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UNIT – 3
Sampath Kumar Kumaraswamy
Media Terminology
Media A series of decisions involving the delivery of messages
Planning to audiences

Goals to be attained by the media strategy and program

Decisions on how the media objectives can be attained

The various categories of delivery systems, including

broadcast and print media

Broadcast Either radio or television network or local station

Media broadcasts
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Media Terminology
Print Publications such as newspapers, magazines, direct
Media mail, outdoor, etc.

Media Vehicle The specific carrier within a medium category

Number of different audience members exposed at

least once in a given time period

The potential audience that might receive the message

through the vehicle

The number of times the receiver is exposed to the

media vehicle in a specific time period
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Deciding on media

Reach, Frequency & Impact:

Reach – No. of different persons or households exposed to a particular

media schedule at least once during a specified time period.

Frequency – No. of times within the specified time period that an

average person or household is exposed to the message.

Impact – Qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium

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Media selection is finding the most

cost-effective media to deliver the
desired no. & type of exposures to
target audience. The effect of
exposures on audience awareness
depends on reach, frequency &

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Relationship between R, F & I

Total no. of exposures (E) = R X F

This is called GRP (gross rating point).


If a given media schedule reaches 80% of homes with average

exposure frequency of 3, it is said to have a GRP of 240

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Media planner has to figure out most cost-effective combination of

reach, frequency & impact. Reach is most important when launching
new products, extensions of well-known brands, or infrequently
purchased brands. Frequency is most important when there are strong
competitors, complex story, high consumer resistance or frequent-
purchase cycle.

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Costing of Media Vehicle

Media planners calculate cost per thousand

persons reached by a vehicle. If a full page
color ad in India Today costs 5 lacs & its
estimated readership is 15 lacs, then cost of
exposing ad to 1000 persons is approx. Rs.
333/-. If it costs 4 lacs in Outlook, with 13 lac
readership, cost per 1000 people will work
out to Rs. 300/-. So media guy may choose
Outlook as more cost effective.

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Media timing

Timing pattern should consider 3 factors:

Buyer turnover is rate at which new buyers enter market –

higher the rate more the advtg. reqd.

Purchase frequency is no. of times during period that average

buyer buys product – higher the freq., higher the advtg. reqd.

Forgetting rate is rate at which buyer forgets brand – higher the

rate, higher the advtg. reqd.

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For new product launches
Continuity: achieved by
scheduling exposures evenly
throughout a given period.

Concentration: spending all ad

money in a single period.

Flighting: advertising for some period,

followed by a hiatus (break) with no
advertising, followed by a second period
of advertising activity.

Pulsing: continuous advertising at low-weight

levels, reinforced periodically by waves of
heavier activity.

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Three Scheduling Methods




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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Evaluating advertising effectiveness
• Consumer Feedback method
• Portfolio test
• Laboratory test
* SOV (share of voice):
Share of advertising expenditures produces a
share of voice (% of company advertising of that
product to all advertising of that product) that earns
a share of consumers’ minds & hearts & a share of

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Approaches to the Major Selling Idea: USP

Unique Selling Proposition

Benefit Unique Potent

Buy this Must be unique The promise

produce and to this brand or must be strong
you'll benefit claim; something enough or
this way or rivals can't or attractive
enjoy this don't offer enough to move
reward people

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Reasons for Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

1. Avoiding costly mistakes

• Understanding how well money is being spent
• Opportunity loss due to poor communications
• Measuring the effectiveness of poor communications

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Reasons for Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

2. Evaluating • Which strategy is most effective


3. Increasing the
• Problem with losing sight of the message
efficiency of and expecting the audience to understand
advertising in

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Decisions for Measuring
Advertising Effectiveness

What to test..?

When to test..?

Where to test..?
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What to Test

Creative decisions

The creative theme/idea can be tested

To see the reaction and different message appeals of the target audience

Reinforcing the brand position in the target’s mind

Using a variety of creative tools

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What to Test

Media Decisions

Using research to determine the most

effective media vehicle

Evaluating Flighting v. Pulsing or continuous


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What to Test

Budgeting Decisions

Examining the effect of budget size on advertising

Sales are not an indicator of effectiveness because

they ignore the other elements of the marketing mix

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When to Test

Taken before the campaign is implemented

Can occur at any time from idea generation to final implementation

Feedback is relatively inexpensive with pretesting

Potential that message may not be communicated as effectively as the final


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When to Test

Post Testing

1. Determine if the campaign is

accomplishing its predetermined objectives

2. Serve as input into the next period’s

situational analysis

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Rough Art, Copy, and Commercial Testing

Comprehensio • Conveying meaning intended by assessing

n & Reaction responses

• Uses consumers to evaluate the probable success of

an ad
Consumer • Self-appointed expert
• Limited evaluation of the number of ads
Juries • Halo effect (circle/group)
• Specific ad preferences overshadowing objectivity

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Television Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
Mass Coverage Low Selectivity

High Reach Short Message Life

Impact of Sight, Sound

High Absolute Cost
and Motion

High Prestige High Production Cost

Low Cost Per Exposure Clutter (disorder)

Attention Getting

Favorable Image
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Radio Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
Local Coverage Audio Only

Low Cost Clutter

High Frequency Low Attention Getting

Flexible Fleeting Message

Low Production Cost

Well-segmented Audience

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Magazine Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
Long Lead Time for
Segmentation Potential
Ad Placement

Quality Reproduction Visual Only

High Information Content Lack of Flexibility


Multiple Readers

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Newspaper Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
High Coverage Short Life

Low Cost Clutter

Short Lead Time for Placing Ads Low Attention Getting

Ads Can Be Placed in Interest Poor Reproduction Quality


Timely (Current Ads) Selective Reader Exposure

Reader Controls Exposure

Can Be Used for Coupons

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Outdoor Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
Location Specific Sort Exposure Time

High Repetition Short Ads

Easily Noticed Poor Image

Local Restrictions

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Direct Mail Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
High Selectivity High Cost Per Contact

Reader Controls Exposure Poor Image (Junk Mail)

High Information Content Clutter

Repeat Exposure Opportunities

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Internet Pros and Cons
Advantages Disadvantages
User Selects Product Information Limited Creative Capabilities

User Attention and Involvement Websnarl (Crowded Access)

Interactive Relationship Technology Limitations

Few Valid Measurement

Direct Selling Potential Techniques

Flexible Message Platform Limited Reach

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Media Planning and Strategy

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Developing the Media Plan
Situation Marketing
Marketing CreativeCreative
Analysis Analysis Strategy
Plan Plan Strategy
Plan Plan

Setting Media Objectives

Determining Media Strategy

Selecting Broad Media Classes

Selecting Media Within Class

Media Use Decision Media Use Decision Media Use Decision

— Broadcast — Print — Other Media

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Media Planning Difficulties

Lack of Information

in Media

Time Inconsistent
Pressure Terms

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Developing the Media Plan
Analyze the Market

Establish Media Objectives

Develop Media Strategy

Implement Media Strategy

Evaluate Performance
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Target Audience Coverage
Population excluding target market
Target market
Media coverage
Media overexposure

Target Full Partial Coverage

Market Market Market Exceeding
Proportion Coverage Coverage Market

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Marketing Factors Determining Frequency


Brand Loyalty Brand Share Usage Cycle

Brand History Share of Voice Target Group

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Message Factors Determining Frequency

Message Message Complexity

or Creative
Factors Message Uniqueness

New Vs. Continuing Campaigns

Image Versus Product Sell

Message Variation


Advertising Units

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Media Factors Determining Frequency


Scheduling Repeat Exposures

Media Factors


Number of Media
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Determining Relative Cost of Media-Print

Cost per thousand (CPM)

Cost of ad space
CPM = (absolute cost) X 1,000

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Determining Relative Cost of Media-Broadcast

Cost per rating point (CPRP)

Cost of commercial time

CPRP = Program rating

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Thank U

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