules.

Energy is transferred as heat from objects with

higher temperatures (the fruit juice and bottle) to
those with lower temperatures
( the cold water).
The direction of energy transfer can be
explained at the atomic level.
The transfer of energy as heat
alters an object's temperature.
At thermal equilibrium, the net
energy exchanged between two
objects equals zero.
The amount of heat
transferred depends on the
temperature difference
between the two objects.

• The greater the

temperature difference,
the greater the amount of
energy transferred as
The energy transferred each second as heat from the car's surface to the raindrop is the
same for low temperatures (a) as for high temperatures (b), provided the temperature
differences are the same.
• Because heat, like work, is energy in transit, all heat units can be converted to joules (J)
• Heat is symbolized with the letter Q.
3 Methods of Heat
Heat and Work
• Hammer nail into wood, then pry out.
Nail feels hot.

• Friction increases internal energy of nail

Temperature increases.

• Temperature difference between hand and nail

results in transfer of energy as heat.

• Deforming structures can increase internal energy

of solids.
Conservation of Energy
The change in Potential Energy + the change in Kinetic Energy +
. the change in Internal Energy= 0
PE + KE + U=0
Conservation of Energy
Sample Problem B: An arrangement similar to the one used
to demonstrate energy conservation is shown at right. A
vessel contains water. Paddles that are propelled by falling
masses turn in the water. This agitation warms the water and
increases its internal energy. The temperature of water is
then measured, giving the indication that the water's internal
energy increase. If a total mass of 11.5 kg falls 1.3 m and all
the mechanical energy is converted to internal energy, by
how much will the internal energy of the water increase?
(Assume no energy is transferred as heat out of the vessel to
the surroundings.)

(Complete solutions will be presented

on the board)
1.In the arrangement described in Sample Problem B, how much would the water's internal
energy increase if the mass fell 6.69 meters?
2. A worker drives a 0.500 kg spike into a reil tie with a 2.5 kg sledgehammer. The hammer
hits the spike with a speed of 65m/s. If one-third of the hammer's Kinetic Energy is
converted to the internal energy of the hammer and spike, how much does the total internal
energy increase?
3.A 0.003 kg copper penny drops a distance of 50 m to the ground. If 65% of the initial
potential energy goes into increasing the internal energy of the penny, determine the
magnitude of theat increase.
4.The amount of internal energy needed to raise the temperature og 0.25kg of water by 0.2
degrees Celsius is 209.3 J. How fast must a 0.25 kg baseball travel in order for its kinetic
energy to equal this internal energy?
Formative Assessment
1.Use the microscopic interpretationsof temperature and heat to explain
how you can blow on your hands to warm them and also blow on a bowl
of hot soup to cool it.
2.If a bottle of water is shaken vigorously, will the internal energy of the
water change? Why or why not?
3.At Niagara falls, if 505 kg of water falls a distance of 50 m, what is the
increase in the internal energy of the water at the bottom of the falls?
Assume that all the initial potential energy goes into increasing the
water's internal energy and that the final kinetic energy is zero.
1.Heat is the energy transferred between objects because of a difference in their
temperatures. Energy is transferred as heat from objects with higher temperatures to
those with lower temperatures.

2.The amount of heat transferred depends on the temperature difference between the
two objects. The greater the temperature difference, the greater the amount of
energy transferred as heat.

3.The total energy is universally conserved property. The sum of the changes in
potential, kinetic, and internal energy is equal to zero.

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