Web Systems and Technologies: Chapter 04. Java Script

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Web Systems and

Chapter 04. Java Script
 What is JavaScript
 The Foundation of JavaScript Syntax
 The Core language Objects in JavaScript
 Document Object Model (DOM) and The Browser Objects in JavaScript

The Foundation of JavaScript Syntax

What is JavaScript
 It is a scripting language that can be used to create client-side scripts and
server-side scripts.
 JavaScript makes it easier to create dynamic and interactive Web pages.
 JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems and
 JavaScript developed from Netscapes’s Livescript.
 Client applications run in a browser such as Netscape
Navigator, Google Chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer.

JavaScript Advantages
 JavaScript allows interactivity such as:
 Implementing form validation
 React to user actions, e.g. handle keys
 Changing an image on moving mouse over it
 Sections of a page appearing and disappearing
 Content loading and changing dynamically
 Performing complex calculations
 Custom HTML controls, e.g. scrollable table
 Implementing AJAX functionality

What Can JavaScript Do?
 Can handle events
 Can read and write HTML elements and modify the DOM tree
 Can validate form data
 Can access / modify browser cookies
 Can detect the user’s browser and OS
 Can be used as object-oriented language
 Can handle exceptions
 Can perform asynchronous server calls (AJAX)

Embedding JavaScript in Web Page
 The JavaScript can be inserted into an HTML document in the following ways :
 Using SCRIPT tag:
<script language="JavaScript">
JavaScript statements;
 Using an external File
<script language="JavaScript“ src="filename.js">
 Using JavaScript Expressions within HTML Tag Attribute Values
 Using JavaScript in event handlers

JS Variables
 A variable is a container that refers to a memory location.
 It is used to hold values that may change while the script is executing.
 Variables follow some naming conventions.
 A variable is declared using the keyword ‘var’.
eg. var A = 10;
 Variables have a scope that is determined by where they are declared in the
 Global Variable
 Local Variable
 Literals are fixed values that can be used in the script.

JS Variables (1)
 String type – string of characters
var myName = "You can use both single or double quotes for
 Arrays

var my_array = [1, 5.3, "aaa"];

 Associative arrays (hash tables)

var my_hash = {a:2, b:3, c:"text"};

JS Data Types
 JavaScript has a relatively small set of data types.
 Numbers
 Logical or Boolean
 Strings
 Null
 JavaScript is case-sensitive.
 In JavaScript, two variables of different types can be combined.
example: A = “ This apple costs Rs.” + 5
will result in a string with the value "This apple costs Rs. 5".

JS Data Type - Example
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript">
var A = "12" + 7.5;

JS Literal - Types
 Integer – These can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal and binary number

 Floating- point - These number can have a decimal point or an “e” or “”E”
followed by an integer.

 String - A string literal is zero or more characters enclosed in single or double

quotation marks.

 Boolean - This can take only two values: True or False.

 null - The null type has only one value: null. Null implies no data.

 Operators take one or more variables or values (operands) and return a new
 JavaScript uses both binary and unary operators.
 Operators are classified depending on the relation they perform like:
 Arithmetic Operator: +, -, *, /, ++, --
 Comparison Operator: ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=
 Logical Operator: &&, ||, !
 String Operator
 Evaluation Operator
 Operator Precedence

Evaluation Operator
 These operators generally includes:
 Conditional operator
(condition) ? trueVal : falseVal

Assigns a specified value to a variable if a condition is true, otherwise assigns

an alternate value if condition is false.
eg. status = (age >= 18) ? "adult" : "minor"

 Typeof operator
The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the operand.
eg. var x = 5;

Switch Statement
 The switch statement works like in C#:
switch (variable) { switch-statements.html
case 1:
// do something
case 'a':
// do something else
case 3.14:
// another code
// something completely different
 Structures that control repetition in a program are known as loops.

 The various types of loops include:

 For
 Do …. While var counter;
 While for (counter=0; counter<4; counter++) {
 Break & continue
 For….in while (counter < 5) {
 with alert(++counter);

 JavaScript has several pre-defined functions that we can use within the script.
 Some of pre-defined JavaScript functions includes:
 eval function
 isNaN funtion
 Creating User Defined Functions
function funcName(argument1,argument2,etc)
{ statements; }
 Calling a Function
 Return Statement

Function (1)
 Code structure – splitting code into parts
Parameters come in
 Data comes in, processed, result returned

function average(a, b, c) Declaring variables is

{ optional. Type is never
var total; declared.
total = a+b+c;
return total/3;
Value returned here.

Function Arguments and Return Value
 Functions are not required to return a value
 When calling function it is not obligatory to specify all of its arguments
 The function has access to all the arguments passed via arguments array

function sum() {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++)
sum += parseInt(arguments[i]);
return sum;
alert(sum(1, 2, 4));
Standard Popup Boxes
 Alert box with text and [OK] button
 Just a message shown in a dialog box:
alert("Some text here");
 Confirmation box
 Contains text, [OK] button and [Cancel] button:
confirm("Are you sure?");
 Prompt box
 Contains text, input field with default value:
prompt ("enter amount", 10);

JavaScript Prompt – Example
price = prompt("Enter the price", "10.00");
alert('Price + VAT = ' + price * 1.2);

The Core language Objects in JavaScript

In JavaScript, almost "everything" is an object.
 Booleans can be objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
 Numbers can be objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
 Strings can be objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
 Dates are always objects
 Maths are always objects
 Regular expressions are always objects
 Arrays are always objects
 Functions are always objects
 Objects are objects
 In JavaScript, all values, except primitive values, are objects.
Properties and Methods
 To access the properties of the object, we must specify the object name and the

 To access the methods of an object, we must specify the object name and the
required method:

Using objects
 When creating a Web page we can insert:
 Browser objects
 Built in script language objects (vary depending on the scripting language
 HTML elements
  We can also create our own objects for use in the programs.
 Object Hierarchy Browser Objects

Script Objects

HTML Elements 25
String object
 The string object is used to manipulate and work with strings of text.
 We can extract substrings and convert text to upper- or lowercase characters in a
 The general syntax is,


String Operations
 The + operator joins strings
string1 = "fat ";
string2 = "cats";
alert(string1 + string2); // fat cats
 What is "9" + 9?
alert("9" + 9); // 99

 Converting string to number:

alert(parseInt("9") + 9); // 18

New Operator
 The new operator is used to create a new instance of an object type
 The object type may be user-define or built-in
objectName = new objectType (param1 [,param2] ...[,paramN])
objectName is the name of the new object instance.
objectType is a function that defined the type of the object. For example,
param[1, 2, . . ] are the property values of the object

Create new Object
 With JavaScript, you can define and create your own objects.
 There are different ways to create new objects:
 Define and create a single object, using an object literal.
 Define and create a single object, with the keyword new.
 Define an object constructor, and then create objects of the constructed type.
 Step 1: Create new object by create a function
 Step 2: Create new instant by using new operator

Creating String object
 There are 3 different methods of creating strings.
 Using the var statement and optionally assigning it to a value.
 Using an assignment operator (=) with a variable name.
 Using the string () constructor.
<script type = "text/javascript">
var str = “Steve Paris!"
document.write("<p>" + str + "</p>")
var pos=str.indexOf(“Paris")
if (pos>=0)
{ document.write(“Paris is found at position: ")
document.write(pos + "<br />") }
{ document.write(“Paris is not found!") }
Create new Object - Example
Example: Create an object named Customer:
 Properties: CustomeriD, CustomerName,CustomerAddress
 Method: DisplayInfor().
Step 1.
function Customer( iD,name,address)
{ this.CustomeriD = iD; //property
this.CustomerName = name; //property
this.CustomerAddress = address; //property
this.Displayinfor = information; //method

function DisplayInfor ()
document.write(“ID: ” + this.CustomeriD + ”<br>”);
document.write(“Name: ” + this.CustomerName + ”<br>”
document.write(“Address: ” + this.CustomerAddress + ”<br>”
Create new Object – Example (2)
Step 2.
var cust = new Customer();
cust.CustomeriD= “A01”
cust.CustomerName= “Steve Paris”
cust.CustomerAddress= “12 Orange Street”

 In order to display customer’s information, we call Displayinfor() method:


Arrays Operations and Properties
 Declaring new empty array:
var arr = new Array();
 Declaring an array holding few elements:
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
 Appending an element / getting the last element:
var element = arr.pop();
 Reading the number of elements (array length):
 Finding element's index in the array:

Math Object
 The Math object has properties and methods that represent advanced
mathematical calculations.

function doCalc(x) {
var a;
  a = Math.PI * x * x;
  alert ("The area of a circle with a radius of " + x + “
is " + a);

Math Object Example
for (i=1; i<=20; i++) {
var x = Math.random();
x = 10*x + 1;
x = Math.floor(x);
document.write("Random number (" + i + ") in range " + "1..10
--> " + x + "<br/>");

Date Object
 The Date object provides date / calendar functions

var now = new Date();

var result = "It is now " + now;
document.getElementById("timeField").innerText = result;
<p id="timeField"></p>

Timers: setTimeout()
 Make something happen (once) after a fixed delay
var timer = setTimeout('bang()', 5000);

5 seconds after this statement executes,

this function is called


Cancels the timer

Timers: setInterval()
 Make something happen repeatedly at fixed intervals

var timer = setInterval('clock()', 1000);

This function is called

continuously per 1 second.


Stop the timer.

Date Object Example
<html><head> <body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF” onLoad="startclock()">
<title>Digital Clock - Status Bar</title>
<script Language="JavaScript"> </body></html>
var timeriD = null;
var timerRunning = false;
function stopclock (){
timerRunning = false;
function showtime () {
var now = new Date();
var hours = now.getHours();
var minutes = now.getMinutes();
var seconds = now.getSeconds()
var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12:hours)
timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0": ":") + minutes
timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0": ":") + seconds
timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M.": " A.M."
window.status = timeValue;
timeriD = setTimeout("showtime()",1000);
timerRunning = true; 39
Document Object Model (DOM)
and The Browser Objects in JavaScript

Event Object - Concept
 Events are a result of an action done by the user
 An event may be user-generated or generated by the system
 Each event has an associated event object. The event object provides
information on:
 the type of event
 the location of the cursor at the time of the event
 The event object is used as a part of an event handler

Event – Life Cycle
 Events are a result of an action done by the user
 An event may be user-generated or generated by the system
 Each event has an associated event object. The event object provides
information on:
 the type of event
 the location of the cursor at the time of the event
 The event object is used as a part of an event handler

JavaScript Event
 Common events supported by JavaScript includes:
 onClick
 onChange
 onFocus
 onBlur
 onMouseOver
 onMouseOut
 onLoad
 onSubmit
 onMouseDown
 onMouseUp

onClick - Example
 The onClick event is generated whenever the user clicks the mouse button on
certain form elements or on a hypertext link.
function compute(form)
if (confirm("Are you sure?"))
form.result.value = eval(form.expr.value)
alert("Please come back again.")
onClick – Example (2)

Enter an expression:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="expr" SIZE=15 ><BR><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Calculate" ONCLICK="compute(this.form)">
<BR><BR><BR> Result: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result" SIZE=15 >

onChange - Example
 The onChange event occurs whenever a form element changes. This can happen
whenever the contents of a text control changes, or when a selection in a
selection list changes.
<!--- hide script from old browsers
function checkNum(num)
if (num == "")
alert("Please enter a number");
return false;
if (isNaN (num))
alert("Please enter a numeric value");
return false; 46
onChange - Example
alert ("Thank you");
// end hiding from old browsers -->
<BODY bgColor = white>
<FORM> Please enter a number:
<INPUT type = text size = 5 onChange="checkNum(this.value)">

 onFocus
 The onFocus event is sent whenever a form element becomes the current form
element. Only when an element has the focus can it accept input from the user.
 onBlur
 Blur is the opposite of focus. When the user leaves a form element, the onBlur
event is activated.
 onMouseOver
 The onMouseOver event is generated whenever the mouse cursor is moved
over an element.
 onMouseOut
 The onMouseOut event is generated whenever the mouse cursor moves off of
an element.

 OnLoad
 The onLoad event is sent to the document body object when the document
has finished loading.
 onSubmit
 The onSubmit event is generated whenever the user submits a form (using the
"Submit" button). The event occurs before the form is actually submitted.
 onMouseDown
 The event is activated when a MouseDown event occurs. That is, when the
user depresses a mouse button.
 onMouseUp
 The event is activated when a MouseUp event occurs. That is, when the user
releases a mouse button.

Document Object Model (DOM)
 Every HTML element is accessible via the JavaScript DOM API
 Most DOM objects can be manipulated by the programmer
 The event model lets a document to react when the user does something on the
 Advantages
 Create interactive pages
 Updates the objects of a page without reloading it

Browser Objects
 A browser is an application that is used to display the contents of an HTML
 Browsers also expose some objects that can be accessed and used in script

IE Browser Objects Netscape Browser Objects 51

Accessing Elements
 Access elements via their ID attribute
var elem = document.getElementById("some_id")
 Via the name attribute
var arr = document.getElementsByName("some_name")
 Via tag name
var imgTags = el.getElementsByTagName("img")
 Returns array of descendant <img> elements of the element "el"

DOM Manipulation
 Once we access an element, we can read and write its attributes

function change(state) {
var lampImg = document.getElementById("lamp");
lampImg.src = "lamp_" + state + ".png";
var statusDiv = document.getElementById("statusDiv");
statusDiv.innerHTML = "The lamp is " + state";

<img src="test_on.gif" onmouseover="change('off')"
onmouseout="change('on')" />

Common Element Properties
 Most of the properties are derived from the HTML attributes of the tag
 E.g. id, name, href, alt, title, src, etc…
 style property – allows modifying the CSS styles of the element
 Corresponds to the inline style of the element
 Not the properties derived from embedded or external CSS rules
 Example:
 style.width,
 style.marginTop,
 style.backgroundImage

Common Element Properties (2)
 className – the class attribute of the tag
 innerHTML – holds all the entire HTML code inside the element
 Read-only properties with information for the current element and its state
 tagName, offsetWidth, offsetHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop,
nodeType, etc…

Accessing Elements through the DOM
Tree Structure
 We can access elements in the DOM through some tree manipulation properties:
 element.childNodes
 element.parentNode
 element.nextSibling
 element.previousSibling
 element.firstChild
 element.lastChild

Accessing Elements through the
DOM Tree – Example
var el = document.getElementById('div_tag');
alert (el.childNodes[0].value);
alert (el.childNodes[1].getElementsByTagName('span').id);

<div id="div_tag">
<input type="text" value="test text" />
<span id="test">test span</span>
 Warning: may not return what you expected due to Browser differences

The Built-In Browser Objects

The Built-In Browser Objects (2)
 The browser provides some read-only data via:
 window
 The top node of the DOM tree
 Represents the browser's window
 document
 holds information the current loaded document
 screen
 Holds the user’s display properties
 browser
 Holds information about the browser
Opening New Window – Example
var newWindow = window.open("", "sampleWindow",
"width=300, height=100, menubar=yes,
status=yes, resizable=yes");

Title</title></head><body><h1>Sample Text</h1></body>");

newWindow.status = "Hello folks";

The Navigator Object

The browser The navigator in the The userAgent

window browser window (browser ID)

The Screen Object
 The screen object contains information about the display

window.moveTo(0, 0);
x = screen.availWidth;
y = screen.availHeight;
window.resizeTo(x, y);

Document and Location
 document object
 Provides some built-in arrays of specific objects on the currently loaded Web
document.links[0].href = "yahoo.com";
document.write("This is some <b>bold text</b>");

 document.location
 Used to access the currently open URL or redirect the browser

document.location = "http://www.yahoo.com/";

Form Object
 Form object consist of three attributes:
 Accept
 Action
 Method
 For Example:
<form action="Simple.htm“ accept=“TEXT/HTML”

Form Validation
 Validate each and every important field by ensuring that none of the fields are
 Also the fields should not contain any invalid information.
 Consider an example:

Form Validation – Example
function checkForm()
var valid = true;
if (document.mainForm.firstName.value == "") {
alert("Please type in your first name!");
style.display = "inline";
valid = false;
return valid;

<form name="mainForm" onsubmit="return checkForm()">
<input type="text" name="firstName" />


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