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Discourse science

dan Chinese

Wahyuni Della Sari

Science and The root of the debate in The relation of knowledge and
science and philosophy philosophy

philosophy • Both fields have similarities in

The impact of positivism (one terms of processes. Both show an
dimensional man) who uses a activity that seeks to solve
perspective of truth based on problems in human life.
empirical evidence and • Philosophy helps humans to make
scientifically tested (rational, decisions about goals, values, and
methodical, and systemic). So what humans need to do
that something is considered • Science uses experimentation as a
as knowledge if it can be typical method. Verification of the
proven empirically, other than theory is done by testing it
through human sensing.
that it cannot be said as
knowledge • The relationship between the two
can be like a head and an eye.
Philosophy as the head that
contains all assumptions and
ideas, while knowledge is the eye
that parses, and classifies which
knowledge is valid and based.
Scientific knowledge in China is not only
focused on ethical and state knowledge,
furthermore in China there are several
scientific thoughts that talk about
Science cosmology, health, and astrological
development Chinese scientific philosophy was basically
in China born in the first century BC and the first
century AD through the combination of
the two teachers; textualist (philosopher)
and technical specialist Yin Yang, Five
Agents (wu xing), and numerologist Shu
The Song dynasty (960-1279) began a new era after the civil war. Emperor Song
first created political institutions that facilitated scientific growth and economic
reform with the existence of mints in the Kaifeng and Hangzou counties.

There were many famous inventors during the Song dynasty, such as the statesman
Shen Kuo who wrote the book Dream pool essays (1088 AD) Who wrote about the

use of dry docks to repair ships, magnetic compass navigation, he also developed a
theory about the geology of soil formation.

From a chemical point of view. Chinese chemists have succeeded in finding a
method of treatment using herbal plants and using minerals such as cinnabar, gold
and other minerals to treat diseases.

in China Qin Jinshuo was the first to introduce the zero symbol into Chinese mathematics.

The use of gunpowder during the war and the development of heavy cannons were
also carried out for the first time in China
Chinese philosophy was identified with
The views Confucianism and focused more on ethical
and societal issues than on natural inquiry.
expressed by
some western Chinese philosophy is considered unable to
thinkers about adapt to modern knowledge

Chinese Chinese philosophy is considered not to

philosophy make any contribution to scientific
Views of John King Fairbank, American and Chinese historian of Harvard, stated that China's
political system was against scientific progress

some figures
on scientific Joseph Needham; cultural factors prevented traditional Chinese achievements from
developing into what might be called “science”

and Jared Diamonds in the book Guns, Germ, and Steel stated that due to the absence of

geographical constraints in China's territory resulted in a government without
competition. Certainly different from countries like Denmark, Scandinavia, Italy, Greece,
which have mountains and peninsulas that must be defended. Or small islands like
England, Ireland, which if they don't focus on scientific progress, their throne will be

stagnation in
usurped by neighboring countries.

Natahan Sivin: once argued that China did experience the Chinese revolution in the 17th
century, but we just haven't been able to understand the scientific revolution that took
place in China. We need to see scientific developments in China in its own way.

We cannot validate knowledge based on only one definition of knowledge like western perspective. Especially when
comparing two knowledge with different backgrounds. It becomes unfair. In knowledge, every knowledge is
something valuable. Whether modern or classical knowledge, all play a role in the development of human life.

Chinese knowledge has very different characteristics as stated by Nathan Sivin. The character of Chinese knowledge
tends to be naturalistic, but in its derivation it is rooted in the needs of society at that time.

Chinese knowledge also relates theory to symbols, such as the theory of Yin Yang or the 5 Elements. So it takes a
deeper understanding to criticize it.

Every era has its ups and downs. In terms of knowledge both in China and in any country it happens. either because
of regional factors (geography), political factors, or trust factors. However, if you look at technological developments,
China has returned to the Aufklarung era and can be in the same position as European or American countries.
• Science and Chinese Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
• epistemology - The other-minds problem | Britannica
• https://en-m-wikipedia-History_of_science_and_technology_in_Chin

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