Sustainable Development Goal 4

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United Nations

Educational, Scientific Sustainable

and Cultural Development
Organization Goals
When did it start?

The Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs) were developed at the
United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development, held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2012.
To create a set of global
goals, related to the
environmental, political, and
economic challenges that we
face as humanity.
Children’s access to early learning opportunities at home or in
quality center-based environments play a pivotal role in their
holistic development during the critical early childhood period
starting at birth .2 Providing young children with access to
nurturing, stimulating and secure environments builds the
foundations for their healthy cognitive, language, socio-emotional
and physical development. While these opportunities begin and
flourish in the home, it is generally recognized that all children
stand to benefit developmentally from access to quality early
childhood care and education (ECCE) environments, including
pre-primary education. Specifically, as a result of entering social
education networks before primary school, children are more
likely to be ready for primary school, have better learning
outcomes, and complete higher levels of education. Yet, many
children across the world enter primary school without having
spent any time in a formal education setting.
According to World
Population Review, these are
the list of countries offering
free higher education:

World Population Review

Skills for employment, decent jobs, and
entrepreneurship, the focus of target 4.4, encompass
a wide scope. The 2016 Global Education Monitoring
Report outlined a range of skills that could be covered
but emphasized that skill requirements were specific
to job opportunities, which differ by country. Given
the task of identifying skills that (a) are relevant in
diverse labor market contexts, (b) are acquired
through education and training, and (c) can be
measured in a meaningful way at low cost, the SDG
monitoring framework has focused on ICT and digital
literacy skills.
Our group discussion. But unfortunately
the video was not captured and the first
part of the discussion,too. The OBS didn’t
work well.

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