Vocabulary From Life On The Mississippi

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 gilded /ˈgɪl.dɪd/ adjective
 1. [ before noun ] covered with a thin layer of
gold or a substance that looks like gold; gilt
 The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the
 2. LITERARY rich or of a higher social class
 The story revolves around the gilded youth of
the 1920s and their glittering lifestyles.
 gild /gɪld/ verb [ T ]
 1. to cover a surface with a thin layer of gold or
a substance that looks like gold
 2. LITERARY to cover the surface of something
with bright gold light
 Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
 grandeur (GRAN juhr) n. state of being
impressive; magnificence
 grandeur /ˈgræn.djə r / /-dʒɚ/ noun [ U ]
 the quality of being very large and special or
 the silent grandeur of the desert
 the grandeur of Wagner's music
 exalted (ehg ZAWLT ihd) adj. of high rank
 exalted /ɪgˈzɑl.tɪd/ /-ˈzɑːl.t ̬ɪd/ adjective
 1. An exalted position in an organization is a
very important one
 She rose to the exalted post of Foreign
 exalted /ɪgˈzɑl.tɪd/ /-ˈzɑːl.t ̬ɪd/ adjective
 2. FORMAL extremely happy
 exalt /ɪgˈzɒlt/ /-ˈzɑːlt/ verb [ T ]
 1. FORMAL to raise someone to a higher rank or
more powerful position
 2. OLD USE to praise someone a lot
 ornamented (AWR nuh mehnt ihd) adj.
decorated; adorned
 ornament /ˈɔː.nə.ment/ /ˈɔːr-/ verb [ T ]
 to add decoration to something
 She ornamented her letters with little
drawings in the margin.
 picturesquely (pihk chuh REHSK lee) adv. in a
way that resembles a picture; in a way that is
striking or interesting
 The movie portrayed scenes from the state
 picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃ ə rˈesk/ /-tʃəˈresk/
 (especially of a place) attractive in appearance,
especially in an old-fashioned way
 The picturesque narrow streets of the old city
were noticed.
 eminence (EHM uh nuhns) n. position of great
importance or superiority
 eminence /ˈem.ɪ.nən t  s/ noun [ U ]
 the state of being famous, respected or
 his eminence as a film director
 Practice 416
 Possible responses:
 1. It might be decorated with features such as
elegant window boxes, fancy shutters, different
colors of paint, and gargoyles to make it fancy.
 2. Gold paint or gold leaf would be used to make
a gilded picture frame.
 3. I would feel honored because an exalted
person is revered.
 4. The tourist probably would be impressed and
would take many photographs.
 5. A person of eminence should be addressed
with respect and politeness.
 6. Picturesque features might include a lake or
river, a lovely dock, small boats, and seagulls.
 Worksheet
 1. A gilded clock is finished with gold so it
would be expensive.
 2. The grandeur of nature could be
experienced in one of our National Parks, or
along the coast, in the mountains, or in most any
natural setting.
 3. Yes, a musician who is exalted enjoys
popular appeal and tremendous achievement.
 4. An expensive car is more likely to be
ornamented because it likely has more features.
 5. No, a picturesque scene in a movie would
be very good for tourism.
 6. Yes, a person of eminence is high-ranking,
well-known, or respected.

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