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• Definitions
• Pathophysiology
• Standard of care (approach & management)
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

• SIRS is defined as 2 or more of the following variables:

• Fever of more than 38°C (100.4°F) or less than 36°C
• Heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute
• Respiratory rate of more than 20 breaths per minute or
arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) of less than 32
mm Hg
• Abnormal white blood cell count (>12,000/µL or <
4,000/µL or >10% immature [band] forms)

Sepsis— A life-threatening condition

caused by a dysregulated host response to
infection, resulting in organ dysfunction.

Septic shock— Circulatory, cellular, and

metabolic abnormalities in septic patients,
presenting as fluid-refractory hypotension
(MAP<65mmgh) requiring vasopressor therapy with
associated tissue hypoperfusion (lactate > 2mmol/L).

 Inflammation  Hypoperfusion/hypoxia  Organ dysfunction
Microvascular thrombosis Global tissue hypoxia
 Coagulation
Endothelial dysfunction Direct tissue damage
 Fibrinolysis
Standard care of sepsis
•Early Identification ( Hx & examination) &
early source identification .
•Early Resuscitation
•Early inotropes
•Early appropriate Antibiotics
•Control the source

Phases of Septic Shock:
Ischemia and reperfusion phase repeated assessments of
intravascular fluid status and determination for further fluid
Maintain intravascular volume, replace ongoing fluid losses, support
organs dysfunction, avoid iatrogenic harm with unnecessary fluid
With this in mind, fluid resuscitation should be managed as
follows during consecutive
• Rescue: During the initial minutes to hours, fluid boluses (a 1-
to 2-L fluid bolus of crystalloid solution) are required to reverse
hypoperfusion and shock.
• Optimization: During the second phase, the benefits of giving
additional fluid to improve cardiac output and tissue perfusion
should be weighed against potential harms.
• Stabilization: During the third phase, usually 24 to 48 hours
after the onset of septic shock, an attempt should be made to
achieve a net neutral or a slightly negative fluid balance.
• De-escalation: The fourth phase, marked by shock resolution
and organ recovery, should trigger aggressive fluid removal
Saline versus Albumin Fluid

Fluid Therapy

• Crystalloid (RL, NS) as fluid at 30 ml/kg

within 1 hour!.
• Goal is to reach target MAP (≥ 65 mm Hg )
• Albumin:
• Used in fluid refractory septic shock and if
>0.2 mcg/kg/min of Norad. is required
• Dose: 100-200ml of 20% Human Albumin
within 30-60 minutes
Central venous catheter vs. peripheral lines

Which is better in fluid Resuscitation???

Multiple wide bore cannulae (14 or16
gauge) is more effective than a central
line in fluid resuscitation in case of
Targets in resuscitation
• Map  65 mmHg (SBP  90 mmHg)
• Urine output  0.5 ml/kg /hr
• SVO2  70%
• CVP 8-12 mmHg
• LACTATE ≤ 2.0


SvO2 O2 Content

Venous Arterial

O2 Consumption
O2 Return O2 Delivery

Capillary Beds

 Central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2)

 Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)
Inotropes and vasopressors

• Target MAP ≥ 65 mm Hg
• Noradrenaline : 1st Choice
• Adrenaline: when additional agent is needed.
• Vasopressin 0.03 units-0.04 units/min: added to NE with
intent of either raising MAP or decrease Norad dose
(Salvage Therapy).
• Low dose vasopressin not recommended.
• Dopamine: alternative to Norad only in selected patients,
Patients with low risk of tachycardia or absolute relative
• Phenylephrine:
Not recommended except:
• NE is a/w serious arrythmias.
• Cardiac output is known to be high as BP persistently low.
• Salvage therapy when combined inotropes/vasopressor
drugs have failed.
• Dobutamine:
• Up to 20 mcg/kg/min in presence of:
• Myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac
filling pressures and low cardiac output
• Ongoing signs of hypoperfusion, despite achieving
adequate intravascular volume and adequate MAP.
Steroid Therapy

• NOT recommended to treat septic shock if fluids or

vasopressors can maintain MAP (Hemodynamic
• If this is not achievable, Inj. Hydrocortisone 200
Other Supportive Therapy

1. Infection Prevention:
• Limited patient contact
• Hand washing
• Prevent Ventilator associated pneumonia
• Propped Up position
• Chlorhexidine mouth wash

2. Blood Products:
• Once tissue hypoperfusion has resolved
• RBC transfusion only if Hb <7 g/dl
• NOT to use erythropoietin, antithrombin
• FFP not to be used to correct lab clotting abnormalities in absence of bleeding or
planned invasive procedure.
• Administer platelets prophylactically if:
• Platelets < 10,000/uL in absence of apparent bleeding
• Platelets < 20,000/uL if risk of bleeding
• Platelets < 50,000/uL if active bleeding, surgery
• No use of Selenium or Immunoglobulins
3. Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis induced ARDS:

• Target TV 6 ml/kg predicted body weight

• Head end of bed 30-45 ° elevated
• Plateau pressures initial upper limit goal in passively inflated lung ≤ 30
cm water
• Apply PEEP
• For Severe Hypoxemia: use recruitment maneuvers
• Prone Positioning: PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤ 100 mm Hg
• In absence of specific indications (bronchospasm) DO NOT use beta-2
agonists in sepsis induced ARDS.
• Avoid NMBAs as possible but a short course(<48 hr) can be used in
early sepsis induced ARDS and a PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤ 150 mm Hg
• 4. Glucose Control:
• If 2 consecutive blood glucose levels are >180 mg/dl, commence
insulin dosing
• Target: ≤ 180 mg/dl
• Glucose monitoring every 1-2 hours until glucose values and insulin
rates are stable and then every 4 hours thereafter.

• 5. Bicarbonate:
• NOT to be used if pH ≥ 7.15
• Used after calculating deficit
• Shouldn't be corrected rapidly
• 6. DVT Prophylaxis:
• Daily LMWH (Inj. Enoxaparin 40 mg SC OD)
• If CrCl < 30 ml/min, use Dalteparin or another form of LMWH
that has low degree of renal metabolism.
• Graduated compression stockings or intermittent compression

• 7. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis:

• H2 Histamine blocker
• Proton Pump Inhibitors
• 8. Nutrition:
• • Oral or enteral feeding as tolerated within the first 48 hours
of diagnosis.
• Low dose feeding (up to 500 calories/day) in 1st week,
advancing only as tolerated.
• • Use IV glucose and enteral nutrition rather than TPN alone in
first 7 days.

* Early within (1) HR (Hit hard Hit fast’ with a high dose
of broad-spectrum antibiotic).
* Appropriate spectrum
* Duration :
Empiric combination therapy should not be administered
for >3-5 days de-escalation to appropriate single therapy.
Duration of therapy: 7-10 days (longer for slower
C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate :
have been used in the past, but with limited success.
has emerged as a method to help detect bacterial infections early
and to guide de-escalation or discontinuation of antibiotics.
Procalcitonin-guided de-escalation of antibiotics reduces
duration of antibiotic exposure, with a trend toward decreased
Galactomannan and beta-D-glucan:
can be used to detect infections with fungi, specially Aspergillus.
Beta-d-glucan is more sensitive for invasive Aspergillus, while
galactomannan is more specific.
Cytokines such as interleukins (eg, IL- 6, IL-8, IL-10),
tumor necrosis factor alpha, acute-phase proteins, and
receptor molecules:
are currently being studied to determine their utility in sepsis care.
The limited sensitivity and specificity of single biomarkers may be
overcome by using a combination of biomarkers, which is a
current focus of research.
For now, the decision to initiate, escalate, and de-escalate therapy
should be based on clinical assessment, with procalcitonin or
other biomarkers used as an adjunct to other clinical factors.
Source Control

 Early Identification of the Source

 4 D’s
 Team Work
 Communication

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