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Research Background
At the end of 2019, almost the entire world was shocked by the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease
2019 or often known as COVID-19 which was transmitted by the SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). The COVID-19 virus is an infectious disease that greatly affects
all aspects of life, one of which is in the field of education. During the Covid-19 pandemic, all people,
both working and studying, are required to stay at home and stay at home in an effort to prevent the
spread of the Covid-19 virus. One of these policies has an impact on the education sector which causes
changes in learning patterns for all students throughout the world, including Indonesia. The learning
pattern has changed in accordance with the Circular of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 2020 regarding education policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
learning process from home is carried out with the provisions of learning from home through
online/distance learning to provide a learning experience. which is meaningful for students, without
being burdened with demands to complete all curriculum achievements for grade promotion and
graduation (Kemendikbud RI, 2020).

The Education Policy during the COVID-19 pandemic suggested changes in learning activities to
be carried out at home in order to provide new, meaningful experiences for students in learning. The
implementation of learning carried out from home is called Distance Learning (PJJ) carried out with an
online system using mobile or computer electronic media through several online learning applications
(Kemendikbud RI, 2020). When carrying out PJJ students are required to use electronic media such as
mobile phones or computers in completing assignments as well as supporting other learning every day.
(Putri, 2019).
The online learning system causes students or students who are currently studying to feel stressed due to being
burdened with many tasks and not socializing with the surrounding environment. The results of a poll conducted by one of
the students of the Psychology Faculty of Soegejipranata University Semarang to psychology faculty students Inuka
Soegejiprinata about online learning found positive and negative comments. Positive comments obtained by 20% of
participants stated that online learning can be relaxed and laid down, so they are active in asking questions, not being shy,
and saving on transportation. Negative comments obtained by 80% of the participants stated that there were more
assignments than offline lectures, lack of material explanation, unable to discuss, complicated procedures, surprised that
they were not familiar with online and several other technical problems (Sanjaya F.R, 2020).
Based on research (Fauziyyah et al., (2021) 55.1% of the stress experienced by students in Indonesia during online
lectures is also added to the anxiety rate during online lectures by 40%. The cause of stress among students during the
Covid-19 pandemic is caused by The burden of lectures is increasing, the online lecture process is monotonous, unable to
carry out laboratory practice due to inadequate equipment at home, unstable internet signal, limited internet quota, unable to
carry out activities as usual and lack of opportunities to meet with other students. friends to socialize. As a result of the
online learning process besides causing psychological problems, namely stress, it also causes other health problems, namely
visual impairment as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) there are at least 2.2 billion people who have visual
impairments, and almost half of them have visual impairments. preventable disease (World Health Organization, 2014).
The incidence of eye fatigue (presbyopia) and myopia (nearsightedness) worldwide ranges from 75% to 90%. An
ophthalmologist in India shows that eye strain can reach as high as 97.8 from continuous use of a laptop or mobile phone.
Continuous screen monitoring can also cause blurred vision, headaches, and other eye health problems (WHO, 2020). The
most common causes of visual disturbances in the world are uncorrected refractive errors by 48.99%, cataracts by 21.81% and
degenerative factors due to old age by 4.1%. More than 75% of visual impairment problems can be prevented. According to
Indonesian data, the prevalence of severe low vision or impaired vision function for productive age (15-54 years) has a visual
acuity of less than 6/18, which is 1.49% with a blindness prevalence of 0.5%. 3 Provinces of Java Island, namely East Java
Province with 352,829 inhabitants, Central Java Province with 329,428 inhabitants and West Java with 328,933 inhabitants,
while the lowest number is in North Maluku, West Sulawesi and West Papua Provinces (Kemenkes RI, 2018).
One of the problems with the sense of sight that occurs due to excessive use of cellphones/computers is Computer Vision
Syndrome (CVS). The main cause of CVS is eye fatigue (Kemenkes, 2018). Tired eyes are caused by eye muscle tension,
where the eyes are forced to see small objects at close range for a long time. Eye strain is the most common eye complaint
among computer users who work for more than 6 hours a day. Efforts that can be made to reduce eye fatigue include resting
the eyes for a moment, doing eye exercise tricks, maintaining an ideal distance from the screen, using an LCD monitor and
using an anti-glare screen and adjusting the brightness level according to the workplace to reduce these ocular complaints to a
significant level. (Dianti, 2020).
The United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) says that approximately 90% of people who
spend 3 or more hours a day on computers can cause Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) (Anggrainy et al., 2020). Several studies
have shown that people who work more than 2-3 hours a day using computers are at a higher risk of developing CVS (Rathore,
2017). The American Optometric Association (AOA) has defined CVS as a close work-related eye problem that a person
experiences while using or related to smartphone use. The signs and symptoms that appear in patients with CVS are divided into
four categories, namely: 1) Asthenopia symptoms (tired eyes, eye strain, eye pain, dry eyes, and headache), 2) Symptoms related to
the ocular surface (watering eyes) , eye irritation, and contact lens wear), 3) Visual symptoms (blurred vision, double vision,
presbyopia, and difficulty focusing vision), and 4) Extraocular symptoms (shoulder pain, neck pain, and back pain). A person's
perception of CVS syndrome is that it is not a serious problem and does not interfere with the public's lack of awareness in checking
eye health to get the right treatment. Lack of handling for people with CVS syndrome can inhibit daily activities, reduce one's work
productivity, increase the error rate at work, and reduce job satisfaction. This impact is very detrimental and causes a decrease in a
person's quality of life (Al-Manjoumi et al., 2021).
The results of a previous study conducted by Smita Agarwal, et al in their research entitled "Evaluation of the Factors which
Contribute to the Ocular Complaints in Computer Users" stated that among 150 subjects who studied eye complaints reported eye
fatigue (53%), eye strain occurred. eyes (53.8%), itching (47.6%) and burning (66.7%) in subjects who used the computer for more
than 6 hours (Agarwal et al., 2013). The results of research by Adrian et. all, (2021) regarding "The Relationship of Online Learning
in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period with the Stress Level of S1 Nursing STIKes Baiturrahim Jambi Students" the results of the study
were obtained from 57 respondents, as many as 25 (43.9%) learning online was not good and as many as 32 (56, 1%) online
learning is good. Of the 75 respondents, 32 (56.1%) had mild stress, 16 (28.1%) had moderate stress and 9 (15.8%) had severe
In the results of a preliminary study conducted by observing and interviewing 8 nursing students (S-1) FITKes Unjani in the Cimahi area
aged 19-20 years, there were 5 students who stated that there was an extra burden during online learning which made them stressful because
lack of social interaction, lots of assignments, eyes feel tired and sore if you stare at the screen for too long, causing you to be less effective in
receiving the material given by the lecturer. There were 5 students who stated that they felt body pain, neck pain caused by sitting too long
during online learning. There were 3 students who stated that they felt dizzy if they stared at the laptop or cellphone screen for too long.
Nurses' experience in treating COVID-19 patients has been reported to be at risk for various mental problems later in life after the
pandemic (WHO, 2020; Xiang et al., 2020; Noer et al., 2021). Strategies that can be done for nurses to increase feelings of security, reduce
anxiety and stress and maintain good service quality for patients with good stress management efforts, so that psychological problems during
the pandemic can be overcome or minimized. Therefore, nurses need to improve coping strategies in responding to psychological problems to
protect mental health in combating the epidemic, especially when treating COVID-19 patients (Marwiati, Komsiyah, & Indarti, 2021).
There are various alternative techniques that are used to treat the symptoms of CVS, including resting the eyes after 20 minutes of
working in front of the computer, turning one's eyes on another object as far as 6 meters for 20 seconds, installing computer anti-glare panels
so that they are not exposed to glare from the monitor screen radiation, and it is recommended to blink more often. Likewise, according to
research, it is proven that to avoid tired eyes, you can apply the eye exercise method. In addition, acupressure is one solution. Acupressure is a
treatment technique that is safer and more practical to do. Even by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia itself, acupressure was
developed as part of a type of complementary alternative traditional health service skills. Based on the description of the problem on the
background and the facts that have been described previously, alternative therapies are needed that are useful for strengthening the visual aids
muscles, improving eye blood flow, and providing comfortable visualization accommodation that can be obtained from eye acupressure
techniques. So this study identifies the effectiveness of eye acupressure intervention on the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
Based on the phenomena and problems above, the researchers are interested in conducting research on the
relationship between online learning due to the covid-19 pandemic and the level of stress and risk of computer
vision syndrome (CVS) in nursing students fitkes unjani.

Formulation of the problem

Based on the above background, in this study the researchers formulated the problem formulation, namely "is
there a relationship between online learning due to the covid-19 pandemic with the level of stress and risk of
computer vision syndrome (CVS) in nursing students fitkes unjani“

Research purposes
Knowing the relationship between online learning due to the covid-19 pandemic and the level of stress and risk
of computer vision syndrome (CVS) in Unjani Health and Health Nursing students.
Benefit Research
1. Theoretical Benefits
a.Research can provide and become material for theoretical
conceptual studies
b. The results of this study are expected to be used as information and
1. Theoretical Benefits 2. Practical Benefits
a. Develop knowledge that has been studied, especially in the field
of Health sciences, especially nursing
b. The results of this study are expected to provide input to State or
3. Benefits for Private Universities in education services that are more effective in
2. Practical
Benefits the event of a pandemic again
3. Benefits for Further Researchers

Develop the interests and abilities of researchers in the field of

research more deeply.
According to the KBBI, a pandemic is defined as an epidemic that spreads simultaneously everywhere that covers a very wide geographic area. Disease
outbreaks that fall into the pandemic category are infectious diseases and have a continuous line of infection. Therefore, if the problem occurs in several other
countries. other than the country of origin, will be permanently classified as a pandemic.


According to the Ministry of Health (February 04, 2022) Confirmation through the official website of the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia Number HK.01.07/MENKES/4641/2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Examination, Tracking, Quarantine and Isolation in the Context
of Accelerating Prevention and Control of COVID-19, there are 5 degrees of symptoms of COVID-19 19, among others;
1) Asymptomatic, that is, there are no clinical signs.
2) Mild Symptoms: Patients with symptoms without evidence of viral pneumonia or without hypoxia, respiratory rate 12-20 breaths per minute and oxygen
saturation >95%.
3) Moderate symptoms with clinical signs of pneumonia such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing without signs of severe pneumonia, with
oxygen saturation of 93%.
4) Severe symptoms with clinical signs of pneumonia such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, plus one of the following: respiratory rate >30
breaths/minute, severe respiratory distress, or oxygen saturation <93%.
5) Critical: Patients with symptoms of respiratory failure, infectious complications, or multiorgan failure.
The spread of the Corona Virus initially had a major impact on the world's economy, which began to sluggish, but now the impact is also being felt by the world
of education. The policies taken by many countries, including Indonesia, by canceling all educational activities, have forced the government and related institutions to
provide alternative educational processes for students and students who cannot carry out the educational process at educational institutions (Safitri & Zulfa, 2020).

According to Charles D. Speilberger, stress is defined as external demands on a person, such as an object in the environment or a stimulus that is objectively
harmful. Stress can also be interpreted as pressure, tension, unpleasant disturbances that come from outside a person (Donsu, 2017).
Stress is a term to describe a demand to adapt from someone or someone's reaction to these demands. Thus, it can be concluded that stress is a condition of a
person that arises due to the inability to overcome the problems at hand, so that it can affect the biological, psychological, and social functions of that person. Based
on data obtained by the Association of Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialists (PDSKJI) researching the psychological development of the community during the
COVID-19 pandemic, 64.3% of the 1,522 respondents experienced anxiety or stress as a result of this pandemic (Harini, 2021).
Stress is divided into three, namely (Stress Management Concept / Priyoto | OPAC National Library of Indonesia.,
1) Mild Stress

Mild stress is a stressor that is commonly faced by everyone, such as too much sleep, due to traffic jams, criticism
from superiors and others. Mild stressful situations only last a few minutes or hours. The characteristics of mild
stress are increased enthusiasm, sharp eyesight, increased energy, but reduced energy reserves, increased ability to
complete lessons, often tired for no reason, sometimes there are system disorders such as digestion, brain, feeling
restless. Mild stress is useful because it can make a person think and try harder to face life's challenges.
2) Moderate Stress

Moderate stress lasts longer than mild stress. Reasons for moderate stress are unresolved situations with
coworkers, sick children, or long-term absences from relatives. The characteristics of moderate stress are
abdominal pain, muscle tension, feeling tense, disturbed sleep patterns.
3) Heavy Stress

Severe stress is a condition that is felt by a person for a long time and can last for several weeks or up to several
months, such as continuous marital disputes, financial difficulties that last a long time because there is no
improvement, separated from family, moving places, having an illness. chronic, and includes physical,
psychological and social changes in old age.
According (Nurlaeliyah, 2021) stress symptoms consist of physical, emotional, and coupled with behavior.
1) Physical symptoms include headaches, heart palpitations, changes in diet, weakness or weakness, frequent
urination, and difficulty swallowing.
2) Emotional symptoms include: depression, irritability, moody, anxious, worried, easy to cry, restless over
small things, panic, and impulsive behavior.
3) Behavioral symptoms such as: frowning, aggressive behavior, aloof tendencies, carelessness, blaming others,
daydreaming, high-pitched nervous laughter, pacing, and changing social behavior.
According (Dylan Trotsek, 2017) there are two aspects of stress, namely:
1) Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms caused by stress can include heart palpitations, very fast breathing, and hunting or gasping
for breath, dry mouth, shaking knees, hoarse voice, stomach twisting, headache like being tied up, sweating
profusely, feeling hot, hot, tense muscles. .
2) Psychic Symptoms
Anxious, restless, restless, sad, depressed, suspicious, phobic, confused, misunderstood, aggressive, unstable,
irritated, angry, panicked, overly conscientious.
(Dylan Trotsek, 2017), the factors that cause stress are:
1) Psychological Condition
a) Various conflicts and frustrations associated with modern life.
b) Various conditions that result in an attitude or feeling of inferiority, such as failure to achieve
something highly coveted.
c) Various circumstances of loss such as position, finances, friends, or a very loved life partner.
d) Various deficiency conditions that are perceived as a very decisive disability, such as physical
appearance, gender, age, intelligence, and others.
e) Various conditions of feelings of guilt, especially those concerning the moral code of ethics that are
upheld but fail to be implemented. Biological conditions, various infectious diseases, physical trauma
with damage to biological organs, malnutrition, physical exhaustion, and ongoing disruption of
biological functions.
2) Socio-Cultural Conditions
a) Hard and unhealthy competition.
b) Discrimination and all kinds of linkages will have an influence that hinders the development of
individuals and groups
c) Rapid social change if not balanced with adequate conventional ethical and moral adjustments will feel
a threat.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2019), including:
1) Maintain health by exercising/regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, applying clean and healthy lifestyle
2) Carry out activities according to interests and abilities
3) Think positive
4) Calm your mind and develop a hobby
5) Discuss complaints with someone you can trust
6) Increase worship according to their respective religions
(Jannah, 2021) describes efforts in an effort to overcome stress, which are as Homeostatic Principle In this principle the organism always tries to maintain a state
of balance in itself. So that if one day there is an unbalanced situation, there will be an attempt to return it to a balanced state. The principle of homeostasis applies
as long as the individual lives. Because The existence of the principle is basically to maintain the life of the organism.

Stress at a mild level can have a positive impact on individuals. This can motivate and provide enthusiasm to face challenges. While stress at high levels can
lead to depression, cardiovascular disease, decreased immune response (Donsu, 2017) the impact of stress is divided into three categories, namely:
a. Physiological Impact Disorders of the body's organs become hyperactive in one particular system such as certain muscles tighten/weak, heart damage,
ulcers and diarrhea.
b. Reproductive System Disorders For women, disruption of the menstrual cycle, failure to ovulate in women, impotence in men, lack of sperm
production in men, loss of sex drive.
c. Psychological Impact Emotional exhaustion, boredom, decreased personal achievement, resulting in decreased sense of competence and sense of
d. Behavioral Impact Decreased learning achievement, behavior outside the norms of society often occurs, has a negative impact on the ability to
remember information, make decisions, take appropriate and fast steps.
Computer Vision Syndrome is a variety of eye problems related to close work that a person experiences while or in connection with computer use. Someone
who uses a computer > 2 hours a day has a great risk of suffering from CVS (Erratum, 2017). The discomfort will increase with the length of time using the
computer. Tired eyes, eye strain, eyes feel heavy, sore, dry eyes and sore eyes, eyes feel a burning or hot sensation, blurred or blurry eyes and headaches are signs
of CVS (Bali et al., 2014).


CVS is caused by a decrease in the frequency of blinking when using a computer for a relatively long time. Studies have shown that a decrease in the
frequency of blinking (6-8 times/minute) results in complaints of dry eyes (Anshel 2008, Rathore et al 2010 in Raymond 2012). According to Chakrabati, the
cause of CVS is a combination of individual visual problems, poor workplace conditions and improper work habits (Meena Chakrabarti, 2007).
There are several factors that can cause this computer vision syndrome:
1) Environmental Factor : Cornea, which is the anterior part of the eye, is very sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, such as in offices, ventilation
problems, dry air can affect the occurrence of CVS. In general, room lighting in a work environment that uses a VDT (Visual Display Terminal) or often also
referred to as a monitor often uses high lighting. High light can dazzle the eyes, resulting in decreased focus in the eye.
2) Flashing Factor : Most people blink 10-15 times per minute. Studies show that there is a decrease in the frequency of blinking in individuals who use
computers. This decrease in frequency is due to concentration on what is done on the computer. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity also
affect blinking time. High temperatures and low humidity tend to cause a decrease in blinking frequency. A decrease in the frequency of blinking results in a
decrease in tear production. Decreased tear production can trigger CVS symptoms.
3) Gender : The prevalence of dry eye disease or dry eye complaints is twice as common in women (4.8%) than men (2.2%). Tear film thinning in women
occurs more rapidly than in men. According to Versura et al. (2005) in Aryanti (2011) reported that the prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome (SMK) was higher
in women, especially women who were postmenopausal. Dry eye is one of the symptoms of CVS.
4) Age : The production of tears decreases with increasing age. A study conducted by Bhanderi et al (2008). Shows a significant relationship between the
effect of age with the increased incidence of CVS. In this study, it was reported that individuals aged over 45 years were twice as likely to suffer from CVS
as individuals aged 15 to 25 years
5) Duration of Computer Use : The longer the duration of daily computer exposure is directly proportional to the number of symptoms experienced by
computer user respondents (Akinbinu and Mashalla, 2013). Working in front of a computer that does not stop for more than 4 hours is associated with
symptoms of eye strain (Wang et al., 2021). Previous studies reported that working continuously for 4 hours in front of the computer without interspersed
breaks was significantly associated with the incidence of asthenopia (Bali et al., 2007). Research by Reddy et al., (2013) concluded that respondents with
computer use for >2 hours complained of more symptoms than respondents who worked in front of a computer for 2 hours. The results of another study
showed that 6 hours of exposure in front of a computer screen resulted in more complaints related to CVS (Agarwal et al., 2013).
6) Rest Factor : After Computer Use Efforts to reduce CVS complaints can be done by taking a break between computer use. Rest for at least five minutes
every hour showed a decrease in both eye and musculoskeletal complaints without a significant effect on work results (Shrivastava and Bobhate, 2012).
7) Disease history : Several diseases can cause reduced tear secretion, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Sjogren's syndrome, obstruction of the eye
glands, arthritis, and trigeminal or facial nerve injury that causes tear hyposecretion. Other disorders can also increase tear evaporation, such as Meibomian
gland dysfunction, allergic conjunctivitis, vitamin A deficiency, and thyroid disease. Both of these things aggravate dry eye complaints in computer workers
(Sánchez-Valerio et al., 2020).

A collection of symptoms in the eyes and neck caused by excessive use of computers/monitors. Symptoms
experienced by patients with CVS (P2PTM RI Ministry of Health, 2019):

1) Eyes become blurry

2) Headache

3) Eye irritation

4) Double vision

5) Red & dry eyes


Dangers of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSH) that
CVS is a complaint of the eye or a complaint of complex vision when using a computer. According to the
American Optometric Association, CVS is directly related to visual function related to near work when using
computers (Nopriadi et al., 2019)
Prevention of Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome can be prevented by several measures, namely (Azkadina et al., 2012):

a. Routine eye exam

b. Setting the environment when using the computer

c. Break frequency

d. Avoid dry eyes

e. Know the symptoms of CVS

Online Learning

The Covid-19 pandemic has given a new face to the world of education in Indonesia. At this time, learning in
the network (online) is becoming widely known and implemented. The Covid-19 pandemic has become a
momentum for the transition of the learning system, from conventional learning to online learning. In addition to
online learning, there are also many substitute terms commonly known as e-learning, virtual learning, computer-
mediated learning, web-based learning, and distance learning. This distance learning process relies on the use of
technology as a means of knowledge transfer or virtual learning (Kemendikbud RI, 2020).
Benefits of Online Learning
The implementation of the online learning system is of course based on very careful consideration and with clear goals and benefits. The
Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim issued Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of
Education in the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Emergency which contained a decision regarding the provisions for the learning process
carried out from home. It is undeniable, the presence of technology provides many benefits and positive influences, especially in the world of
education. By utilizing the presence of technology, the educational process can still be carried out during a pandemic like this.

Disadvantages of Online Learning

According to (Kemendikbud RI, 2020) Online learning provides many benefits to the learning process. But besides all that, there are
obstacles and challenges faced by both teachers/lecturers, students, students or parents during the implementation of online learning. The
results of the Quick Study Survey Analysis of Learning from Home during the Covid-19 Prevention Period, explained that there were still
quite a number of educational institutions that did not implement learning from home because there was no adequate internet network or other
supporting devices. Internet as a problem for most people. The internet is a major supporting factor in conducting online learning. No internet
hence no online learning. The instability of the internet connection will greatly interfere with learning, especially if online learning is being
carried out.
Research Methodology
Research Design
The research approach design used is a cross sectional design. Cross sectional research design is a form of observational (non-
experimental) study that is most often carried out. In the Cross Sectional design, we often look for the relationship between the independent
variable (risk factor) and the dependent variable (effect) by taking measurements from time to time (Sastroasmoro & Ismael, 2011) so that an
overview of the relationship between courageous learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic and stress and risk levels will be obtained.
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) in the FITKes Unjani science student program.

Population Sample
The population is a generalization area consisting of The sample is part of the number and
objects/subjects that have certain characteristic qualities that characteristics possessed by the population
are determined by researchers to be studied and then (Sugiyono, 2018). The sample in this study was
conclusions are drawn (Sugiyono, 2018). The population in selected randomly, not seen from which class and
this study were Nursing Science Students (S-1) FITKes only focused on level 1 using the total sampling
Unjani Level 1, amounting to 160 people. method, and the respondents were Nursing
a) Inclusion Criteria Science Students (S-1) level 1 FITKes Unjani.
1) Level I students who use glasses and those who do
not wear glasses
2) Assuming all respondents are the same regarding all
online learning attendance
3) have a smartphone
Technique of Data Collection Location and Time of Research

In this study, researchers used a test using a computer-vision

This research was conducted at FITKes
symptom scale (CVSS17) questionnaire (González-Pérez et al.,
Unjani Nursing Science Study Program (S-
2014) to measure the risk of CVS and used questionnaire
1) and was carried out in July to Nursing
(Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K10 (Andrews & Slade,
Science Students (S-1) FITKes Unjani.
2001) to measure stress levels.


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