3.14.1 SB Class

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ŚB 3.14.

श्रीशुक उवाच
निशम्य कौषारविणोपवर्णितां
हरे: कथां कारणसूकरात्मन: ।
पुन: स पप्रच्छ तमुद्यताञ्जलि-
र्न चातितृप्तो विदुरो धृतव्रत: ॥ १ ॥
śrī-śuka uvāca
niśamya kauṣāraviṇopavarṇitāṁ
hareḥ kathāṁ kāraṇa-sūkarātmanaḥ
punaḥ sa papraccha tam udyatāñjalir
na cātitṛpto viduro dhṛta-vrataḥ
śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; niśamya — after hearing; kauṣāraviṇā — by the sage
Maitreya; upavarṇitām — described; hareḥ — of the Personality of Godhead; kathām — narrations; 
kāraṇa — for the reason of lifting the earth; sūkara-ātmanaḥ — of the boar incarnation; punaḥ —
again; saḥ — he; papraccha — inquired; tam — from him (Maitreya); udyata-añjaliḥ — with folded
hands; na — never; ca — also; ati-tṛptaḥ — very much satisfied; viduraḥ — Vidura; dhṛta-vrataḥ —
taken to a vow.
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: After hearing from the great sage Maitreya about the Lord’s
incarnation as Varāha, Vidura, who had taken a vow, begged him with folded hands to please
narrate further transcendental activities of the Lord, since he [Vidura] did not yet feel
Text 3.14. 2:
  Śrī Vidura said: O chief amongst the great sages, I have heard by disciplic
succession that Hiraṇyākṣa, the original demon, was slain by the same
form of sacrifices, the Personality of Godhead [Lord Boar].
Text 3.14.3:
  What was the reason, O brāhmaṇa, for the fight between the demon king
and Lord Boar while the Lord was lifting the earth as His pastime?
Text 3.14.4:
  My mind has become very inquisitive, and therefore I am not satisfied with
hearing the narration of the Lord’s appearance. Please, therefore, speak
more and more to a devotee who is faithful.
Text 3.14.5:
  The great sage Maitreya said: O warrior, the inquiry made by you is just
befitting a devotee because it concerns the incarnation of the Personality of
Godhead. He is the source of liberation from the chain of birth and death
for all those who are otherwise destined to die.
Chanakya pandita says
• One ought to be satisfied with these three - with one’s own
wife/husband, food, and wealth. One should never be satisfied with
these three – Sastric studies, chanting/glorifying lord and offering
charity- Chanakya Pandita
•  Vidura was anxious to hear about the chivalrous activities of the Lord
in His incarnations of Varāha and Nṛsiṁha.
War sequences in our Sastras
• Hanuman killing demons during his visit to search sita mata
• Glorious fight between Arjuna & kauravas, Uttara go grahanam.
• Rama Killing Khara Dushana in Ramayana.
• Rama Ravana Yuddham.
• Dhruva fighting with Yakshas
• Krishna killing all demons during his balya leela
• Lord Narasimha fighting with Hiranyakashipu
• Kurukshetra war-Mahabharata
Valmiki Ramayana 6.1.12 & 13
• idaṃ tu mama dīnasya
manō bhūyaḥ prakarṣati ।
yadihāsya priyākhyātuḥ
na kurmi sadṛṡaṃ priyam ॥

• I only feel nagged by this sadness in my mind

that I could give nothing to him in return
that is the like of the pleasing news he gave me.
• ēṣa sarvasvabhūtastu
pariṣvaṅgō hanūmataḥ ।
mayā kālamimaṃ prāpya
dattastasya mahātmanaḥ ॥

• At this time, all I can do is to give

my embrace, with all my heart and soul,
to Hanumān, the Mahātma.
Valmiki Ramayana 3.24.19 & 20
• sa tēnāgni nikāṡēna
kavacēna vibhūṣitaḥ ।
babhūva rāma stimirē
vidhūmō'gnirivōtthitaḥ ॥

• Adorned with that fiery-bright armor,

Rāma looked like a smokeless flame
that arose in the dark.
• tatō dēvāssagandharvāḥ
siddhāṡca saha cāraṇaiḥ ।
samēyuṡca mahātmānō
yuddhadarṡanakāṅkṣiṇaḥ ॥

• Then all the Mahātmas,

the Dēvas and the Gandharvas,
the Siddhas and the Cāraṇas
assembled there, eager to see the fight.
Valmiki Ramayana 3.30.39
• taṃ dṛṣṭvā ṡatruhantāraṃ
maharṣīṇāṃ sukhāvaham ।
babhūva hṛṣṭā vaidēhī
bhartāraṃ pariṣasvajē ॥

• Seeing him, the slayer of the foe

who had brought comfort to Maharshis,
Vaidēhi was very happy and hugged her husband.
• The topics of the warfare in which the Lord engages do not concern
the war of death but the war against the chain of māyā which obliges
one to accept repeated birth and death. 
• In other words, one who takes delight in hearing the war topics of
the Lord is relieved from the chains of birth and death.

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