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Use a symbol or an object that best
describes you.
Draw the symbol or object in a
piece of paper.

Divide the learners into teams; you may have 2 or

more teams depending on the size of your class.
Ask for a volunteer timer to keep the time to 2
minutes per round of pantomime acting.
Each member of each team gets to pick and act out
a situation for the other team. The other team
What was it like to act out various feelings?
What did you learn about yourself as you reacted
to different situations?
What did you learn about your peers’ feelings in
different situations?
How can we support each other especially during
difficult times?
We all have our own responses to different
things depending on our experiences growing
up. It’s important for us to respect other
people’s feelings and show empathy and
support especially when they are
experiencing difficulty. Support can come in
the form of mere presence, or letting them
know you are there for them as a friend.
In a group of 3, participants will discuss the
following questions:
What are the common stressors that students
What are the body sensations or thought patterns that
a person have during stressful situation?
What are the ways to reduce stress
Each group will share their answers.
Teacher invites learners to be in a comfortable seated position.
The teacher invites learners to breathe gently, relaxing their
chest and shoulders as they do so, and noticing how their
stomachs expand when they inhale, and contract as they
exhale; they may even want their learners to check if they are
breathing correctly by putting their hands on their bellies to
check ( and then reminding them they can let go of their bellies
when the script begins).
Teacher reads the script in a soothing, soft tone, giving
instructions gently and slowly, to encourage relaxation. Teacher
needs to keep her eyes open
1. Take three breaths, and then if you feel ready, either
close your eyes or lower them to the ground. Take three
more breaths, then notice the sounds around you or the
thoughts in your mind.
2. Keep breathing, then begin to let those sounds and
thoughts go, passing by like passing clouds. Then come
back to your breathing. Take another three breaths
remembering that if other thoughts come to your mind,
you can let them go, like you let the clouds pass by.
3. Now imagine a gentle, soft, beautiful cloud in your
favorite color, forming at your feet.

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